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Healthy Timing and Spacing of Pregnancies in Asia, and Haiti. Leanne Dougherty, MPH Knowledge Management Services Project January 11, 2012. Total Fertility Rate (TFR) Asia and Haiti. Total fertility r ates range from 2.6 in Nepal to 5.2 in Yemen. TFR.
Healthy Timing and Spacing of Pregnancies in Asia,and Haiti Leanne Dougherty, MPH Knowledge Management Services Project January 11, 2012
Total Fertility Rate (TFR) Asia and Haiti Total fertility rates range from 2.6 in Nepal to 5.2 in Yemen. TFR Source: Demographic and Health Surveys for given years. *Preliminary Report. *Yemen data are from Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey. Data for Afghanistan are unavailable.
Total Fertility Rate, by Richest and Poorest Wealth Quintiles, Asia and Haiti Total fertility rates are significantly higher in the poorest quintiles as compared with the richest quintiles. TFR Source: Demographic and Health Surveys by given year. Data for Afghanistan and Yemen are unavailable.
Percentage of Married Women Using a Modern Method of Contraception, Asia and Haiti Use of modern contraception varies in PRH priority countries (AME & LAC), ranging from 21.7 to 47.5 percent Percent Source: Demographic and Health Surveys for given years. Data for Afghanistan and Yemen are unavailable.
Percentage of Married Women Using a Modern Method of Contraception, by Wealth Quintile, Asia and Haiti Use among poor women is consistently lower than among rich women in PRH priority countries. Percent • Source: Demographic and Health Surveys for given years. Data for Afghanistan and Yemen are unavailable.
Percentage of Married Women Aged 15–49 Currently Using Various Methods of ContraceptionAsia and Haiti Temporary methods are most popular in the PRH priority countries of Bangladesh, Pakistan, the Philippines, and Haiti, while permanent methods are most common in Uttar Pradesh (UP) State, India and in Nepal. Source: Demographic and Health Surveys for given years. *Preliminary Report. Definition of methods: temporary (pills, injectables, and condoms), long acting (IUD and implant), permanent (male and female sterilization), fertility awareness (cycle beads and LAM), traditional (withdrawal and periodic abstinence). Data are unavailable for Afghanistan and Yemen.
Percentage of Married Women Aged 15–49 Currently Using Various Methods of Contraception in Rural Areas, Asia and Haiti Temporary methods are most popular in rural areas in PRH priority countries of Bangladesh, Pakistan, the Philippines, and Haiti, while in Uttar Pradesh (UP) State, India and in Nepal, permanent and long-acting methods are preferred, respectively. Source: Demographic and Health Surveys for given years. *Preliminary Report. Definition of methods: temporary (pills, injectables, and condoms), long acting (IUD and implant), permanent (male and female sterilization), fertility awareness (cycle beads and LAM), traditional (withdrawal and periodic abstinence). Data are unavailable for Afghanistan and Yemen.
Percentage of Married Women Aged 15–49 Currently Using Various Methods of Contraception in Urban Areas, Asia and Haiti Temporary methods are most popular in urban areas in all PRH priority countries in Asia and in Haiti. Source: Demographic and Health Surveys for given years. *Preliminary Report. Definition of methods: temporary (pills, injectables, and condoms), long acting (IUD and implant), permanent (male and female sterilization), fertility awareness (cycle beads and LAM), traditional (withdrawal and periodic abstinence). Data are unavailable for Afghanistan and Yemen.
Percentage of Births by Number of Months Since Preceding BirthAsia and Haiti Source: Demographic and Health Surveys for given years. Pakistan is ever-married only. Data are unavailable for Afghanistan and Yemen.
Percentage of Births by Number of Months Since Preceding Birth Among Women Aged 15–19Asia and Haiti Source: Demographic and Health Surveys for given years. Pakistan is ever-married only. Data are unavailable for Afghanistan and Yemen.
Percentage of Births in Fewer Than 36 Months Since Preceding Birth, by ResidenceAsia and Haiti On average, rural women appear to be slightly more likely to space their births fewer than 36 months apart. Source: Demographic and Health Surveys for given years. Pakistan data are ever-married only. Data are unavailable for Afghanistan and Yemen.
Percentage of Births in Fewer Than 36 Months Since Preceding Birth, by Wealth Quintile Asia and Haiti In general, women in the poorest wealth quintile are more likely to space their births fewer than 36 months apart. Source: Demographic and Health Surveys for given years. Pakistan data are ever-married only. Data are unavailable for Afghanistan and Yemen.
Wanted Total Fertility Rate (TFR)Asia and Haiti Wanted total fertility rates range from 1.9 to 3.1 in PRH priority countries in Asia and Haiti. Source: STATcompiler– most recent Demographic and Health Surveys. Information is not available for Afghanistan, Yemen and India (UP).
Wanted Total Fertility Rate (TFR), by Wealth QuintileAsia and Haiti Wanted total fertility rates are consistently higher among the lowest wealth quintile in PRH priority countries in Asia and Haiti. Source: STATcompiler– most recent Demographic and Health Surveys. Information is not available for Afghanistan, Yemen and India (UP).
Percentage of Women Aged 15–19 Who Are Mothers or Pregnant With Their First ChildAsia and Haiti Adolescent pregnancy varies in PRH priority countries in Asia, where the percentage of women aged 15–19 who are mothers or pregnant with their first child ranges from 9.1 percent in Pakistan to 32.7 percent in Bangladesh. Source: STATcompiler– most recent Demographic and Health Surveys. Information is not available for Afghanistan, Yemen and India (UP). Note: Bangladesh sample is ever-married women.
Percentage of Women Aged 15–19 Who Are Mothers or Pregnant With Their First Child, by Wealth QuintileAsia and Haiti Adolescent pregnancy is consistently higher among the lowest wealth quintile than among the highest wealth quintile in PRH priority countries in Asia and Haiti. Source: STATcompiler – most recent Demographic and Health Surveys. Information is not available for Afghanistan, Yemen and India (UP). Note: Bangladesh sample is ever-married women.
Maternal Mortality RatioAsia and Haiti The maternal mortality ratio ranges from 172 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births in the Philippines to 630 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births in Haiti. Sources: Most recent DHS survey. Bangladesh Maternal Mortality and Health Service Survey 2010. Information not available for Afghanistan, Yemen and India (UP).
Proportion of Births That Are Fifth Order or HigherAsia and Haiti The proportion of births of fifth order or higher ranges from 10.7 in Bangladesh to 30.8 in Pakistan. Source: STATcompiler. Information is not available for Afghanistan, Yemen and India (UP).