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Sociology: Chapter 17 Sec 1

Sociology: Chapter 17 Sec 1. “Collective Behavior and Social Movements” “Collective Behavior” Standards: 6.1- 6.12, 8.1-8.11. Collective Behavior. Collective Behavior : Spontaneous social behavior that occurs when people try to develop common solutions to unclear situations

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Sociology: Chapter 17 Sec 1

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  1. Sociology: Chapter 17 Sec 1 “Collective Behavior and Social Movements” “Collective Behavior” Standards: 6.1- 6.12, 8.1-8.11

  2. Collective Behavior • Collective Behavior: Spontaneous social behavior that occurs when people try to develop common solutions to unclear situations • Collectivity: gathering of people who have limited interaction and do not share clearly defined norms or a sense of unity • -Limited Interaction • -Unclear Norms • - Limited Unity

  3. Crowds.. • Crowds: Temporary collection of people in close proximity • -Casual: movies • -Conventional: Ball Game • -Expressive: Rock Concert • -Acting: Riot • Mobs: Emotional, United, Violent • Riots: Eruption of people into disruptive action • Panic: Spontaneous, uncoordinated group action to escape perceived threat • Moral Panic: Occurs when people become fearful about a behavior that APPEARS to threaten morals of society • Mass Hysteria: Unfounded anxiety shared by people scattered over a wide geographic area • *Salem witch trials

  4. Fashions and Fads • Fashion: Enthusiastic attachment among a large number of people for particular styles and behavior • Fad: Unconventional thought popular for a short period of time; Popular among young • Rumor: Unverified piece of information that is spread rapidly from one person to another • “Chinese telephone experiment” Can vary from person to person • Urban Legend: Stories that teach lessons and SEEM realistic; but are not… Read page 441 • *Write your own urban legend; remember the rules: Teach a lesson; it is not true, but seems true

  5. Public Opinion • Public Opinion: How society feels about issues • Propaganda: Over exaggerated story used to manipulate public opinion • *Do propaganda poster depicting your urban legend

  6. Explaining Behavior • Contagion Theory: Hypnotic power of the crowd encourages people to give up individuality to the stronger pull of the group • Emergent Norm Theory: People conform to the group even of they do not agree with the activity • Value Added Theory: Preconditions for collective behavior • 1. Structural Conduciveness: Rodney King tape; acquittal, riots • 2. Structural Strain: Tension(Poverty) • Leads to stress • 3. Growth of Generalized belief: “All police are racist”

  7. Value Added • Triggering Event • Mobilization for Action: When people feel that leaders can or will not do anything, they take actions into own hands • Social Control: Nat’l Guard • Each step must take place before the next one for collective group behavior to occur • Read p. 446

  8. Sociology: Chapter 17 Sec 2 “Social Movements”

  9. Social Movements • Social Movements: Long term conscious effort to promote or prevent change • 3 Factors • -Long Duration • -Highly Structured and Organized • -Deliberate attempt at change • Types: • Reactionary Movement: “Turn back the clock” • - Return to traditional ways of acting and thinking • Ex: Ku Klux Klan and segregation

  10. Types… • Conservative Movement: Try to protect, what they see, as societies values • Ex: Religious groups protecting “family values” • Revisionary Movements: Improve some part of society; Women’s Suffrage • Revolutionary Movement: Total and radical change: Bolsheviks in Russia

  11. Life Cycle of Social Movements • Agitation: Emerge out of idea that a problem exists • Legitimatization: Movements find formal/informal support • Bureaucratization: Formal Movement • Institutionalization: Becomes part of society • * Use civil rights movement as model

  12. Explaining Movement • Deprivation Theory: movements arise when large numbers of people feel economically or socially deprived • -Absolute Deprivation: People lack one or more social rewards • -Relative Deprivation: People have lesser portion of rewards than another group • Resource Mobilization : Organization and effective use of resources • Theory: People w/o resources cannot bring change • Those who do have resources should lead them

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