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Evolution of Local Government. Sir Charles Metcalf - like republics, seem to last where nothing else lasts.Like Greek City States - We had City Republics (Ganatantras) VaishaliMegasthenes-3rd c.b.c City Administration consisted Six dept. - 1. Mech. Arts, 2.Foreign Inhabitants 3. Registration
1. Evolution of Local Government Flourished in India since time immemorial.
Indus Valley Civilization -its organisation was association of persons and was not like Kingship in Sumeria or Preistship in Egypt.
Local self-governing institutions -Village Panchayat- existed through out the ages.
Elphinstone - called it as a miniature state.
2. Evolution of Local Government Sir Charles Metcalf - like republics, seem to last where nothing else lasts.
Like Greek City States - We had City Republics (Ganatantras) Vaishali
Megasthenes-3rd c.b.c – City Administration consisted Six dept. - 1. Mech. Arts, 2.Foreign Inhabitants 3. Registration of birth and deaths, 4.Trade, commerce, weights, 5. Sale of manufacture Articles, 6.Collection of taxes.
3. Evolution of Local Government Village Panchayats - remained undisturbed up to British Period.
Urban Areas - undisturbed up to Muslim invasion - institution of kotwal
Centralizing tendencies strengthened during British period - end to isolation & self-sufficiency of villages
Introduction of centralized judiciary, monetary and governance system
4. Evolution of Local GovernmentModern Local Self Government Present form, structure - a British creation.
Ancient Indian Local Government - narrow basis, caste or hereditary privileges
Limited scope - collection of revenue & protection of life and property.
Existing Local Governments - an alien adaptation & nothing traditional.
5. Evolution of Local GovernmentFirst Period (1687-1881A.D.) 1687 - First corporation in port town of Madras.(Chennai) ‘Justice of Peace’.
1773 - Passing of Regulating Act.
up to 1857 - Need for L.G. was for the functions of ‘Justice of Peace’
after 1857 - financial & administrative need. - war of Independence and transfer of power from East India Company to British Government.
6. Evolution of Local GovernmentSecond Period (1882-1919A.D.) Lord Rippon - Montague Chelmsford
Lord Rippon - viewed L.G.instrument of political and popular education with an elective principle.
7. Evolution of Local Government Third Period (1920-1937A.D.) British response to growing national aspirations.
Local bodies under popular provincial minister
more executive powers - more financial freedom
no radical changes in the structure
8. Evolution of Local GovernmentFourth Period (1937-1947A.D.) A set back period as political independence became main focus.
Abolition of nomination
Introduction of adult suffrage
Separation of deliberative & executive wing.
Rule-making powers to state government.
9. Evolution of Local GovernmentFifth Period – Post Independence Constitutional assembly deliberations -were highly inadequate regarding U.L.Bs.
Rural local govt. - received more attention
Still we do not have clear cut urbanization policy.
Urbanization - something to be curbed / avoided.
74th Constitutional Amendment