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Management of Oceanographic time-series data at the Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center. Ellyn Montgomery USGS NERACOOS/NECOSP Data Management Workshop, Sept. 26, 2012. USGS Coastal and Marine Geology Program.
Management of Oceanographic time-series data at the Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center Ellyn Montgomery USGS NERACOOS/NECOSP Data Management Workshop, Sept. 26, 2012
USGS Coastal and Marine Geology Program • This presentation applies only to Oceanographic measurements acquired by Woods Hole researchers and colleagues to address scientific questions • The data is mostly used for validation of sediment transport and coastal process models • Management of the data is part of the larger Data Life-cycle that includes everything from planning to archival and publication
About our data • Our holdings describe conditions at specific locations for limited durations. Except for a 25+ year program in Massachusetts Bay, we don’t do long term monitoring programs. • Once the data files collected during an experiment are processed and QC’d that data is published (Federal requirement) • Updates are made only if a problem is found in the data to correct that problem
About our data II • The data are stored in netCDFformat files using EPIC conventions • NcML is used to convert to CF conventions • Files are delivered on-line via • file download • OPeNDAP using THREDDS • FGDC metadata for each experiment is being created and harvested to ocean.data.gov • Each file has ISO 19115 metadata (ncISO)
How we manage our data - 1 • Our raw data is included in the WHSC field activity tracking system • We store 3 levels of data on local disks that are backed up nightly, with periodic backups made and stored off-site. These levels are : • Raw data as off-loaded from the instruments • Processed data (and stages leading to it) • Published data • As EPIC • As CF
Publication and access • Our data may be published directly to the website after approval or with an Open File Report that documents the context of the measurements. • We periodically check the website for broken links or non-responsiveness • We add new interfaces as available (for example making KML files to use with GoogleEarth)
Metadata • NetCDF allows metadata to be stored as attributes with the data in the file • We use standards and conventions to enable interoperability • We have GCMD DIF, FGDC and ISO19115 metadata in as many catalogs and registries as possible • We enhance the metadata as new standards emerge (added UnidataDataset Discovery terms in 2011)
Data Management Successes • Community Standards development has evolved to enable LOT of great functionality • We are happy with how THREDDS allows remote clients to access data for analysis in real-time, without having to down-load files • Clients like Matlab, IDV, ncBrowse and ncView allow access and visualization • Registering our THREDDS catalogs in larger repositories of ocean measurements enhances discoverability
Data Management Challenges • Getting links to our holdings into the catalogs of the regional observatories • Since our data is historical, it hasn’t really fit the observatory mission, but including links to historical measurements in the area would be useful for enriching potential analyses • Identifying which of the emerging technologies will persist into the future • Finding ways to let potential users know the data is available
Take home ideas • Use standards to enhance discoverability and enable use of community developed tools • Enable web-based access so the users can access what they need without assistance • Tailor the process to what your clients need to accomplish their missions • Adapt your data and services to take advantage of new techniques as they evolve
Web access • The human-friendly interface to our experimental data, (EPIC conventions) is at: http://stellwagen.er.usgs.gov • The computer-friendly (CF conventions) version of our data holdings, served by THREDDS at: http://geoport.whoi.edu/thredds/allts_reg_catalog.html • Contact me at: emontgomery@usgs.gov • (508)457-2356