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BART Briefing for Mayor’s Transportation 2030 Task Force. April 30, 2013. Meeting Agenda. Intro: San Francisco and BART State of Good Repair Cars (Fleet Upgrades) San Francisco BART Stations BART Metro Update Priorities. 2/3rds of BART trips start or end on Market Street.
BART Briefing for Mayor’s Transportation 2030 Task Force April 30, 2013
Meeting Agenda Intro: San Francisco and BART State of Good Repair Cars (Fleet Upgrades) San Francisco BART Stations BART Metro Update Priorities
BART Share of SF Transit Trips MTC Transit Statistical Summary, June 2012 BART Operating Budgets, 2012 Transit Center District Plan, DEIR Transportation Impact Study, Technical Appendix ,Vol. 1, San Francisco Planning Department 5
BART’s SOGR Status • Held our own up to now • Customer expectations high • System resiliency/redundancy low • 40-year old plant is decaying • We operate at the limits of capacity to meet growing demand • Increased service demand is consuming the assets • Reduces asset useful life and pushes forward needed capital rehabilitation projects San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District
BART ASSETS (~$20B) BART owns 40,000 assets San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District
“CONDITION” of ASSETS(at current level of investment) The state of the asset, including its stage in life cycle TODAY +10 YEARS (2022) $12.4B Poor $6B Poor San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District
BART’s SOGR Need • $6B need for 10 year high priority projects • $17B need for next 30 years • 539 capital projects identified • At 40, BART is facing its FIRST comprehensive rehabilitation cycle San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District
New York MTA in the 1970s It took three decades to recover.
BART: The Next 40 YearsBART Capacity Needs • Peak Direction Trains are getting too crowded • Peak Morning Platform Escalator Queues at Embarcadero & Montgomery stations are getting too long • Peak Afternoon Platforms are also getting too crowded • Growth Scenarios: • At 500,000 riders, thresholds exceeded during delays • At 750,000 riders, thresholds exceeded during on-time service
Weekday BART Ridership since SF Airport Extension OpeningRecord Ridership: Avg. 6% growth over 2 years 12 12
Peak Transbay Vehicle Load Standard: 107 Passengers per Car60 Seated plus 47 Standees 6.4 Square Feet per Standee Operations Planning
Standee Area Grows as Crowding GrowsMorning Standee Limits Noted In Purple 28’ 24’ Travel time to Embarcadero (in minutes) 40’ 30’ 43’ 32’ 32’ 107 36’ 130 Operations Planning
The Trade-Off Between Capacity and Service Quality *2010 and 2012 SF Giants World Series Parade Day Operations Planning
Peak Hour Vehicle Load Levels with 775 Cars Compared to current standard of 107 avg (122 max) Operations Planning
Fleet Sizes Needed to Achieve Vehicle Load Target of 107 Per Car * Assumes Train Control System Modernization Project @ 30 peak trains/ hour Operations Planning
Station Capacity is a Peak Period Issue at Embarcadero & Montgomery
BART: The Next 40 YearsInterim Access & Capacity Measures Infrastructure • Reduce platform furniture footprint: benches, pay phones • High capacity elevators • Higher performance escalators • Platform screen doors • Street Escalator Canopies System Management • Metering Measures: real time platform headcount system • Skip Stop Service: Montgomery has more capacity than Embarcadero (New Years Eve Plan) • In Station Crowd Management (Giants Parade Day) • Transbay bus to Transbay Terminal
BART: The Next 40 YearsThe Ultimate Solution: New Side Platforms Total Estimated Construction Cost: $615 million (2009 dollars) Mission Critical Improvement as ridership starts to exceed 500,000 per weekday
BART Metro Service Plan: 30 Peak Hour Transbay Trains Operations Planning
Proposed Priorities for SF Funding • San Francisco Stations State of Good Repair • San Francisco Station Access Improvements • San Francisco Stations Capacity Expansion