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Basics of biochemical systems theory. I. Graphical representation of biochemical networks. Mass transport. Glucose out. Glucose in. Glucose 6-P. Fructose 6-P. Chemical conversion. Glucose. Glucose 6-P. ATP. ADP. Material flow. Glucose. Glucose 6-P. ATP. ADP. Information flow.
Basics of biochemicalsystems theory I. Graphical representation of biochemical networks
Mass transport Glucoseout Glucosein Glucose6-P Fructose6-P Chemical conversion Glucose Glucose6-P ATP ADP Material flow
Glucose Glucose6-P ATP ADP Information flow FDP - + HK
Networks Glc G6P F6P FDP - - + PGI + + ATP ADP ATP ADP PFK HK
Fundamental types of variables • State variables: any quantities that may directly influence a process and whose values might change (eg. concentrations, temperature) • Flux variables: reaction rates v2 Glc G6P F6P FDP - - v4 + v3 v1 PGI + + ATP ADP ATP ADP PFK HK v5
Other types of variables Independent variables fixed or “isolated” variables Glc G6P F6P FDP - - + PGI + + ATP ADP ATP ADP PFK HK
Other types of variables Dependent variables Dynamic variables Glc G6P F6P FDP - - + PGI + + ATP ADP ATP ADP PFK HK
Other types of variables Aggregated variables Linear combinations variables Glc G6P F6P FDP - - + PGI + + ATP ADP ATP ADP PFK HK ATP + ADP = ANPtot v2f - v2r = v2
Other types of variables Constrained variables Variables whose values depends on the values of other variables not through the interactions of the various processes but through imposed algebraic relationships (moiety conservation, equilibria) Glc G6P F6P FDP - - + PGI + + ATP ADP ATP ADP PFK HK ATP = ANPtot – ADP – AMP F6P = Keq G6P
Other types of variables Implicit variables Variables that, in a given context, can be assumed constant or not influencing “subsystem” behavior, and are thus neglected X Glc G6P F6P FDP - - + PGI + + ATP ADP ATP ADP PFK HK Z Y
Symbology State variables: Xi - Dependent variables - Independent variables - Aggregated variables Flux variables: vij v12 X6 X1 X2 X7 X3 v21 v37 - - + v23 v61 X9 + + X5 X4 X5 X4 X10 X8 v45 X5 + X4 = X11
Strategy for developinga graphical representation • Sketch graphic in familiar terms • Potential variables • Important processes • Principal interactions • Make conversion table • Redraw graph in symbolic terms • Analyze and refine model
X2 X1 X3 Common errors and ambiguities Failure to explicitly account forconsumption/dilution of components Non-obvious point: “expansion fluxes”: dilution of components owing to volume expansion (e.g. cell growth).
X2 X2 X1 X1 X3 X3 X2 X2 X1 X1 X4 X4 X3 X3 Common errors and ambiguities Confusing convergent processeswith a multi-substrate reaction
X1 X2 X1 X2 Common errors and ambiguities Failure to account for the actual molecularity of each species in a given reaction
X3 X1 X2 Common errors and ambiguities Confusion between material and information flow -
System and environment X7 X4 X5 - - X3 X1 X2 X6
Realism and accuracy vs. feasibility “We should make things as simple as possible, but not simpler.” Albert Einstein “Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius — and a lot of courage — to move in the opposite direction.” Albert Einstein
Sources of simplification • Spatial or topological features (compartmentalization, channeling) • Time-scale separation (evolutionary, developmental, biochemical, biomolecular) and quasi-steady-state approximation • Functional simplifications (operating ranges and linearizations, non-linearity)
Basics of biochemicalsystems theory II. Mathematical representation of processes
Rate laws Mathematical functions representing the instantaneous rate of a process as an explicit function of all the state variables that have a direct influence on the process Mass action rate laws: in a well-mixed homogeneous environment, the rate of an elementary reaction a1X1 + a2X2 + … + anXn … is given by: Kinetic orders Rate constant Mass action rate laws may also approximate well the kinetics ofsome more-complex reaction mechanisms
Michaelis constant Rate laws Mathematical functions representing the instantaneous rate of a process as an explicit function of all the state variables that have a direct influence on the process Michaelis-Menten rate laws: initial rates of enzyme-catalyzed reactions in absence of cooperative effects. Maximal rate
Rate laws Mathematical functions representing the instantaneous rate of a process as an explicit function of all the state variables that have a direct influence on the process Michaelis-Menten rate laws: initial rates of enzyme-catalyzed reactions in absence of cooperative effects.
Rate laws Mathematical functions representing the instantaneous rate of a process as an explicit function of all the state variables that have a direct influence on the process Hill rate laws: approximation to initial rates of enzyme-catalyzed reactions with cooperativity. Maximal rate Hill number Km: Half-saturation constant
Rate laws Mathematical functions representing the instantaneous rate of a process as an explicit function of all the state variables that have a direct influence on the process Many other rate laws possible Could we find a convenient (even if only approximated) generic representation?
Taylor series Linear approximation
First-order (linear) Taylor series approximation for multiple variables
Advantages and limitationsof linearized representation • Good enough approximation in many cases (small operating ranges, linear by design) • Strong theory and methods available However: • Biochemical processes are strongly nonlinear
Power-law representation Taylor series in logarithmic space First-order truncation:
Kinetic orders Rate constant Power-law representation Taylor series in logarithmic space First-order truncation for n variables
Power-law representation Meaning of the kinetic orders gi With all other conc. constant gi>(<)0 v increases (decreases) with Xi gi = x a 1% change in Xi causes a x% change in v
X X v = k X2 g = 2 v = k X g = 1 Ranges of values of kinetic orders Kinetic orders for mass action kinetics v Log-log plot X v = k Xcg = c
g0 g=0.5 g1 Ranges of values of kinetic orders Kinetic orders for substrates under Michaelis-Menten kinetics v/Vmax X/KM 0 ≤ g ≤ 1
g0 g-1 Ranges of values of kinetic orders Kinetic orders for inhibitors under Michaelis-Menten kinetics v/v(X=0) g=-0.5 X/KI -1 ≤ g ≤ 0
g0 g1 Ranges of values of kinetic orders Kinetic orders for substrates under cooperative kinetics v/Vmax g>1 X/KM 0 ≤ g ≤ (4)
Parameter estimation • From general considerations • From experimentally characterized rate expression • Top-down modeling
Basics of biochemicalsystems theory III. Mathematical representation of networks
X2 v12 v41 X1 X4 v13 X3 Mass balance Chemical processes do not destroy or create matter Instantaneous rate of X1 accumulation= Instantaneous rate of X4 conversion into X1– (Instantaneous rate of X1 conversion into X2+ Instantaneous rate of X1 conversion into X3)
X2 v12 v41 X1 X4 v13 X3 Steady state No net accumulation or dilution O= Instantaneous rate of X4 conversion into X1– (Instantaneous rate of X1 conversion into X2+ Instantaneous rate of X1 conversion into X3)
Mass balance equationsfor a network v51 - X5 X1 v12 v14 v40 v13 X4 v23 X2 X3 v20
Mass balance equationsfor a network General form vijk: unidirectional rate of utilization of Xi for the production of Xj via the kth parallel process jik: number of molecules of Xj created in each reaction jik: number of molecules of Xi consumed in each reaction
X2 X2 X2 X2 X1 X1 X1 X1 X4 X4 X4 X4 X3 X3 X3 X3 Flux aggregation Major types Emphasis: Fluxes Pools Strategies Parallel Antiparallel
X2 X2 X2 X2 X1 X1 X1 X1 X4 X4 X4 X4 X3 X3 X3 X3 Flux aggregation Power-law representation under various types of aggregation Emphasis: Fluxes Pools Strategies Parallel Antiparallel
Generalized Mass Action systems Power-law representation on the basis of flux aggregation emphasizing processes More simply: Maintains separate identity of fluxes at branch points
X2 X2 X2 X2 X1 X1 X1 X1 X4 X4 X4 X4 X3 X3 X3 X3 Flux aggregation Power-law representation under various types of aggregation Emphasis: Fluxes Pools Strategies Parallel Antiparallel
Synergistic systems Power-law representation on the basis of flux aggregation emphasizing pools X1, ..., Xn: Dependent variables Xn+1, ..., Xn+m: Independent variables Kinetic orders Rate constants
Some advantages of S systems • More compact representation • Fewer parameters • More mathematically tractable • Frequently more accurate
Ranges of values of kinetic orders Relationship between kinetic orders for the S systems representation and those for the GMA representation V1+ v211+ 2v212+v213 v211 X2 v212 X1 v213 X3 For “unit” enzyme-catalyzed steps, gij is normaly -4gij 4
v1 - X5 X1 v2 v5 v6 v4 X4 v3 X2 X3 v7 Setting up an S system 1. For each dynamic metabolite, aggregate the production fluxes and the removal fluxes separately.