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RISC by Betty Tang

RISC by Betty Tang. What is RISC?. RISC stands for R educed I nstruction S et C omputer. It is a computer CPU design philosophy that favors a smaller and simpler set of instructions that all take about the same amount of time to execute .

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RISC by Betty Tang

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  1. RISC by Betty Tang

  2. What is RISC? RISC stands for Reduced Instruction Set Computer. It is a computer CPU design philosophy that favors a smaller and simpler set of instructions that all take about the same amount of time to execute . Also referred to as load-store architectures. CS 147 RISC by Betty Tang

  3. What inspired RISC? The idea was inspired by: • The discovery that many features that were included in traditional CPU designs for speed were being ignored by the programs that were running on them. • The disparity of speed of the CPU in relation to memory speed. CS 147 RISC by Betty Tang

  4. Pre-RISC design Philosophy (CISC) • Compiler technology did not exist! • Computer architects created more and more complex instructions which were direct representation of high level programming languages. • At the time, hardware design was easier than compiler design, so the complexity went into hardware. CS 147 RISC by Betty Tang

  5. CISC Characteristics • Instruction packing • Memories were small and precious. • In 1979, a 32KB memory cost $329. In 2004, 512MB cost $75. • An order of 4 magnitude decrease in $ per byte! • Therefore, it was advantageous to pack as much information in a single instruction as possible to avoid access slower resource. • As a result, instruction are highly encoded, variable sized, can perform multiple operations and did both data movement and data calculation. CS 147 RISC by Betty Tang

  6. CISC Characteristics • x86 example: .date var1 DWORD 30000h .code add var1, 40000h calculation data storage data movement • In a single instruction, a source operand is added to a destination operand, and the sum is stored in the destination. CS 147 RISC by Betty Tang

  7. CISC Characteristics (cont’d) • Small set of registers • CPU only had a few registers due to the limitation in silicon integration and available RAM. • Silicon integration was not mature enough to free up space in the chip area or board area for a larger register sets. • Having a large number of registers would have required a large number of instruction bit using precious RAM. CS 147 RISC by Betty Tang

  8. CISC Characteristics (cont’d) • “Orthogonal” addressing mode • The general goal was to provide every possible addressing mode for every instruction. • This led to CPU complexity but in theory every command could be tuned, making the design faster than if simpler command is used. CS 147 RISC by Betty Tang

  9. The emerging reasons for RISC • In the late 1970s, research showed the majority of these “orthogonal” addressing modes were ignored by most programs. • A side effect of the increasing use of compilers to generate the programs, as opposed to writing them in assembly language. The compilers in use at the time did not take advantage of the feature provided by CISC CPUs. • Another discovery was that since orthogonal mode were rarely used, complex instruction tended to be slower than a number of smaller operations doing the same thing. CS 147 RISC by Betty Tang

  10. The emerging reasons for RISC (cont’d) • CPU starts to run ever faster than memory and the trend continue. • It become apparent that more registers would be need to support these higher operating frequencies. CS 147 RISC by Betty Tang

  11. RISC design philosophy • New ideas about how to dramatically increase performance of the CPUs were starting to develop in the early 1980s, namely, pipelining and parallel processing. • Pipelining: include a pipeline which would break down instructions into steps, and work on one step of several instructions at the same time. • Parallel processing: instead of working on one instruction, processors would look at the next instruction in the pipeline and attempt to run it at the same time. CS 147 RISC by Betty Tang

  12. RISC design philosophy(cont’d) • Pipelining and Parallel processing relied on increasing speed by adding complexity to the basic layout of the CPU, as opposed to the instructions running on them. • In order to include these feature, something would have to be removed to make room. • RISC was design to incorporate these two technique since the core logic of a RISC CPU was much simpler than in CISC designs. CS 147 RISC by Betty Tang

  13. RISC design philosophy(cont’d) • By the late 1980s, RISC were significantly outperforming their CISC counterparts. Four stages in executing an instruction in CISC: • Fetch, decode, execute, write • Each instruction will take at least 4 clock cycles, some complex instructions can take even more These same stages exist in a RISC machine, but the stages are execute in parallel. As soon as one stage completes, it passes on the result to the next stage and then begins working on another instruction. This grantees each instruction will take only one clock cycle. CS 147 RISC by Betty Tang

  14. RISC Characteristics • Fewer transistors dedicated to the core logic. • Larger register set • 32 general purpose registers in MIPS vs. 16 in Intel’s x86 • Simple instruction set • the instruction set contains simple, basic instruction from which more complex instructions can be composed. • Single machine-cycle instructions • most instructions complete in one machine cycle, which allows the processor to handle several instructions at the same time via pipelining. • Uniform instruction encoding which allows faster decoding • Complete separation between instructions that compute and instructions that access memory CS 147 RISC by Betty Tang

  15. RISC Characteristics (con’t) • Complete separation between instructions that compute and instructions that access memory • MIPS example to add 3000h to memory: .data .globl var var: .word 500h __start: lw $t0, var addi $t1, $t0, 3000h sw var, $t1 .end CS 147 RISC by Betty Tang

  16. RISC Machine • The first system was designed in 1964 by Jim Thornton and Seymour Cray as a number-crunching CPU. • Another load/store machine was Data General Nova minicomputer, designed in 1968. • Yet, most public RISC designs were the results of university research programs. • In 1980, under the direction of David Patterson, UC Berkeley's RISC project aimed to gain performance through the use of pipelining and an aggressive use of register windows. • CPU with register windows has 128 registers, but programs can only use 8 of them at a time. This limit per procedure results in very fast procedure calls. CS 147 RISC by Betty Tang

  17. RISC Machine(cont’d) • In 1981, John Hennessy started a similar project called MIPS at Stanford University. MIPS focussed almost entirely on the pipeline, making sure it could run as “full” as possible. • A number of successful RISC platforms and architectures were developed in the 80’s to early 90’s. • MIPS: found in most SGI computers, PlayStation and Nintendo 64 game consoles. • IBM’s Power series: used in all their minis and mainframes • Motorola and IBM’s PowerPC: used in all Apple Macintosh computers • Sun’s SPARC and UltraSPARC • HP’s PA-RISC HP/PA • DEC Alpha CS 147 RISC by Betty Tang

  18. Register-Register 6 5 11 10 31 26 25 21 20 16 15 0 Op Rs1 Rs2 Rd Opx Register-Immediate 31 26 25 21 20 16 15 0 immediate Op Rs1 Rd Branch 31 26 25 21 20 16 15 0 immediate Op Rs1 Rs2/Opx Jump / Call 31 26 25 0 target Op MIPS Instruction Encoding Shamt CS 147 RISC by Betty Tang

  19. x86 Instruction Encoding 5 3 PUSH Reg 6 2 8 8 4 3 1 8 MOV D/w postbyte Disp. ADD Reg W Disp. 6 2 8 8 4 4 8 SHL V/w postbyte Disp. JE Cond Disp. 7 1 8 8 TEST W postbyte Immediate 16 16 8 CALLF Offset Segment Number CS 147 RISC by Betty Tang

  20. Decline of RISC, is it really? • Despite many successes, RISC has not make it into the desktop PC and commodity server markets. • Intel’s x86 still remains the dominant processor architecture. • x86 had a very large base of proprietary applications. It is very difficult for companies to switch to RISC. • Intel had spend large amounts of money on processor development. • Recall that RISC is a set of design philosophies and practices instead of an architecture. Instead of allowing itself to lag behind in the competitive market, Intel started to apply many of RISC principles to their CISC processors. CS 147 RISC by Betty Tang

  21. Modern CPU designs • The difference between CISC and RISC today is only in their instruction sets (ISA). • Important development in the 90s encourage separations between CPU architecture designs from instruction designs. Most CPU today will have a translator to translate native instruction set to internal instruction set. • Recall the traditional design of CISC favors instruction packing? Nowadays, CISC machine takes CISC instructions and translate them into simpler RISC-like instructions. • In addition, modern CISC design have include large number of pipelines, utilize techniques such as instruction reordering, branch prediction (continuous improvement in compiler designs to inject hints to CPU what to expect next), Simultaneous Multithreading (SMT) to increase CPU performance. • Pipelining and branch prediction were all inherently RISC and continue to play an important part in modern CPU designs. CS 147 RISC by Betty Tang

  22. Further reading CISC vs RISC http://ctas.east.asu.edu/bgannod/CET520/Spring02/Projects/demone.htm Simultaneous Multithreading http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simultaneous_multithreading Computer Organization & Design: The Hardware/Software Interface Patternson, David. A and Hennessy, John L. ISBN: 1558606041 CS 147 RISC by Betty Tang

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