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Single Window for Trade Efficiency: Regional Perspectives and Policy Implementation

Explore the benefits and implementation strategies of a Single Window for export and import clearance. Learn about improving economic efficiency, trade facilitation, good governance, and security concerns in the Mediterranean region. Discover key legal considerations and successful models for adopting a Single Window.

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Single Window for Trade Efficiency: Regional Perspectives and Policy Implementation

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  1. Joint Trade Conference: PAM and UN Trade & Productive Capacity Cluster Geneva, 4-5 May 2011 Single Window for export and import clearance: Policy arguments and regional options Mario Apostolov, Regional Adviser UNECE Trademario.apostolov@unece.org

  2. Mediterranean: Financial crisis, social upheaval

  3. Economic crisis The current situation Security concerns

  4. Economic crisis The current situation - Raise economic efficiency - Trade (eliminate protectionism) - Foster development in South and East Mediterranean - Efficiency of official controls Security concerns - Good governance

  5. Eastern Europe 1989 Vaclav Klaus to the West: Give us trade, not aid! The structure for this: EU integration Period of preparation & expectations Wave of democratization in the S.&E. Mediterranean What structural arrangements ? Support for SMEs – middle class – democratic society Tariffs - low (WTO) = trade facilitation Mediterranean 2011

  6. Why a Single Window?UNCEFACT Recomendation 33 A tool of good governance (benefits for Government) Efficient distribution of resources Better revenue collection More compliance from businessh More security (on hte basis of risk analysis) Less corruption A tool of business efficiency (benefits for business) Lower cost because of shorter time for the preparation of documents Goods released faster Predictable and efficient explanation and implementation of rules and procedures More transparency Organizational and political instrument

  7. PROBLEM – For a foreign trade transaction various control agencies require about 40 documents with often repeated data => • Streamline trade procedures and document exchange • Alignment withinternational standards • Automation ▼ SOLUTION – Single Window for export and import clearance G 2 G G 2 G G 2 G B G B G B 2 G B G B 2 B

  8. Definition:a system that allows all participants in trade and transport file requested information in only one place, in a standard format, in order to carry out import, export and transit operations. What the Single Window is: virtual info exchange

  9. PORT HEALTH CUSTOMS CARRIER WHARFINGER HAULIER Single Window CUSTOMS PORT BROKER AUTHORITY LINE CONSIGNEE AGENT CONSIGNOR Rec. 33: The Single Window Concept FROM TO Customs, export, import, etc. processes together Many documents filed together Appr. 1 hour for clearance Mountains of paper 30% mistakes Weeks for clearance

  10. Two directions of work in building a SW

  11. High-level political support (e.g. PM) Strong lead agency Clear vision (purpose, concept, model, scope) Effective coordination of various organizations! Step-by-step Involve business community in planning, decision-making and execution (not like Tunisia TradeNet) Create an enabling legal environment Draft and adopt a Master Plan defining tasks for all Prerequisites

  12. Rec.35: Checklist of basic legal issues Law on electronic signatures Is the system working on a PKI basis? Is there a root CA + functioning network of CAs? 2) Law on electronic commerce 3) Law on e-government 4) Law on data protection 5) Do sectoral laws (e.g. sanitary laws) envisage the use of sector and/or country specific codes 6) Are there requirements for paper originals in law?

  13. Agreement on a Single Window (among multiple organisations to define roles and responsibilities) Public vs. private law (both domains) Identification, authentication, authorization (electronic authentication not reguilated) Data protection Sharing data bet. government agencies Retention (archiving) of data

  14. Liability issues (determine responsibilities) Competition law (against abuse of dominant position) Electronic and paper document equivalence (admissibility issues, UNCITRAL instruments) Intellectual property rights Settlement of disputes (arbitration or litigation)

  15. Netherlands SW Macedonia SW Romania SW Greece SW Turkey SW Ireland SW Spain SW Sweden SW Possible common Single Window model Standardized Data Set based on WCO Data Model, UNTDED & UNeDocs Core Components Finland SW Bulgaria SW International Standards UK SW SW = Single Window Provider

  16. Thanks! mario.apostolov@unece.org www.unece.org/trade & www.unece.org/cefact

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