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Harmonised Households

Harmonised Households. the implications of standardised data tools for understanding intergenerational relations. les implications de collectes standardisées pour comprendre les relations intergénérationnelles. Un projet international pluri-partenaires. Une convention pilotée par

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Harmonised Households

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  1. Harmonised Households the implications of standardised data tools for understanding intergenerational relations les implications de collectes standardisées pour comprendre les relations intergénérationnelles

  2. Un projet international pluri-partenaires Une convention pilotée par University College London UCL & Université Paris Descartes Sara Randall Philippe Antoine Department of Anthropology UMR 196, Ined-Ird-Paris Descartes (Ceped)

  3. Un projet international pluri-partenaires Philippe Antoine (CepeD- Sara Randall (UCL)

  4. Un projet comparatif multi-sites Europe -- Afrique France – Angleterre France – Afrique de l’Ouest Afrique de l’Ouest – Afrique de l’Est Angleterre – Afrique de l’Est Sénégal – Burkina Faso France -- Tanzanie Tanzanie -- Ouganda

  5. Adossé sur un projet-pilote mené en Tanzanie par Ernestina Coast (LSE) Sara Randall (UCL) Tiziana Leone (LSE) The Concept of the Household: from Survey Design to Policy Planning

  6. Quelle est la question ? Data designers & collectors have: clear ideas about why need something called ‘household’ clear aims clear understanding of household definition BUT what about analysts / users far removed from collection? MIGHT: look at definition and assume this is the unit of production, consumption, socialisation central to the development process MIGHT: not even look at definition because they assume they know what a household is

  7. Pratiques récentes dans les enquêtes européennes Household definition usually ‘up to respondent’ GGS: "R is supposed to mention the members of his/her household without any further explanation. If R doubts about whether to include a certain person among the household members or not, consider the following definition….”. FFS: "The definition of a "household" is largely up to the respondent. In case there is any discussion about this, a household is a person or a group of persons who usually live(s) and eat(s) together”.

  8. Recensements: critères de definition AIM: complete enumeration of population along with individual level characteristics for planning purposes Themes in definitions • Eating together • Common housekeeping • Living together • Answerable to head "Respondents who live in the same housing unit or in connected premises and have common cooking arrangements (eat their food together) Ethiopia 1994 'private household' ..defined as a group of persons living together and sharing living expenses. Tanzania • a group of persons who normally live and eat together Kenya 1969 • a group of persons who normally live and eat together, whether or not they are related by blood or marriageKenya 1979/89 - adds answerable to the same household head Kenya 1999 A household consists of a person, or a group of persons, who occupy a common dwelling (or part of it) for at least four days a week and who provide themselves jointly with food and other essentials for living. In other words, they live together as a unit.S.Africa 1996

  9. Consensus • household definition is practical solution to census aims of total enumeration • recognition (usually) that is a reduced social unit • recognition that compromises are made • set of rules for enumerators to follow • continuity over time – comparability Creation of what van de Walle (2006) calls ‘a statistical household’

  10. Les enjeux • More variables being added in ‘household section’ • Way of measuring wealth / poverty / access to facilities which influence health • New level of analysis / explanation • More use (researchers & policy makers) made of publicly available data • Recognition of importance of society’s basic unit as influence upon members’ well-being

  11. Harmonised Households les implications de collectes standardisées pour comprendre les relations intergénérationnelles OBJECTIFS

  12. Objectif du projet Comprendre les implications de l'harmonisation des définitions du 'ménage' sur les données d'enquête et de recensement afin de représenter les réalités des relations intergénérationnelles dans des contextes anglophones et francophones en Europe et en Afrique.

  13. Analyser l'évolution dans l'espace et dans le temps des définitions du ménage utilisées dans les recensements et les enquêtes en Afrique francophone et anglophone, en France et au Royaume-Uni depuis 1960. Evaluer les implications de ces définitions sur la manière dont sont captés les soutiens, les liens et les échanges intergénérationnels. Examiner la capacité des définitions conventionnelles du ménage dans chaque pays à représenter des formes différentes de relations et de soutien intergénérationnels. Comparer et distinguer l'influence de facteurs tels que le lieu, la langue, l'histoire coloniale et son héritage, l'idéologie de la nation et son identité, le niveau de développement socio-économique sur l'évolution des définitions.

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