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MINE: Understanding and Resolving Turf Issues

MINE: Understanding and Resolving Turf Issues. Dr. Samuel R. Chand. As children we fight over what is “mine”—unfortunately, as adults, we continue to fight over mine/turf issues. How to get the most out of this lesson: Focus on yourself not others.

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MINE: Understanding and Resolving Turf Issues

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Presentation Transcript

  1. MINE: Understanding and Resolving Turf Issues Dr. Samuel R. Chand

  2. As children we fight over what is “mine”—unfortunately, as adults, we continue to fight over mine/turf issues.

  3. How to get the most out of this lesson: Focus on yourself not others.

  4. I. How is MINE seen in adult individuals?

  5. II. How is MINE seen in organizations?


  7. A. Natural response to organizational G rowth

  8. B. When MINE issues are not A ddresses

  9. mmaturity C. I

  10. nsecurity D. I

  11. old E. Jealousy – wants to H on

  12. ig F. Inability to see the B picture


  14. A. Impeded or slowed progress leading to F rustration

  15. B. Continual friction where valuable time and energy is spent on M . ediation

  16. eam C. Keeps the entire T on edge .

  17. ssues D. Instead of dealing with I, we end up dealing with P . . ersonalities

  18. WHAT  WHO .

  19. E. Best ideas are not shared for F of how it is going to be received. . ear

  20. ast F. Previous history (P) drives new initiatives (F) . uture

  21. oss G. Changes are seen as L rather than G . ain

  22. H. It is a WIN/LOSE strategy, not a WIN/W . IN

  23. rust I. Lack of T .

  24. J. OTHERS .


  26. A. Be convinced that we MUST be a T . eam

  27. B. Be convinced in the power of synergy—individualism will never achieve as much as C. . ommunity

  28. C. Ask the tough question – “Am I a team player?” .

  29. ppreciate D. A the other team members (I Corinthians 12) .

  30. E. OTHERS .


  32. rust A. T the other team members .

  33. est B. Believe the B of everyone .

  34. C. Know your strengths and W . eaknesses

  35. D. Seek help without apologies—it is a sign of S . trength

  36. hank E. Affirm and T others who assist you .

  37. ou F. Determine Y will not be a part of turf issues .

  38. G. If you have found yourself being “protective” of your turf, resolve not to continue that pattern of response. .

  39. H. There is no “I” in TEAM, because Together Everyone Achieves More .

  40. I. OTHERS .


  42. Its all HIS • HE owns it all • We’re mere stewards and managers • HE knows all and will reward all

  43. MINE: Understanding and Resolving Turf Issues Dr. Samuel R. Chand

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