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Alignment of Perkins Application with Federal Program Monitoring Requirements

Explore legal and financial aspects of Career Technical Education (CTE) applications for Perkins funding. Gain insights into self-evaluations, action plans, and allowable expenditures to enhance CTE programs. Understand the application process and timelines for submitting final claims. This resource provides valuable information on how to meet Federal Program Monitoring (FPM) mandates and maximize Perkins funds for effective CTE implementation across industry sectors.

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Alignment of Perkins Application with Federal Program Monitoring Requirements

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  1. Alignment of the Perkins application with Federal Program Monitoring (FPM) requirements Evaluating CTE for FPM Legal Requirements R. Mary Gallet, Ph.D –Regions 3,4,8,10 Career Technical Education Administration and Management /C-TEAM

  2. Region Map • 11 service regions CCSESA 58 County Superintendents of Schools • CTE-Perkins on CDE website http://www.cde.ca.gov/ci/ct/pk/forms.asp

  3. Regions 3,4,8,10

  4. Regions 3,4,8,10+ R. Mary Gallet, Ph.D.–15Y CTE-CDE, 25Y Education 916-445-5723 desk; 916-747-2772 cell; mgallet@cde.ca.gov Special Populations and Nontraditional Careers • Region 3 – Alpine, Colusa, El Dorado, Placer, Nevada, Sacramento, Sierra, Sutter, Yolo, Yuba • Region 4 – Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Solano [temp.] • Region 8 – Kern, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Ventura • Region 10 – Inyo, Mono, Riverside, San Bernardino • State Special Schools and Department of Corrections

  5. Workshop Objectives • FPM-CTE Mandates • Self-Evaluations-Class & District • LEA Action Plan to implement CTE Across Industry Sectors Districtwide • Unallowable expenditures • Perkins IV & CA Law • Complete Application • – Due to CDE on May 1, 2015

  6. http://www.californiacareers.info/

  7. How Perkins funds can be spent, Unallowable expenditures, No carry-over, Capital outlay approvals Federal Capital Outlay minimum is $5,000.00 -District cannot change Questions about legal:

  8. Perkins-Improve CTE Programs IMPROVE: modify or update existing programs ENHANCE: the effectiveness of existing programs EXPAND: develop and implement new programs or provide additional offerings Funds must be used in a necessary and reasonable manner to directly:-

  9. FPM Cycle for CTE

  10. FPM-CTE Mandateshttp://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/cr/documents/cte201314.pdf • Advisory Committee • Funding Applications • Inventory • Perkins Support CTE Programs* • Supplement not Supplant • Administrative Costs • Consortium • Indicators of Performance • High Quality CTE Programs* • Course Offerings • 5 yrs. of records

  11. LEA’s CTE Action Plan • CTE program Perkins funding allocations • LEA-CTE Supplemental Budget from general or other non-federal funds • CTE Classes submit cost of operations each year to LEA • CTE district & class evaluations • Capital Outlay $5,000 CDE pre-approval

  12. Class Implementation • Cost equipment repairs and maintenance • Cost equipment purchase request • Capital Outlay $5,000+ • CTE technology and software • CTE Class historical inventory • CTE class Evaluation and CTE Program Equipment for annual Perkins application

  13. Perkins Steps for 2014-15 CTE Application • Class Evaluation • Cost projection for 2014-15 • Industry meet on equipment request & technology request • Inventory missing items & update report to district • District Evaluation • Supplemental budget for CTE • Final claim for Perkins 2013-14 • Advisory committee input for application • Complete 2014-15 Perkins application

  14. Teacher Time List • Teacher completes class inventory • Teacher completes Class-Evaluation & Teacher-industry advisory meet • When -Fall term B4 District advisory meet • What -Agenda to review evaluation and plan for industry 2014-15 Perkins funding use • Next Step -Teacher gives evaluation and industry input to District CTE Coordinator

  15. VE-35 Disposition

  16. District Time List District CTE Advisory meet on 2014-15 funding plan • When -held B4 end of fall term • Complete District CTE-Evaluation to compile Class CTE-Evaluations • Verify inventory completed • Verify CTE teachers qualify • District-wide inventory verification minimum every 2 years

  17. Perkins Final Claim and New Application Timeline • March 15 -preliminary 2014-15 Perkins allocations • May 1 -LEA submits 2014-15 application SCHOOLS ON SUMMER BREAK • June 30 -fiscal year 2013-14 closes • July 31 -LEA submits 2013-14 final claim by 5:00p.m. • Aug. 1 -Letter mailed to Superintendent of LEAs who did not submit a 2013-14 Perkins final claim • Aug. 31 -2013-14 final claims processed by CDE SCHOOLS IN FALL SESSION • Sept. 1 -2014-15 final allocation posted • Sept. 15 -LEA submits 2014-15 budget revision • CDE approves 2014-15 application • Superintendent certifies 2014-15 application • Sept. 30 – Perkins 2014-15 Grant Award Letter mailed by CDE

  18. CTE Advisory Committee 20 U.S.C. § 2354 (b)(5); EC § 8070; State Plan Ch5(2) • CTE Advisory Committee minutes and sign-in sheets for past five years • CTE Board minutes indicating appointment of Advisory Committee members • CTE dissemination of Advisory Committee minutes to general public • CTE letter of invitation to Advisory Committee participants • CTE list of Advisory Committee members with name, position, business, and CTE industry

  19. LEA-CTE Advisory • District’s CTE advisory committee is board approved • Representation from each industry sector • Meet minimum of 1-2X every yr. • CTE Advisory participates in the development of the LEA’s CTE Action Plan • Industry member work with CTE teachers on class implementation

  20. Things to Remember The cost must be directly related to a CTE program identified in the LEA's local CTE plan and annual application The activity must be intended to improve the targeted CTE program The cost must be "necessary" and "reasonable" for proper and efficient administration of the CTE program

  21. Things to Remember (Cont.) The cost must be specific to the targeted program—as opposed to a general expense required to carry out the LEA’s overall responsibilities Finally, the real test comes in comparing the use of the district's allocated funds to other potential program improvement uses

  22. Purchase CTE Equipment Upgrade equipment for CTE programs to align with industry standards. Equipment must be directly related to the CTE industry sector, NOT equipment that the district provides to academic teachers, i.e. LCD projectors or SmartBoards, tablets…… NO hand-held assessment devices, iPads, etc.

  23. Questions to Ask Who is requesting this purchase? i.e. Perkins Qualified CTE Teacher What is the request? Why is this expenditure necessary and is the cost reasonable? How was this activity, service or supply paid for in the past? What would you do if you did not have the Perkins funds?

  24. What are the Rules on Perkins IV Equipment Purchase & Inventory? Equipment is defined as having a purchase price of $5,000 or more and a useful life of one year or longer Equipment shall be maintained in a historical inventory system if the equipment is worth $500 or more Equipment shall be identified as having been purchased with Perkins funds 24

  25. CTE Equipment – Capital Outlay CTE Equipment over $5000 per item is considered Capital Outlay Permission is required to purchase any Capital Outlay piece of equipment Complete the form found on the CDE Perkins Web page: http://www.cde.ca.gov/ci/ct/pk/documents/outlay.doc E-mail the form to your CDE consultant who will review and approve the expenditure

  26. CTE Equipment CTE equipment purchased totally or in part with federal funds is subject to both federal and state laws, rules and regulations. The LEA is required to establish property-management policies and procedures and to maintain equipment inventory-control records and ensure secure storage.

  27. What are the Rules on Perkins IV Equipment Usage and Disposition? • May not be used to compete unfairly with business • When no longer needed for original purpose or other federal programs: • Current fair market value of $5,000 or less, can keep or dispose of with no strings attached • Current fair market value of more than $5,000 – may retain or sell the equipment as long as the Federal agency is provided compensation • Project Monitor must be notified when equipment is being sold, traded or transferred from one program to another. 27

  28. Books and Supplies Supplemental textbooks, NOT primary textbooks, unless they are for a new CTE course, never offered before. Supplies that improve, enhance or expand the program in order to keep up with industry standards Do NOT buy the day-to-day supplies to maintain an existing program (no food in a culinary arts program, no nails in a wood shop, no rags in an auto shop, no ink cartridges or paper).

  29. Contract Services Contract with a qualified and experienced CTE professional development provider Travel and registration costs for CTE teachers to attend state or local conferences to learn about CTE program development, planning, implementation or assessment Student transportation to visit an industry related facility; NOT college field trips for all students.

  30. What Expenditures CANNOT Be Made with Perkins IV Funds?

  31. Unallowable Expenditures Dues/memberships for professional societies or organizations Gifts, door prizes, trophies, awards that become the personal property of a student, teacher, etc. Instructional aids, uniforms, tools or other items that may be retained by students Promotional items, such as T-shirts, pens, cups, key chains and other memorabilia.

  32. Unallowable Expenditures (Cont.) Lodging, food, dues, individual transportation for students participating in competitions Out-of-state travel for students Conference travel not related to CTE program improvement Meals, banquets, entertainment – No food for meetings

  33. Equipment and supplies for building maintenance Furniture, files and equipment used by a CTE teacher (if the LEA provides the academic classrooms with laptop computer, LCD projector, etc., the same equipment must be provided in CTE classrooms) Office furniture, teacher chair, teacher desk, projector, projector bulbs…. Unallowable Expenditures (Cont.)

  34. Standard classroom furniture not specific and unique to the CTE program (tables, chairs, desks, etc.) General storage files or cabinets not designed to store specific tools or equipment Vehicles such as automobiles, trucks, buses, utility vehicles, boats, golf carts …. Unallowable Expenditures (Cont.)

  35. Tuition for either technical or academic courses for a teacher to meet degree or certificate requirements Costs of advertising and public relations designed to solely promote the LEA Career guidance materials for ALL students: LEAs cannot purchase COIN, Career Cruising, EUREKA, Choices, Kuder with Perkins funds. Unallowable Expenditures (Cont.)

  36. Constructing, renovating or remodeling facilities Equipment or supplies not used directly to teach CTE skills to students Salaries or wages paid to students College testing fees for students, college course fees for teachers, distance learning fees The above items are examples and not a complete list of unallowable expenditures. Unallowable Expenditures (Cont.)

  37. Show me the money!

  38. Perkins IV funds are provided to LEAs on a reimbursement basis only.

  39. Payment Procedures The Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) requiresfederal funds to be expended within 72 hours of receipt at the local level. We know that is unlikely to happen in California; therefore, CDE reimburses LEAs for approved CTE expenditures.

  40. Payment Timeline Quarterly claims for reimbursements may be submitted 3-4 times a year or 2mandated submissions -2nd and 4th.

  41. Payment Timeline All funds must be expended or legally obligated by June 30, 2010. Any funds left unclaimed by an LEA will revert to the CDE for reallocation to other LEAs in 2011–12. This means NO carryover.

  42. When are Funds Considered Obligated? Type of Cost Equipment & Supplies Work of Employees Contracted Services Utilities Rental Travel Conference Registration Obligation Occurs Date of Purchase Order When Work is Done Date of Written Agreement When Used When Used When Travel is Taken When Fee is Paid 43

  43. What Federal and State Rules Apply to Perkins IV Funding? • Perkins Career Technical Education Act of 2006 • 2008–12 State Plan for CTE • EDGAR (Education Department General Administration Regulations) • OMB Circulars (Office of Management and Budget) • Circular A-87 Cost Principals – State and Local • Circular A-133 Single Audit Requirements 44

  44. Purpose of the Funds Section 135(a) of Perkins IV states, “Each eligible recipient (LEA) of the Section 131 and 132 funds shall use these funds to improve CTE programs.” AVA Audit Handbook Chapter 4 While the regulations do not provide a definition of “program improvement,” it is clear that the funds may not be used to simply maintain the status quo.

  45. Basic Criteria for Expending the Funds • Expenditures Must: • Meet the purpose of the Act • Be necessary and reasonable • Expenditures May Not be Used for: • General purposes • Maintenance of existing programs 46

  46. What Types of Costs are NOT Eligible? 1. Student expenses or direct assistance to students * 2. Entertainment 3. Awards and memorabilia 4. Individual memberships 5. Membership with orgs. that lobby 6. College tuition, fees, books 7. Fines and penalties 8. Insurance/self-insurance 47

  47. What Types of Costs are NOT Eligible? 9. Expenses that supplant 10. Audits, except single audit 11. Contributions and donations 12. Contingencies 13. Facilities and furniture 14. General advertising 15. Alcohol 16. Fund raising 17. General administration 48

  48. Requirements for Uses ofPerkins IV, Title I, Part C Funds 1. Strengthen academic and career technical skills of students thru integration 2. Link CTE secondary and postsecondary programs (at least 1 program of study) 3. Provide students with strong experience and understanding in all aspects of an industry (WBL: Work-Based) 4. Develop, improve or expand use of technology 49

  49. Requirements for Uses ofPerkins IV, Title I, Part C Funds 5. Professional development 6. Evaluate programs with emphasis on spec. pops. 7. Initiate, improve, expand and modernize quality programs 8. Provide activities, services and be of sufficient, size, scope and quality 9. Prepare spec. pops. for high skill, high wage, or high demand, occupations 50

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