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Test your knowledge of pancreatic cancer by taking this quiz. <br>https://www.icliniq.com/articles/cancer/quiz-on-pancreatic-cancer
A Quiz on Pancreatic Cancer Question 1 : Pancreatic cancer is not very common. A) True B) False Answer: B Explanation: It is the fourth leading cause of death in many developed countries. Question 2: It most commonly affects the elderly. A) True B) False Answer: A Explanation: The most commonly affected age group is 60 to 79 years. Question 3: It is caused by smoking. A) True B) False Answer: A Explanation: Smoking is one of the causes of pancreatic cancer. On the other hand, alcohol causes chronic pancreatitis, not pancreatic cancer.
Question 4: I am a diabetic. I cannot have pancreatic cancer. A) True B) False Answer: B Explanation: Diabetics may be more prone to developing pancreatic carcinoma. Question 5: I used to have alcohol and have had chronic pancreatitis. I cannot have carcinoma of the pancreas. A) True B) False Answer: B Explanation: While it is true that alcohol may not cause pancreatic cancer, but it may cause pancreatitis. And pancreatitis of any cause can lead to cancer of the pancreas. Question 6: Someone in my family has pancreatic cancer. I may, therefore, develop it. A) True B) False Answer: A Explanation: While this is not an absolute rule, familial diseases are known to occur and the same holds true for pancreatic cancer as well. For example, familial pancreatic cancer, familial multiorgan carcinoma syndrome.
Question 7: There are no symptoms with pancreatic cancer. A) True B) False Answer: B Explanation: The condition has many symptoms as listed. ● Jaundice. ● Weight loss. ● Abdominal discomfort. ● Epigastric pain. ● Pruritus. ● Lethargy. ● Backache. ● Nausea and vomiting. Question 8: The condition is diagnosed as soon as it happens. A) True B) False Answer: B Explanation: It is usually detected late when 85 to 90 % of the cases are inoperable. Question 9: There is no treatment for pancreatic cancer. A) True B) False
Answer: B Explanation: There is some treatment available. The treatment options depend on the stage when diagnosed. If it is detected early enough, it may be removed surgically. Otherwise, chemotherapy may need to be initiated. Check Your Score: If you took this questionnaire, how many answers did you get right? ● 1-3: You need to know more about this disease. ● 4-7: You need to know more about various aspects of the disease, some parts of which you already know. ● >7: You just need to stay updated. Talk to your diabetologist regularly to know what is new. Test your knowledge by taking this quiz -->> https://www.icliniq.com/articles/cancer/quiz-on-pancreatic-can cer