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Antonio Vivaldi

Antonio Vivaldi. Baroque Composer.

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Antonio Vivaldi

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  1. Antonio Vivaldi Baroque Composer

  2. Antonio Vivaldi was born to a poor family in Venice, Italy on March 4th 1678. When Vivaldi lived, Venice had about 150,000 people which was large for the time. Venice is a city built on water, with canals instead of streets. It is also a city of splendid churchs, palaces and theaters. One of the most famous churches in Europe is St. Mark’s Cathedral which is located in Venice.

  3. Vivaldi had four brothers and four sisters. When Vivaldi was a little boy, he was very sick with asthma. There was no medicine for asthma back then, and Antonio could not play outside with the other children. So his father taught him to play the violin and the two would often perform together.

  4. Vivaldi began training to be a priest at the age of 15. He was ordained a priest (against his will) in 1703 at the age of 25. Some speculate the training for the priesthood was the only way for a poor family to obtain free schooling. Antonio was called the “Red Priest” because of his flaming red hair. There are stories of Antonio pretending to be ill so he could leave his priesthood duties and go write down a musical idea he was thinking about.

  5. During the Baroque Era, Venice was an important musical center with four famous music schools for orphaned young women whose parents were not able to support them. At these schools, the young women received exclusive training in music. It was once written that the girls at these orphanages “sing like angels, play the violin, flute, organ, oboe, cello, and bassoon…” After Antonio left the church, he became head of one of these schools which housed over 6,000 girls. Vivaldi wrote hundreds of pieces of music for his students to perform. He was well paid in this position and made twice the salary of his father. He remained at this job for most of his professional life.

  6. After a time, Vivaldi left the orphanage and began composing operas and concertos (a work for solo instrument and orchestra). He was very successful and many people attended his concerts and productions. Vivaldi wrote over 1,000 pieces of music.His most famous concerto is called “The Four Seasons” which was written in 1723. Vivaldi wrote four sonnets (poems) about each season to accompany his music. Vivaldi included several effects the Four Seasons such as bird calls, thunder storms, wind and rain.

  7. Antonio Vivaldi died in 1741 “of internal fire” (probably asthmatic bronchitis from which he suffered all his life).After Vivaldi’s death, his music became largely forgotten for almost 200 years. Then in the autumn of 1926, an Italian boarding school discovered a large collection of Vivaldi’s original manuscripts. They were given to a music professor at Turin University who recognized their worth and began the process of publishing and performing his work for the public. Vivaldi is now recognized as the great Italian contemporary of JS Bach and GF Handel. (BTW, JS Bach was a great fan of Vivaldi.)

  8. First and Last Name__________________________ Directions: Write answers in complete sentences. Incomplete sentences will receive half credit. 1. What was the country and birth year of Antonio Vivaldi? 2. What stylistic period did Antonio Vivaldi compose music? 3. What instrument did Vivaldi play? 4. Describe Vivaldi’s childhood. • Describe Vivaldi’s first occupation and write his nickname? 6. Describe the place where Vivaldi worked most of his life? 7. What is Vivaldi’s most famous work? First and Last Name__________________________ Directions: Write answers in complete sentences. Incomplete sentences will receive half credit. 1. What was the country and birth year of Antonio Vivaldi? 2. What stylistic period did Antonio Vivaldi compose music? 3. What instrument did Vivaldi play? 4. Describe Vivaldi’s childhood. Describe Vivaldi’s first occupation and write his nickname? 6. Describe the place where Vivaldi worked most of his life? 7. What is Vivaldi’s most famous work?

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