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Building a digital library for learning and research. Carlos Cardoso Oliveira University of Porto, Faculty of Engineering, Portugal GAUTI - Information Technology Support Unit, CEO colive@fe.up.pt. Introduction. A few words about Porto. Main city of Northern Portugal
Building a digital library for learning and research Carlos Cardoso Oliveira University of Porto, Faculty of Engineering, Portugal GAUTI - Information Technology Support Unit, CEO colive@fe.up.pt Carlos Oliveira - FEUP - Internet Librarian International 2000 - 20 March 2000
Introduction A few words about Porto Main city of Northern Portugal World Historic Patrimony Cultural Capital of Europe 2001 Port Wine Trade Center Champion’s League Football Team Carlos Oliveira - FEUP - Internet Librarian International 2000 - 20 March 2000
Introduction The University of Porto Public University, born in 1911 Largest university in the country with more than 25.000 students and 15 schools in two main campus in the city Carlos Oliveira - FEUP - Internet Librarian International 2000 - 20 March 2000
Introduction The Faculty of Engineering Established in 1915, derived from the Nautical School (1762) and the Polytechnical Academy (1837) 6000 Students 700 Teaching & Staff 6 Engineering Departments 8 Undergraduate Courses 23 MSc Courses 8 PhD in Engineering 10 Research Units 12 Interface Institutes Carlos Oliveira - FEUP - Internet Librarian International 2000 - 20 March 2000
Introduction Information Technology Support Unit • Mission • Provide the strategy and the support for the effective • use of information technology in the Faculty • Services • Information Technologies Watch • Training and Awareness activities • Publishing services • Multimedia equipment operation and loan • Multimedia production Carlos Oliveira - FEUP - Internet Librarian International 2000 - 20 March 2000
Introduction The IT connection Point Computer service Information infrastructure Electronic user support Network services Public Relations Office Continuous training Image promotion Cultural activities GAUTI Library Publishing Market information Digital library resources Carlos Oliveira - FEUP - Internet Librarian International 2000 - 20 March 2000
Introduction My own background Electrical and Computing Engineer MSc. in Telecommunications 4 years as a Researcher in Telematic Services 3 years as a Commercial Multimedia Producer CEO of Information Technology Support Unit Teacher in the MSc. Course in Multimedia Technology Webmaster of the Library Carlos Oliveira - FEUP - Internet Librarian International 2000 - 20 March 2000
Hybrid Libraries Information and Workspaces • Single online interface must provide: • Information Hub, • Learning Space, • Social Environment • same roles of physical libraries, in the digital world ! Carlos Oliveira - FEUP - Internet Librarian International 2000 - 20 March 2000
Hybrid Libraries Library without walls, but... • Still a crucial role of the librarians in the support of users: • Quality control and adequacy of content, • Personalized support of users’ needs, • Documentation on the use and training, • Provide easier access paths Carlos Oliveira - FEUP - Internet Librarian International 2000 - 20 March 2000
Hybrid Libraries Successful Hybrid Libraries Institutional Commitment: Strategic alliance and mutual understanding between the library, the computer centre and the academic staff • Still important “the library as a place”, • Integration of legacy, transition and new resources, • Access versus holdings equilibrium, • Provide conventional services using new technologies Carlos Oliveira - FEUP - Internet Librarian International 2000 - 20 March 2000
Information Strategy The mission: leverage knowledge “People will share what they know and reuse the know-how of others if you make it easy for them, and if you make it worth their while.” “Knowledge is often as much about who you know as it is about what you know.” Carlos Oliveira - FEUP - Internet Librarian International 2000 - 20 March 2000
Information Strategy The strategy: focus on key points Productivity capture and share best practices, provide information on current research. “Up to 25% of R&D investment can be wasted on redundant research.” Carlos Oliveira - FEUP - Internet Librarian International 2000 - 20 March 2000
Information Strategy The strategy: focus on key points Competency provide distance learning facilities, analyze metrics of knowledge use and sharing. “Knowledge management is as much cultural as it is technological, that a culture that does not foster and reward sharing of knowledge cannot expect technology to solve its knowledge challenges.” Carlos Oliveira - FEUP - Internet Librarian International 2000 - 20 March 2000
Information Strategy The strategy: focus on key points Responsiveness provide personalized headlines and alerts, provide expertise information. “Current systems manage well-known and well-understood events, which is insufficient for the more unanticipated events, like dramatic changes in technology.” Carlos Oliveira - FEUP - Internet Librarian International 2000 - 20 March 2000
Information Strategy The strategy: focus on key points Innovation create forums and knowledge bases on key research areas, provide information on R&D trends. “Users frequently spend a lot of time just figuring out where things are before they even begin to think about what they are.” Carlos Oliveira - FEUP - Internet Librarian International 2000 - 20 March 2000
Information Strategy The Library Web Site • Integrated “one-stop shopping”: • ease of use, • networked access to electronic information resources • added value to information and resources, • personalized environment, • integration with institutional information architecture Carlos Oliveira - FEUP - Internet Librarian International 2000 - 20 March 2000
Information Strategy Why not the “Amazon model” ? Access Cover Art Contents Reviews Recommendation Carlos Oliveira - FEUP - Internet Librarian International 2000 - 20 March 2000
Information Architecture Information Infrastructure SiFEUP -Information System of the Faculty (since 1996): • geographical information (buildings, rooms, labs), • courses information (lectures, calendar, classes, readings), • student information (personal data, evaluation), • staff information (projects, publications, service allocation), • administrative information (online services) Carlos Oliveira - FEUP - Internet Librarian International 2000 - 20 March 2000
Information Architecture Calendar Carlos Oliveira - FEUP - Internet Librarian International 2000 - 20 March 2000
Information Architecture Administrative forms Carlos Oliveira - FEUP - Internet Librarian International 2000 - 20 March 2000
Information Architecture Student Information Carlos Oliveira - FEUP - Internet Librarian International 2000 - 20 March 2000
Information Architecture Library Management Systems Multi-tier architecture (client, application and data layers) Integrated system that manages all aspects of your library, for both staff and patrons. ALEPH 500 modules include: Web and GUI PAC, Circulation, Cataloging, Serials, Acquisitions, ILL, SDI, Z39.50 access and also provide numerous housekeeping functions, including statistical analysis. Carlos Oliveira - FEUP - Internet Librarian International 2000 - 20 March 2000
Information Architecture The Information Landscape • Integration of information and work • Navigational framework with location information, • Niles Endnote Z39.50 access to catalog, • Direct access to records and electronic content by ID, • IP and user access restrictions, • Mail and save searched records, • Searched strategy history, • Contextual help search, Carlos Oliveira - FEUP - Internet Librarian International 2000 - 20 March 2000
Information Architecture BackOffice Services • Editing the site information: links, newsletter • Online Library management tools • Communication tools: BBS, webforum, calendar • Administrative documentation: templates, reports • Operation manuals and procedures • Statistics: cataloguing, circulation, search, site Carlos Oliveira - FEUP - Internet Librarian International 2000 - 20 March 2000
Information Architecture Web catalog search Carlos Oliveira - FEUP - Internet Librarian International 2000 - 20 March 2000
Information Architecture Link to book homepage Carlos Oliveira - FEUP - Internet Librarian International 2000 - 20 March 2000
Information Architecture Link to serial homepage Carlos Oliveira - FEUP - Internet Librarian International 2000 - 20 March 2000
Information Architecture Content search Carlos Oliveira - FEUP - Internet Librarian International 2000 - 20 March 2000
Information Architecture Link to full paper Carlos Oliveira - FEUP - Internet Librarian International 2000 - 20 March 2000
Information Architecture Table of Contents enrichment Would you like to increase materials usage by 45% ? Would you like to increase access to composite works by 600% ? Blackwell’s homepage Carlos Oliveira - FEUP - Internet Librarian International 2000 - 20 March 2000
Information Architecture EI Village Carlos Oliveira - FEUP - Internet Librarian International 2000 - 20 March 2000
Information Architecture DialogWeb Carlos Oliveira - FEUP - Internet Librarian International 2000 - 20 March 2000
Information Architecture Proquest Direct Carlos Oliveira - FEUP - Internet Librarian International 2000 - 20 March 2000
Information Architecture MODELS Information Architecture “The difference is between integration of connection and integration of operation.” “The target is to provide complex systems which do not just display results for human consumption, but have some significant understanding of the results; understanding in the sense of being able to re-use them.” Carlos Oliveira - FEUP - Internet Librarian International 2000 - 20 March 2000
Information Architecture Knowledge Awareness Management “The most important requirement: in-depth knowledge of your company's information needs” Dialog Intranet Toolkit: • Custom search forms • “Hot Topic" title lists (saved search strategy) • Customized delivery site on your Intranet (Alerts) Carlos Oliveira - FEUP - Internet Librarian International 2000 - 20 March 2000
Supporting the Academic Community Developing Knowledge Spaces • Hierarchical Information layers: • Assets: encapsulate data or behaviours (reusable), • Objects: metadata information record, • Unit networks: linked path of objects, • Annotations: subjective content • Provide citation and linking between research papers Carlos Oliveira - FEUP - Internet Librarian International 2000 - 20 March 2000
Supporting the Academic Community Annotation Layer Subject Path Object Database Assets Pool Knowledge base conceptual model Carlos Oliveira - FEUP - Internet Librarian International 2000 - 20 March 2000
Supporting the Academic Community Resource based learning “Students learn from their own use of learning resources and the teacher act as a facilitator” • Instructional Management Systems Project: • standards for locating and operating interactive platform independent materials • support for the collaborative and dynamic nature of learning • incentives and structure for developing and sharing content Carlos Oliveira - FEUP - Internet Librarian International 2000 - 20 March 2000
Supporting the Academic Community Effective use of resources • IT Watch service provides: • information seeking behaviour studies, • information consumption analysis, • integration with central information infrastructure Teaching information technology skills: 1. Task Definition 2. Information Seeking Strategies 3. Location and Access 4. Use of Information 5. Synthesis 6. Evaluation Carlos Oliveira - FEUP - Internet Librarian International 2000 - 20 March 2000
Questions ? Presentation available at: http://www.fe.up.pt/~colive/bdllr.ppt Disclaimer: The opinions stated are those of the author and do not represent an official position of the University of Porto. Carlos Oliveira - FEUP - Internet Librarian International 2000 - 20 March 2000