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Fatih University

Fatih University. NIHA C ONFERENCE “COMMON FUTURE” E uropean Qualifications Framework and National Qualifications System in Turkey Prof. Dr. Oğuz Borat 13 – 16 January 2008 Hotel Patalya Kizilcahamam, Ankara. Fatih University.

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Fatih University

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  1. Fatih University NIHA CONFERENCE “COMMON FUTURE”European Qualifications Framework and National Qualifications System in TurkeyProf. Dr. Oğuz Borat13 – 16 January 2008Hotel PatalyaKizilcahamam, Ankara

  2. Fatih University Heads of State or Government of the Member States agreed on the following objective "By 2010 the European Union must become the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world capable of sustainable economic growth with more and better jobs and greater social cohesion." Lisbon Council 23-24 Mart 2000

  3. Fatih University To Achieve Knowledge Based Economy Strategic objective for the European Union is: to become the world’s most dynamic knowledge based economy. Hence, promote social inclusion, cohesion, mobility, employability and competitiveness.

  4. Fatih University European Qualifications Framework – EQF?- Translation device for comparing qualifications / Meta-Framework- Neutral reference point based on learning outcomes- EQF implementation is voluntary- Impose no legal obligations on Member States or sectors- 8 common reference levels (learning outcomes)

  5. Fatih University the European Qualifications Framework • Mutual recognition of academic and vocational qualifications • Establishment of • 1- National Qualifications Frameworks • 2- European Qualifications Framework; • (The 8 levels go from very basic skills to top level academic and professional skills. Today we are mainly concerned with levels 2 to 6)

  6. The alternative to EQF: bilateral agreements? Fatih University Country C Country B Country A …they rapidly become very complex…

  7. The alternative to EQF: bilateral agreements? Fatih University Country B Country I Country C Country A Country D Country H Country E Country G Country F

  8. Fatih University EQF Levels Country A Level 8 Country B Level 7 Qualification Level 6 Qualification Qualification Level 5 Qualification Level 4 Qualification Level 3 Qualification Level 2 Qualification Level 1

  9. Fatih University Swedish post-secondary engineering education (Påbygnadsutbildning) = EQF Level 4 = Irish post secondary education at national level 6 (Advanced certificate) E Q F

  10. Fatih University Country has framework Country which has not yet taken a decision to have a framework Country is developing framework

  11. 8 Reference & 5 Certification Levels Learning Outcomes VOC-TEST (MEGEM) Fatih University Ploteus Learning Opportunities Portal 1 Citizen 5 2 LLL EUROPASS 6 5 4 3 2 Formal Edu. 1- CV 3 4 Non-Formal Learn. 2- Language Passport LABOUR MARKET Informal Learning 3- Diploma Supplement In the Field Learning 4- Certificate Supplement 5- Mobility European Credit Transfer & Accumulation System (ECTS, ECVET) EUROPEAN SPACE 4

  12. Sectors & Chambers Fatih University 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Levels 8 Reference Levels in Formal Education

  13. 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Levels Fatih University 8 Reference Levels and Titles in LM Sectors & Chambers

  14. Fatih University • Each level in the EQF is described in terms of three types of typical learning outcomes: • 1- Knowledge • 2- Skills • 3- Personal and professional competences • - Autonomy and responsibility • - Learning competence • - Communication and social competence • - Professional and vocational competence The EQF Level Descriptors

  15. LIFELONG LEARNING (LLL) & ECVET Fatih University 5th Level Certificate Supplement 5th Level Diploma Supplement Test for 5th Level 5th Level Credit Accumulation 4 x 30 = 120 Unit Formal Learning (Higher Vocational School) Informal Learning Learning in the Field Non-Formal Learning

  16. Fatih University Establishment of National Qualifications System in Turkey Draft law proposal on Vocational Qualifications Authority (VQA) prepared by Social Partners (MoNE, MoL&SS, SPO, ISKUR, TOBB, TISK, TESK, TURK-IS, HAK-IS, DISK,TUSIAD, MEKSA) VQA Law No.5544 07 October 2006

  17. Vocational Qualifications Authority (OQO) Education,Training & Employment of Human Resources SPO Mo L&SS MoNE Council of Higher Education TÜRKAK Ministries Labour Market Education Needs Learning Outcomes CoHE (YOK) Vocational Qualifications Authority (VQA) Socio-Economic Activities in Sectors OSC Education Standards OS Certification System MEGEM (VOC-TEST) MoNE Certified manpwer Educated HR Education System based on LLL Trade Unions Chambers NGOs Fatih University

  18. NQS in Turkey Accreditetion VQA Sectors Occupational Standards NGOs Education Standards Curricula Question Bank Testing Certification Fatih University

  19. Fatih Üniversitesi Preparation of Occupational Standards by Sector 1- Application to VQA 2- LMNA 3- Priority in occupations NGO 5- Occupational standards 4- Determination of Reference Levels SECTOR

  20. Fatih University VOC-TEST by SECTOR 1- App.to VQA 2- Prep. of Question Bank by Sector 4- Certification NGO 3- Knowledge & Skills Testing SECTOR

  21. Fatih University THANKS

  22. Fatih University The main elements of the EQF 8 COMMON REFERENCE LEVELS

  23. Fatih University • KEY COMPETENCES • - communication in mother tongue, • communication in another language, • basiccompetences in maths, science and technology, • digital competence, • learning to learn, • interpersonal and civic competences, • entrepreneurship and • cultural expression

  24. Fatih University ECTS, ECVET (Credit transfer and accumulation system) Goal to create an integrated credit transfer system at European level, meeting the needs of vocational and academic institutions

  25. Fatih University Building up National Qualifications Frameworks (NQF) National authorities determine how the qualifications within each country are linked to an EQF.

  26. Fatih University Linking qualifications to the EQF: the role of sectoral stakeholders- Invite sectors to link sectoral qualifications to EQF- Facilitate sectoral developments- Facilitate link between national and sectoral qualifications - Decentralisation and self-certification

  27. National Standards & Certificate VOC-TEST (MEGEM) SECTORAL NGO Certified person VQA TÜRKAK Occupational Standards (5-10 Sector Experts) SECTOR Knowledge&Skills Testing (5-7 sector + 2 education experts) Certification Fatih Üniversitesi

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