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Unit Four. The Design Plan for Freedom Tower. I. About the text. Suggested summary
Unit Four The Design Plan for Freedom Tower
I. About the text • Suggested summary • The author illustrates to the readers the designing idea and the composition of the Freedom Tower. The Freedom Tower is the replacement for what was once World Trade Centerto become the new Land Mark of New York City.While emphasizing enhanced security requirements, the tower’s design evokes classic New York City Skyscrapers in its elegance. Additionally, the new tower will serve as a model of energy efficiency and environmental sustainability, embodying state-of-the-art energy-saving technology, environmentally friendly building materials, water conservation features, and ventilation systems. Both the officials and the builders are very confident with the design.
Background information • The collapse of the World Trade Center (WTC) towers following the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, as is well known, was as sudden as it was dramatic; the event shocked nearly everyone. The New Yorkers, however, soon moved forward from the tragedy and started planning the reconstruction of the Lower Manhattan. They will build better and safer buildings in the future based, in part, on the lessons learned at the WTC. Contests were held for rebuilding the WTC site. The first design plan of
Freedom Tower was unveiled in December 2003. On July 4, 2004, the cornerstone of Freedom Tower was laid. Just as construction was beginning, security concerns were raised, leading to a complete redesign of the tower. After nearly three months back on the drawing board, the new plans were released on June 29, 2005. The skyscraper is estimated to cost $ 1.5 billion.
On June 29, 2005, a redesigned Freedom Tower was released, addressing security concerns raised about the original design. The new design retains essential elements of the original -- soaring 1,776 feet into the sky, its illuminated spire evoking the Statue of Liberty's torch -- but features a larger, cubic base set back further from West Street to protect the building against any future terrorist attempts.
When the first plan came out of the pack, it found slews of detractors. Gov. George Pataki ordered the design changes because police were concerned that the tower's placement adjacent to West Street, a major thoroughfare along the west side of Manhattan, would make it vulnerable to a truck bomb.
On January 6, 2004, the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation announced its selection of a single design for a memorial at the World Trade Center site: "Reflecting Absence" designed by architect Michael Arad and landscape architect Peter Walker,will honor the 2,979 lost in the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 and February 26, 1993. Two large “voids” -- cascading pools sunken thirty feet into the footprints of the Twin Towers -- form the centerpiece of the design, which also incorporates extensive landscaping in the plaza
surrounding the voids and calls for the creation of an underground center to house 9/11 artifacts and a cultural facility at the intersection of Fulton and Greenwich Streets. The names of those who died on 9/11 will be listed on low parapets around each pool -- in random order but with indicators beside those who were rescue workers.
Washington Place • Washington Place, with its smart art deco lobby, sits at the corner of Sixth Avenue and a quiet, historic, tree-lined street, just west of Washington Square in Greenwich Village. It is an exclusive collection of 14 private residences, designed to create a new landmark in harmony with its historic neighborhood.
Key words and expressions 1. It builds upon the original’s extraordinary level of life safety features… • It maintains the life safety features of the original design… • 它以原设计方案中超常的人身安全保障为设计理念… • build sth. on sth. • to base something on an idea or thing • Our relationship is built on trust. • The new plan will build on the success of the previous program.
2. In addition, the Freedom Tower will further its distinction as a world-class model of energy efficiency and environmental sustainability. (para.1) • 此外,自由塔还将更加突出其在有效利用能源及保护环境方面作为世界典范围的特点。
“further” is used in this sentence as a verb meaning “to advance sth.”. • Example: • Additional training is probably the best way to further your career these days. • 多进行培训可能是目前进一步做好工作最好的方法。 • 他想到美国继续他的学业。 • He wants to go to America to further his study.
… the revised Freedom Tower features a cubic base, rather than a parallelogram as originally conceived … (para.2) • ..其最显著的改动是基座由原方案的平行四边形改为正方形… • “as originally conceived” is an elliptical sentence used as an adverbial clause. The complete sentence should be “as it is originally conceived”.
3. featurev. • To give special attention to; display, publicize, or make prominent. • Round the clock service features the store. • 昼夜营业是这家商店的特色。 • 他们在饮食方面的特色是以鱼为主。 • Fish features largely in their diet. • 业余时间跳舞成为她生活中的一大特色。 • Dancing in her spare time features largely in her life.
4. parallelogram • a flat shape with four sides in which each side is the same length as the side opposite it and parallel to it平行四边形 • see also rectangle 长方形,矩形 a hexagon六边形, a cube立方形,立方体
It is the envelope of a series of parallelograms of equal area and sharing two sides. • 这是一个同等尺寸,两边相等的平行四边形信封。 • It’s profile was an irregular parallelogram, and it appeared to be made up of interlocking blocks of crystalline metal. • 它的外形是不规则平行四边形,看起来就像是由相互连接的水晶形金属构成的。
5. conceivev. • to think of a new idea, plan etc and develop it in your mind: 构思, 持有;怀孕, 考虑, 设想 • Scientists first conceived the idea of the atomic bomb in the 1930's. • The painting is beautifully conceived in every way -- composition, color and texture. • conceive of sth./sb. as sth.: Toform (an idea, a plan, etc) in the mind; imagine sth 想出(主意、计划等); 构思; 想像某事物: • Language may be conceived of as a process which arises from social interaction. • 可以认为语言是人们在社会交往的过程中形成的。 • The ancients conceived (of) the world as (being) flat, 古人认为地球是扁的.
(cannot) conceive of (doing) sth:do not believe 不相信;想象不出 • Many people can't conceive of a dinner without meat or fish. • 很难想象生活中没有电会是什么样子。 • It is difficult to conceive of living without electricity.
(cannot) conceive of (doing) sth • Many people can't conceive of a dinner without meat or fish. • 很难想象生活中没有电会是什么样子。 • It is difficult to conceive of living without electricity.
6.This new design reflects a soaring tribute to freedom and a bedrock to commitment to safety and security. • 这一新的设计方案表达了我们对自由的高度赞扬和对安全的基本承诺。 • reflectv. 1)show the nature of or express (sth); correspond to 表现…的性质; 表达 ;反映 • The literature of a period reflects its values and tastes. • 某一时期的文学可反映出该时期的价值观念和审美观念.
reflect v. • 1) Image (usually passive) if a person or a thing is reflected in a mirror, a glass, or water, you see an image of the person or thing on the surface of the mirror, glass, or water 照,反射 • She could see her face reflected in the car’s windshield. • 她能在汽车的风挡上看到自己的脸。
销售量的增加带来了更大的利润. • Increased sales were reflected in higher profits. • 2) ~ sb/sth (in sth) (of a mirror, etc) make a visible image of sb/sth (指镜子等)映出影像:照,反射 • trees reflected in the lake • 湖中映出的树影 • 她能在汽车的挡风玻璃上看到自己的脸。 • She could see her face reflected in the car’s windshield.
tribute n.action, statement or gift that is meant to show one‘s respect or admiration 表示敬意或称赞的行动、言语或礼物 • Tributes have been pouring in from all over the world for the famous actor who died yesterday. • 世界各地的人们向昨日已故的著名演员表示哀悼。
be a tribute to sth/sb • to show clearly how good, strong or effective something or someone is 有效性的标示 • It is a tribute to his determination over his 22 years that he has achieved where so many before him have failed. • 这对他是个里程碑,标志着他这22年来所取得的前所未有的成绩。 • 他能够康复充分说明该医师医术高超. • His recovery is a tribute to the doctors' skill.
pay tribute to sb/sthto praise someone or something 对某人(某物)表示赞赏或敬意 • 我谨对在这一工程中努力工作的办公室人员表示赞扬和感谢。 • I'd like to pay tribute to the office staff for all their hard work in this project. • 当这个演员的死讯公布于众的时候,朋友们都表示震惊,并对他的才能表示赞赏。 • Friends of the actor paid tribute to his talent and expressed shock as news of his death became public.
commitmentn. a promise to do something or to behave in a particular way委托事项, 许诺, 承担义务; • It's a part-time program, but it's still a big time commitment. • 这是一个兼职的节目,但仍需认真对待。 • 州长仍有义务在本州提供更多的工作。 • The governor has a strong commitment to creating jobs in the state. • Are you ready to make a long-term commitment ?
7. iconn. • 1) a small sign or picture on a computer screen that is used to start a particular operation 图标 • I could not open an application by icon and double-clicking the icon. • 双击这个图标打不开申请表。 • 击屏幕顶上的图标打开这个文件。 • To open a new file, click on the icon at the top of the screen. • 2)someone famous and admired by many people 偶像 • He is a pop icon designed and manufactured for the video generation. • 他是音像时代里设计和造就出来的流行乐偶像。
8. This spectacular addition to our skyline will be a commanding architectural symbol while addressing the security concerns we face in today’s world. 天际间增添了这座雄伟的大楼,景色蔚为壮观,它将成为一个权威性的建筑象征。它传达了我们对当今世界安全问题的重视。
address v. give attention to a problem/issue/concern etc : 予以重视;处理问题 • Our products address the needs of users. • 我们的产品非常注重用户的需要。 • He addressed a warning to his friend.
address yourself to sth. • direct the efforts or attention of:忙于,专注于 • He ignored the side issues and addressed himself to the main problem. • 他抛开枝节问题,致力于主要问题。 • 他热切地致力于对于古典建筑的研究。 • He addressed himself eagerly to the study of classical construction.
9. vibranta. • 1) full of activity or energy in a way that is exciting and attractive • ᅳsynonym: lively 充满活力的,活跃的 • Hong Kong is a vibrant, fascinating city. • She was sixteen, young and vibrant. • 2) a vibrant color is bright and strong(色彩) 鲜艳的, 明亮的 • Many people come to see the vibrant reds and oranges of the leaves in autumn in Xiangshan.
10. beaconn. • 1) a signaling or guiding device, such as a lighthouse, located on a coast. 灯塔; • Navigation was helped by a radio beacon (无线电信标) set up by the Army on the island. • 2) especially literary a person, idea etc that guides or encourages you (喻)明灯;指路人;楷模
The education program is a beacon of hope to these children. • 对这些孩子来说,这项教育计划就是希望的明灯. • Havel has become his country's beacon of democracy and hope. • 哈维尔(捷克总统1993-2002)成为他们国家民主运动的带路人、希望之星.
11. chamferv. & n. • cut off the edge or corner:切去边或角;将…切成斜面 • chamfer a stone 切去一块石头的棱角 • gear chamfering 齿轮倒角 • chamfering tool 倒棱(角)工具 • chamfering hob 齿轮倒角滚刀 • chamfered joint 斜削接头 • chamfered groove 角槽 • chamfered edge 削边 • chamfering of rail 钢轨斜切
12. At its middle, the tower forms a perfect octagon in plan and then culminates in an observation deck and glass parapet whose plan is a square, rotated 45 degrees from the base. (para.5) • According to the plan, the middle sector of the tower is a perfect octagon and topped with an observation deck and glass parapet. • 根据方案,大楼的中部断面为正八边形,其顶层设有一个观景台和一个正方形的、与基座呈45度角的玻璃幕墙。
plan: n. • a drawing of a building, town, area, vehicle, machine, etc (房屋、地区、车辆、机械等)设计图,平面图 • The spy stole the secret plans for the new submarine. • 间谍偷走了新潜水艇的秘密图纸。 • 设计师向我们展示了她绘制的房子平面图。 • The architect showed us the house plans that she had drawn up. • 我会把新机械的设计图纸寄过去。 • I'll send the plans for the new machine.
culminate(in) v. • to reach the highest point or degree; climax;end with到达最高点或程度;达到高潮; 以…结局 • Years of waiting culminated in a tearful reunion. • Their years of work culminated in the discovery of a cure. • 他们经过多年的工作,终于发现了治疗方法. • 争论以大打出手告终。 • The argument culminated in hand fighting.
Her career culminated in her appointment as director. • 她一生事业的顶峰是当上了董事. • culmination noun [U] • Winning first prize was theculminationof years of practice and hard work.
13. A mast containing an antenna for the Metropolitan Television Alliance (MTVA), designed by a collaboration of architects, artists, lighting designers and engineers, and secured by a system of cables, rises from a circular support ring, similar to Liberty’s torch, to a height of 1,776 feet. (para.5) Sentence analysis: Subject: a mast Predict: rises Attributives: containing…; designed by…; secured by…
A mast containing an antenna for the MTVA, and secured by a system of cables, rises from a circular support ring, similar to Liberty’s torch, to a height of 1,776 feet.
The World Trade Center was home to many of New York's television and radio transmitters until the attacks of September 11, 2001. The Freedom Tower will be the new home to TV channels 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 28, 30, 31, 36, 38, 40, 41, 44, 45, 47, 53, 56, 61, and 68. The new building, therefore, will take the place of WTC and accommodate facilities for MTVA. • 一个由建筑师、艺术家、灯光设计师及工程师联合设计的天线塔,其环形的网状保护支架内安装着城市电视联盟(MTVA)高大的电视发射天线,酷似自由女神手中高擎的火炬,使大楼的整体高度达到1776英尺.
14. collaborationn. 合作,协作 • in collaboration with: work very closely with 与…合作 • The two international companies are working in collaboration with each other in the development of new software. • 两家跨国公司在开发新软件方面相互合作. • 她与导师合作写了此书。 • She wrote the book in collaboration with her teacher.
collaboratev. • ~ with sb (on sth):work together (with sb), (与某人)合作; 协作: • She collaborated with her sister/She and her sister collaborated on a biography of their father. • 她和姐姐合作写父亲的传记. • The two nations are collaborating on several satellite projects. • He was suspected of collaborating with the enemy.
15. in keeping with • matching something in a particular situation:与…保持一致;与…协调 • In keeping with tradition, everyone dressed formally. • 人人都按照传统穿戴整齐。 • 他答应的事就一定能做到。 • His actions are in keeping with his promises. • out of keeping (with something) • The cheerful cover of the book is out of keeping with the sad story told inside it.
16. evokev. • 1) produce a strong feeling or memory in someone 使人想起,使人产生 • The photographs evoked strong memories of our holidays in France. • 这些照片使我们清晰地记起在法国度假的情景. • 他的外表肯定会引起人们的同情。 • His appearance is bound to evoke sympathy. • 她的讲话引来了敌对的回应。 • Her speech evoked a hostile response.
2) create anew, especially by means of the imagination: 使再现,描绘出 • The novel evokes the Depression in accurate detail. • 这部小说以精确的细节再现了大萧条情景。 • 以上描述是面试时提到的主要问题。 • The above description evoked the main questions during the interviews. • evocationn. • The poem is an evocation of lost love.
17. respiten. • a short period of time before you have to do something that you do not like 短暂的休息,喘息 • We have a few days' respite before we have to pay them since they are out. • 他们外出了,所以我们可以拖上几天再付款。 • 这次旅行是工作重压下深受欢迎的短暂休息。 • The trip was a welcome respite from the pressures of work. • 这种药只能使疼痛得到暂时的缓解。 • The drug can only provide a brief respite in the pain.