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Our range of fruits is slightly limited. While we are trying hard to expand this, the single biggest challenge is our belief in letting every fruit ripen, naturally. This means fruits are harvested by orchards at a certain stage from where fruits can naturally ripen on their own. <br>
Our Fruits - What Sets Sanesa Organic Fruits Apart? https://www.sanesa.in/ Contact: 9873726372
Our Fruits - What Sets Sanesa Organic Fruits Apart? • Our range of fruits is slightly limited. While we are trying hard to expand this, the single biggest challenge is our belief in letting every fruit ripen, naturally. This means fruits are harvested by orchards at a certain stage from where fruits can naturally ripen on their own. • Understanding How Fruits Ripen • We have all seen unripe Bananas and Mangoes. Unripe Bananas or Mangoes contain starches and certain enzymes. With a combination of time, temperature, and humidity, the natural process inside an unripe Banana or an unripe Mango, starts converting these starches into sugars like fructose, glucose, and sucrose. In this process, fruits lose weight, and hard pulp starts softening. https://www.sanesa.in/
Our Fruits - What Sets Sanesa Organic Fruits Apart? • The Banana will turn yellow, develop a few brown spots, and soften. Similarly, mango will soften and develop wrinkles too at times. • A mango that ripens naturally will lose about 15% of its weight in the process. Natural ripening is also an uneven and unpredictable process, wastages are higher, and the time of ripening cannot be known with surety. • Artificial Ripening Saves Wastage & Time • As against natural ripening, usually available fruits are ripened artificially by applying Ethylene gas in closed chambers or unscrupulous vendors may even use very harmful chemicals like calcium carbide. https://www.sanesa.in/
Our Fruits - What Sets Sanesa Organic Fruits Apart? • This artificial ripening process gives predictability. A shop can get exact quantities of a fruit while in our process, we don’t really know how many KG of Bananas will be ready the next day. Artificial ripening also reduces wastage as this is controlled ripening. However, taste will be lacking. • The reason for lacking taste and flavor is while the natural ripening of a fruit starts from inside, artificial ripening is where ethylene is being pumped from outside. • That’s why at times, you will see perfectly yellow Bananas that taste like Thermocol. But when you buy organic fruits from Sanesa, our Bananas, for example, will have green to brown peel when ripe. • Apart from artificial ripening, market fruits are mostly harvested at relatively more raw stage than ideal. Thus, they don’t release nutrition and aid your digestion in the way they are supposed to. https://www.sanesa.in/
Our Fruits - What Sets Sanesa Organic Fruits Apart? • Hard mangoes, hard plums, hard guavas - these are beneficial to retailers, but they don’t help your health. Ripening as a natural process ensures that fruits will always soften when ripe and not be tight and colorful all the time. • In order to enhance shelf life, cleaning fruits with fungicides is fairly common. Shiny, clean, without spots fruits will appeal more to your eyes than to your gut. We can only urge you to be careful and invest just a little time in understanding basics. https://www.sanesa.in/
Our Fruits - What Sets Sanesa Organic Fruits Apart? • If you are a fruit lover, especially Bananas, we can almost bet with you that you will never be able to go away once you start buying from us. The benefits of natural ripening are harder to show in some fruits but in the case of bananas, the benefits are so obvious that we don’t need to tell you again. • The only trouble is that we can't assure you the supplies always. As we grow bigger, it should change as volumes will take care of some hiccups, but we are committed to ensuring as little intervention as possible, and on this path, there are a few niggles. https://www.sanesa.in/
Thank You For more information visit our website : https://www.sanesa.in/ Contact: 9873726372 Address: B-217, Basement, Vipul Square, SushantLok Phase I, Backside, Gurugram, Haryana 122009 Email: farmssanesa@gmail.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sanesa.farms.7 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sanesafarms/