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Join Cyrique, Pitt, and Jared Burns in their STEM fair experiment to create the best parachute to carry weight for the longest time and land closest to the target. Learn about material types, string length, layer amount, parachute shape, size, string count, and material weight impact on speed and accuracy. Explore design hypotheses and experimental results to understand the effects of these variables on parachute performance.
Stem Fair: Parachute presison Cyrique Pitt and Jared Burns
Explanation of Challenge • Goal: Our goal for this challenge was to make the best parachute possible that can carry a weight for the longest amount of time while getting the parachute to land closest to the center of the target. • The Rules: • Standard weight given to by teacher. • Parachute must be assembled from scratch. • Parachute must be dropped from Indoors from 6 ft. high. • The distance from the target will determined by how far the weight lies from the center of the target.
Original Prototype Blueprints Nylon Strings Washer Explanation: Nylon is said to be able to withstand even the strongest material. Its light weight and tough. Making it able to withstand in the air. The strings are 20 cm because they give the parachute more accuracy and travel time.
Original Prototype in Action! Also see below
Experimental Problem Question • Variable 1:What is the effect of the type of material on the speed and accuracy of the parachute. • Variable 2: What is the effect of the length of the string on the speed and accuracy of the parachute.
Experimental Problem Question 2 • Variable 3: What is the effect of the amount of layers on the speed and accuracy of the parachute. • Variable 4: What is the effect of the shape of the parachute on the speed and the accuracy of the parachute.
Experimental Problem Question 3 • Variable 5: What is the effect of the size of the parachute on the speed and accuracy on the parachute. • Variable 6: What is the effect of the amount of strings on the speed and accuracy of the parachute.
Experimental Problem Question 4 • Variable 7: What is the effect of the weight of the type of parachute on the accuracy and speed of the parachute.
Experimental Design • Hypothesis 1: If we change the type of the material of the parachute, Then the speed well decrease and accuracy well increase, Because some material are lighter then other and can withstand the weight of the washer.
Experimental Design 2 • Hypothesis 2: If we increase the length of the strings of the parchute,Then the parachute accuracy well increase and the speed well decrease, Because if the string length increase they’ll have a shorter distance to travel before reaching the ground.
Experimental Design 3 • Hypothesis 3: If we increase the number of layers of the parachute, Then the parachutes accuracy well decrease and the speed well decrease because the extra layer well hold the parachute for longer while it well make the parachute go further in one direction.
Experimental Design 4 • Hypothesis 4: If we change the shape of the parachute, Then accuracy well decrease and speed well increase, Because the parachute well lean to the side of the with less support of the strings.
Experimental Design 5 • Hypothesis 5: If we increase the size of the parachute, Then accuracy well increase and speed well decrease, Because the parachute well have more support do to the increase of space.
Experimental Design 6 • Hypothesis 6: If we increase the number if strings, Then the speed well decrease while the accuracy decreases as well, Because even as the parachute has the extra support of the strings the string weigh the parachute down some making it less accurate.
Experimental Design 7 • Hypothesis 7: If we increase the weight of the parachute, then the parachute accuracy well increase and the speed well increase, Because the weight well weigh it down more making it a faster fall and more accurate.
What is the effect of the type of material on the speed and accuracy of the parachute.
What is the effect of the length of the strings on the speed and accuracy of the parachute.
What is the effect of the amount of layer on the speed and accuracy of the parachute.
What is the effect of the shape of the material on the speed and accuracy of the parachute.
What is the effect of the size on the speed and accuracy of the parachute.
What is the effect of the amount of strings on the speed and accuracy of the parachute.
What is the effect of the weight of material on the speed and accuracy of the parachute.
Experimental Conclusion • Our problem question was "What is the effect off material used on the accuracy and speed off the parachute?" Our hypothesis stated that "if we change the material used then the speed will increase but the accuracy will decrease because the material will be lighter it will be slower but less accurate and because if the material is heavier then it will be faster to the ground and more accurate." Our hypothesis was supported by our results which stated when we used cloth it was about 1.12 seconds. Then we used silk and it was about 1.13 seconds. Finally we used a bag (plastic) which was 1.26 seconds. • The weight of the bag was an experimental failure because it had off accuracy on the target and an average of 0.99 seconds. We know now that silk and cloth are the better materials for making a quality parachute over a small bag.
Final Design Blueprints washer 20 cm string Nylon Explanation: The strings are 20 cm long to withstand the weight of the washer. We have stapled 2 nylon together with make the parachute stronger and slower.
Scientific Explanation and Research • Weight is the mass of a person or object. Gravity is a natural force that allow small objects to move to the center of the Earth. Weight can effect gravity the heavier the object the faster it falls. • In this experiment the washer would be the weight. It weighs your parachute down which can increase speed. • Since nylon is a strong material it can with stand the weight of the washer. With 2 nylons it can withstand the weight for even longer
Scientific Explanation and Research 2 Also the number of string play in role in accuracy. If not enough string are presented it would be more difficult for it to hold the washer weight. The side that’s unable to hold the washer could cause the parachute to lean towards that direction
Reflection Question • Q: Was Your final design more effective than your original prototype? • A:Yes I know this because are average prototype data was 1.35 sec and 67 cm off. While our final design data was 12 cm off and 1.89 secs. • Q:What was the most challenge in part of the design process? • A:The most difficult part for me was testing 7 different variables.
Reflection Questions 2 • Q: What variable did we try to keep constant while testing? • A: The variables we tried to keep constant were the length of the strings. • Q:What did u learn from experimentation that helped in the final design? • A:I learned that the longer the strings the more accurate the parachute and when u add more layers u get better results in speed.
Reflection Question 3 • Q:After researching the scientific phenomenon related to this challenge would u change anything in your final design. • A: Yes I would change the length of my parachute and make it shape into a canopy. I have researched that’s not only does this make your parachute less accurate it well decrease speed which would be a major help in my final design.
Bibliography • Bate,Jim.Parchuting, From student to skydiver. Bluer ridge summit,PA:tab books,1990 • www.Parachute Enoclypedia.com