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Welcome Parents of AT Students. Fox Chase AT Teacher : Michele Lintner Think the Box Outside. Expectations. Come prepared to THINK! We are here to challenge our brains! Participate in class Listen THOUGHTFULLY when others speak Complete homework on time.
Welcome Parents ofAT Students Fox Chase AT Teacher: Michele Lintner Thinkthe BoxOutside
Expectations Come prepared to THINK! We are here to challenge our brains! Participate in class Listen THOUGHTFULLY when others speak Complete homework on time
What supplies should my child have in order to be prepared for each class? Folder or pocket in expandable folder(1 per subject) Planner Spiral notebook (1 per subject) Donations taken: post-its, pencils, and wide-ruled loose leaf paper Suggestions: 1. Students should take AT folders home each night and return them to school each day, so as not to forget papers at school or home. 2. Students should get in the habit of checking my website to make sure they don’t miss homework assignments.
AT Reading Discuss in-depth a shared text Extend learning happening in the regular classroom Focus on questioning to lead to a deeper understanding of the author’s ideas Defend a viewpoint by using text evidence
Common Core Math • Asks students to spend more time on fewer concepts in order to master key concepts. Students will learn to… • Carry out procedures accurately and quickly • Develop a deeper understanding of concepts • Know and be able to express WHY an answer is correct • Provides Opportunities to apply math in real-world situations. Students will learn to… • Know what mathematical concept to use to solve a particular problem • See the usefulness on math in every-day life • Persevere in problem-solving
Eight Mathematical Practices 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. 4. Model with mathematics. 5. Use appropriate tools strategically. 6. Attend to precision. 7. Look for and make use of structure. 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
District #308 Math Curriculum Units 3rd Grade: Addition and Subtraction, Multiplication and Division Concepts, Multiplication and Division Fluency and Application, Fractions, Measurement, and Geometry 4th Grade: Numbers and Operations, Multiplication and Division Concepts, Multiplication and Division Application, Fractions and Decimals, Computation Applications, Geometry 5th Grade: Number Sense, Whole Number Computation, Decimal Computation, Fractions, Dimensional Geometry, Volume and Measurement, Coordinate Geometry
Math Encourage risk-taking Encourage independence Ask guiding questions rather than giving answers IF, after 30-40 min. return incomplete work with parent note Reading Encourage debate Discuss the assigned reading Ask questions… higher order Help proofread written responses What can I do at home to help my child?
What is your homework policy? • DO IT!!! • Effort grade is affected by late work • Email/phone call to notify parent of late homework if two consecutive assignments are missed or chronic late assignments • If homework is late, your child will bring home an “OOPS” sheet for you to sign
District Web Page http://www.oswego308.org/teaching_learning/elementary/at/default.aspx My Web Page http://intranet.oswego308.org/schools/fc/staff.asp?EID=2733
How can I contact you? Michele Lintner (630) 636-3024 mlintner@sd308.org Please leave your phone number and best time to reach you.