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Artificial Intelligence. Knowledge Representation Problem. Knowledge bases. Knowledge base = set of sentences in a formal language. Stages of Knowledge Use. Acquisition structure of facts integration of old & new knowledge Retrieval (recall) roles of linking and chunking
Artificial Intelligence Knowledge Representation Problem
Knowledge bases • Knowledge base = set of sentences in a formal language
Stages of Knowledge Use • Acquisition • structure of facts • integration of old & new knowledge • Retrieval (recall) • roles of linking and chunking • means of improving recall efficiency
Representation • Set of syntactic and semantic conventions which make it possible to describe things • Syntax • specific symbols allowed and rules allowed • Semantics • how meaning is associated with symbol arrangements allowed by syntax
Knowledge Representation Schemas • Logic based representation – first order predicate logic, Prolog • Procedural representation – rules, production system • Network representation – semantic networks, conceptual graphs • Structural representation – scripts, frames, objects
Conceptual Graphs • each concept has got its type and an instance general concept – a concept with a wildcard instance specific concept – a concept with a concrete instance • there exsists a hierarchy of types subtype: • concept w is specialisation of concept v iftype(v)>type(w) or instance(w)::type(v) colour dog:*X brown colour dog:Emma brown animal dog cat
Types of Knowledge • Objects • both physical & concepts • Events • usually involve time • maybe cause & effect relationships • Performance • how to do things • META Knowledge • knowledge about how to use knowledge
Basic connectives and truth tables statements (propositions): declarative sentences that are either true or false--but not both. Eg. Ahmed Hassan wrote Gone with the Wind. 2+3=5. not statements: What a beautiful morning! Get up and do your exercises.
Fundamentals of Logic "The number x is an integer." is not a statement because its truth value cannot be determined until a numerical value is assigned for x.
Propositional logic • Logical constants: true, false • Propositional symbols: P, Q, S, ... (atomic sentences) • Sentences are combined by connectives: ...and [conjunction] ...or [disjunction] ...implies [implication / conditional] ..is equivalent [biconditional] ...not [negation] • Literal: atomic sentence or negated atomic sentence
Truth Tables p q 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1
Examples of PL sentences • P means “It is hot.” • Q means “It is humid.” • R means “It is raining.” • (P Q) R “If it is hot and humid, then it is raining” • Q P “If it is humid, then it is hot” • A better way: Hot = “It is hot” Humid = “It is humid” Raining = “It is raining”
Example s: Aya goes out for a walk. t: The moon is out. u: It is snowing. : If the moon is out and it is not snowing, then Aya goes out for a walk. If it is snowing and the moon is not out, then Aya will not go out for a walk.
Logical Equivalence p q 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1
Logical equivalence • Two sentences are logically equivalent} iff true in same models: α ≡ ß iff α╞ βand β╞ α
Identity laws Like adding 0 Domination laws Like multiplying by 0 Idempotent laws Delete redundancies Double negation “I don’t like you, not” Commutativity Like “x+y = y+x” Associativity Like “(x+y)+z = y+(x+z)” Distributivity Like “(x+y)z = xz+yz” De Morgan Tables of Logical Equivalences
Excluded middle Negating creates opposite Definition of implication in terms of Not and Or Tables of Logical Equivalences
Fundamentals of Logic A compound statement is called a tautology(T0) if it is true for all truth value assignments for its component statements. If a compound statement is false for all such assignments, then it is called a contradiction(F0). : tautology : contradiction
Propositional Logic - 2 more defn… A tautology is a proposition that’s always TRUE. A contradiction is a proposition that’s always FALSE. T T F F
Tautology example Demonstrate that [¬p(p q )]q is a tautology in two ways: • Using a truth table – show that [¬p(p q )]q is always true • Using a proof (will get to this later).
Derivational Proof Techniques EG: consider the compound proposition (p p ) ((sr)t) ) (qr ) Q: Why is this a tautology?
Derivational Proof Techniques A: Part of it is a tautology (p p ) and the disjunction of True with any other compound proposition is still True: (p p ) ((sr)t )) (qr ) • T ((sr)t )) (qr ) • T Derivational techniques formalize the intuition of this example.
Tautology by proof [¬p(p q )]q
Tautology by proof [¬p(p q )]q [(¬pp)(¬pq)]q Distributive
Tautology by proof [¬p(p q )]q [(¬pp)(¬pq)]q Distributive [ F (¬pq)]q ULE
Tautology by proof [¬p(p q )]q [(¬pp)(¬pq)]q Distributive [ F (¬pq)]q ULE [¬pq ]q Identity
Tautology by proof [¬p(p q )]q [(¬pp)(¬pq)]q Distributive [ F (¬pq)]q ULE [¬pq ]q Identity ¬[¬pq ] q ULE
Tautology by proof [¬p(p q )]q [(¬pp)(¬pq)]q Distributive [ F (¬pq)]q ULE [¬pq ]q Identity ¬[¬pq ] q ULE [¬(¬p)¬q ] q DeMorgan
Tautology by proof [¬p(p q )]q [(¬pp)(¬pq)]q Distributive [ F (¬pq)]q ULE [¬pq ]q Identity ¬[¬pq ] q ULE [¬(¬p)¬q ] q DeMorgan [p ¬q ] q Double Negation
Tautology by proof [¬p(p q )]q [(¬pp)(¬pq)]q Distributive [ F (¬pq)]q ULE [¬pq ]q Identity ¬[¬pq ] q ULE [¬(¬p)¬q ] q DeMorgan [p ¬q ] q Double Negation p [¬q q ]Associative
Tautology by proof [¬p(p q )]q [(¬pp)(¬pq)]q Distributive [ F (¬pq)]q ULE [¬pq ]q Identity ¬[¬pq ] q ULE [¬(¬p)¬q ] q DeMorgan [p ¬q ] q Double Negation p [¬q q ]Associative p [q ¬q ]Commutative
Tautology by proof [¬p(p q )]q [(¬pp)(¬pq)]q Distributive [ F (¬pq)]q ULE [¬pq ]q Identity ¬[¬pq ] q ULE [¬(¬p)¬q ] q DeMorgan [p ¬q ] q Double Negation p [¬q q ]Associative p [q ¬q ]Commutative p T ULE
Tautology by proof [¬p(p q )]q [(¬pp)(¬pq)]q Distributive [ F (¬pq)]q ULE [¬pq ]q Identity ¬[¬pq ] q ULE [¬(¬p)¬q ] q DeMorgan [p ¬q ] q Double Negation p [¬q q ]Associative p [q ¬q ]Commutative p T ULE T Domination
Examples • “I don’t study well and fail” is logically equivalent to “If I study well, then I don’t fail” • Write a C program that represents the compound proposition (pq)r
Use truth table to find - P Q P R P -Q R P R - Q A B -C D E F
Limitations of propositional logic • So far we studied propositional logic • Some English statements are hard to model in propositional logic: • “If your roommate is wet because of rain, your roommate must not be carrying any umbrella” • Pathetic attempt at modeling this: • RoommateWetBecauseOfRain => (NOT(RoommateCarryingUmbrella0) AND NOT(RoommateCarryingUmbrella1) AND NOT(RoommateCarryingUmbrella2) AND …)
Problems with propositional logic • No notion of objects • No notion of relations among objects • RoommateCarryingUmbrella0 is instructive to us, suggesting • there is an object we call Roommate, • there is an object we call Umbrella0, • there is a relationship Carrying between these two objects • Formally, none of this meaning is there • Might as well have replaced RoommateCarryingUmbrella0 by P
First-Order Logic Syntax
Constants • Constants refer to objects, functions and relationships. Ahmed, Mona, loves, happy, • Simple sentences express relationships among objects. loves(Ahmed, Mona) They are called atoms. • Compound sentences capture relationships among relations. loves(x,y) Þ loves(y,x) loves(x,y) Ù loves(y,x) Þ happy(x) • Relations can be unary as well. tall(Tomy)
Elements of first-order logic • Objects:can give these names such as Umbrella0, Person0, John, Earth, … • Relations:Carrying(., .), IsAnUmbrella(.) • Carrying(Person0, Umbrella0), IsUmbrella(Umbrella0) • Relations with one object = unary relations = properties • Functions: Roommate(.) • Roommate(Person0) • Equality: Roommate(Person0) = Person1
Example with Functions E.g. Mona loves her dog. loves(Mona, dog_of (Mona)) Note: We are allowed to relate sentences only. So, we can say: loves(Mona, dog_of (Mona)) Ù loves(Mona, cat_of (Mona)) But not, loves(Mona, dog_of (Mona) Ù cat_of (Mona)) E.g. How about saying that Ahmed has a big nose? Ahmed is an object and nose_of (Ahmed) is a function that constructs an object from the argument object. Then, we can write: big(nose_of (Ahmed))
First-Order Logic: , • The language that we have described so far, consisting of atoms and the connectives (,,,,,) is typically called predicate logic. • To extend it to first-order logic, we need to add quantifiers. • The purpose of quantifiers is to allow us to say things about sets of objects. • To say that Heba loves everything we write: x. loves (Heba, x) We can think of as a big conjunction. For example, if there are only three objects Heba, dog, and cat, what the above asserts is: loves (Heba, dog) loves (Heba, cat) loves (Heba, Heba) • To say that Hassan loves something we write: x. loves (Hassan, x) We can think of as a big disjunction. For example, if there are only three objects as above, then what we are asserting is: loves (Hassan, dog) loves (Hassan, cat) loves (Hassan, Hassan)
First Order Predicate Logic – • enriched by variables, predicates, functions • quantifiers , friends(father(david),father(andrew)) Y friends(Y, petr) X likes(X,ice_cream) X Y Z parent(X,Y) parent(X,Z) siblings(Y,Z)
Reasoning about many objects at once • Variables: x, y, z, … can refer to multiple objects • New operators “for all” and “there exists” • Universal quantifier and existential quantifier • for all x: CompletelyWhite(x) => NOT(PartiallyBlack(x)) • Completely white objects are never partially black • there exists x: PartiallyWhite(x) AND PartiallyBlack(x) • There exists some object in the world that is partially white and partially black