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Head Delegate Orientation/Training Office of the Lt. Governor Lorenzo B. Webber Model Illinois Government. The Progressive Track Series. Background of Lt. Governor Lorenzo B. Webber . Lorenzo Webber is the Lt. Governor of Model Illinois Government. His organizational experience includes:
Head Delegate Orientation/TrainingOffice of the Lt. Governor Lorenzo B. WebberModel Illinois Government The Progressive Track Series
Background of Lt. Governor Lorenzo B. Webber Lorenzo Webber is the Lt. Governor of Model Illinois Government. His organizational experience includes: • Proviso Leyden Township Student Council 2004-2005 • St. Joseph High School Student Council 2002-2006 (Hr Rep, Good Will Officer, Spokesperson) • Peer Minister 2003-2006 • Students for Peace 2003-2006 • Sears Major Appliance Sales Consultant 2006-2008 • Triton College Student Association Senator 2006-2007 • Triton College Student Association Vice President 2007-2008 • Triton College Student Association President 2008-2009 • Triton College : College Council /Institutional Planning/Student Retention 2008-2009 • Triton College Student Services Functional Committee 2007-2009 • Model Illinois Government: Head Delegate 2007-2008/2008-2009 • Model Illinois Government: Vice Chair of Human Resources Committee in House of Representatives as Democrat • Model Illinois Government: Minority Spokesperson of Governmental Affairs in House as Republican • Model Illinois Government :Chair of Labor, Transportation, and Commerce Committee in House as Democrat • Model Illinois Government: Assistant Majority Leader in House of Representatives as Democrat • Model Illinois Government: David Hunt Award 2009 recipient - Outstanding House Committee Chair 2009 • “My background has given me the right experience to assist delegations in doing amazing things, so trust me when I say I know that this will help you” – Lt. Governor Lorenzo Webber during TCD MIG leadership seminar
Congratulations!!! Congratulations on being chosen as Head Delegate of your Delegation. This position is very important and has many responsibilities. You lead your delegation and serve as the pulse within this organization. The purpose of this orientation is to give you the basics of being a great Head Delegate and building a great delegation.
Table of Contents • Roles and Responsibilities • Delegation Management • Recruitment and Retention • Training your Delegation
Your Role as Head Delegate As the head delegate you are the pulse of this delegation and the entire MIG organization. You are one of the determining factors of this delegation’s success at the spring simulation. Your leadership skills will be put to the test by this being a 100% student run organization. Everyone is counting on you to bring out the best in this delegation. Make them proud!
HD Responsibilities • Responsible for all Delegation operation. • Prepare entire Delegation for Spring simulation • Through training and role coaching • Collecting and submitting Code of Conduct and Role Choices at Meeting of The Whole • Maintain attendance records for all delegates and enforce policies related to attendance • Ensure that meetings are conducted in a safe, respectful, and encouraging atmosphere for all the delegates to participate and grow • Set the goals of the delegation through collaboration of data taken from previous year if applicable • Report regularly to the advisor(s) on all delegation matters • Demonstrate commanding knowledge of Parliamentary Procedure • Know, understand, and follow of MIG Constitution and bylaws
The basics of solid delegation operation DELEGATION management
Quick Tips for Great Delegation Management • Orientate all delegates within your delegation • This will let them know what they are getting into • This will help with your retention and recruitment • Fixed meeting time • Put it to a vote though you will not be able to accommodate everyone’s schedule at least you set a time for the majority. Always post the Dates, Times, and Locations • Delegates may have to make adjustments to their schedule. Encourage them to troubleshoot. • Always set an agenda • Place it in a place where everyone can see so everyone stays on the same page • This keeps your meeting from becoming too long and pointless • This also keeps everything organized • Regular Email Sending and Receiving • Communication is key, your delegates and advisors must have a way to communicate with there HD. • This is better than just telling people things because things get mixed up and forgotten. Now everything is written down and has a date and time to be referred back to for later review. • Practice good record keeping • Put all paperwork in a central location (folder or cabinet) • Have delegates record minutes to keep track of progress • Always set ground rules for creating a encouraging environment in order to bring out the best in everyone • Encourage everyone to participate • No one should make discouraging remarks • constructive criticism should only be given at a designated time(usually at the end of the meeting) • Always be energetic (remember you’re the leader and you set the tone for each meeting)
Delegation Management Attendance
Attendance • Every member plays and extremely important role in the success of this delegation. Attendance is Mandatory. If a delegate is unable to attend a meeting, they must Email/Call/Notify you. All absences must/should be approved. • Each meeting and delegate is valuable. Everyone learns from each other. Be sure to let your delegation know that and emphasize the importance of good attendance at the delegation’s regular meetings.
Suggested Attendance Policy • All delegates must correspond 24hrs to Head Delegate before the following meeting • More than 3 Absences will result in termination Extreme emergencies are excused EXAMPLES: Following are acceptable: Extreme Weather Health issues Family Emergency Job Transportation Following are not acceptable: Didn't feel like it Forgot I didn't have class so I didn’t go to school
They work hand and hand Recruitment & RETENTION
Recruitment & Retention • Membership is the life and blood of this organization. The success of a simulation depends the quality of membership coming from each delegation. Look at your campus and you will see lots of people that would appreciate the opportunity to participate in Model Illinois Government, so be the lighthouse and be there to show them the way.
So how do I recruit?Here are a few tips • Set up an information table in a high traffic location. Make sure everyone is wearing a delegation uniform or matching colors. • This will give you campus presence and start a buzz around your campus community some how word will reach your future delegates • Be prepared and have literature ready to go for potential delegates. • Smile and welcome people to your table. • Make posters to help people identify what your table is about • Send delegates around and introduce yourselves to members of the student body, • Put flyers around campus to let everyone know that you are getting ready for the 2010 simulation. Put Date, Time, and Location in big letters of your meetings. • Have each delegate invite someone to your meetings to check it out • Ask your advisor and teachers to inform their students about joining your delegation especially political science classes. • Don'ts • Don’t be pushy. you never want to force people to do an orientation or join your delegation, because those people will eventually drop out • It’s good to be passionate but not obnoxious • DON’T JUST SIT BEHIND TABLE this shows a lack of interest, and no one will want to join a club that’s boring or stuck up.
Retaining membership • Delegates come and go. Some graduate and others transfer. These tips are to ensure to total number of returning delegates possible. • Obtain contact information of last year’s delegation • Usually from advisor or previous head delegate. • Contact them and find out if they are interested in joining again • Invite them to share their experience with potential delegates during your meetings, recruitment table and/or orientation • Ask former delegates if they have any other members that they think are interested (This keeps them involved and invested. Remember everyone wants to feel valued part of the team)
Show them how to dominate at the 2010 simulation Training youR Delegation
Training Basics • All delegates should know how to navigate the website and be familiar with its contents • Returning Delegates should sometimes be given the opportunity to help freshman delegates get an idea on what to expect at the simulation • Parliamentary Procedure should be a common practice during regular meetings • Role coaching is used to help delegates find a role choice that is right for them and usually happens frequently leading up to the role choice deadline which is usually around the Meeting of the Whole
Role Coaching How is it Done?P.I.A.S.T • Probe: Ask delegates what interest them in general, their major, their strengths • This will help you get an idea of what to suggest • Introduce all the roles to the delegates and give a brief description • Senator, lobbyist, journalist ect. • Descriptions are found within the Prep Kit. • Ask if any of the roles interest the delegates • It’s fine if some delegates are not sure at first • This process takes time but is very essential • Simulate different situations where delegates can experience all the roles. • Suggest possible roles if delegate is still unsure. • Train delegates in their role. After roles are decided and role choice forms are filled out have delegates sharpen there knowledge of there 1st and 2nd choices.
Encourage your delegation to do the following • Be a family and act like one • Communicate with other school’s delegation • Facebook and Myspace • Research/Bills and Departments outside the meeting • Visit the Website often and use the resource • Invite one other person to a delegation meeting (you have the potential to double your numbers) • Set Goals like: most outstanding delegation, outstanding moot court team, outstanding legislation ect. • Debate and train each other
This concludes your HD Orientation\Training If you have any questions, comment, concerns contact Lt. Governor Lorenzo Webber Email: Ltgovernor@modelillinoisgovernment.org Call: 630-625-3267