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Welcome to Food Science 12. Welcome to Food Science 12. FLECs Bedford Room 205 Anne Levo Harrop 8:30 – 11:30 am Mon – Fri (including Home Room) levohaa@staff.ednet.ns.ca alevo-harrop@hrsb.ca http://levohaa.hrsbteachers.ednet.ns.ca. Safety Concerns. Parking – none Smoking – not a chance
Welcome to Food Science 12 • FLECs Bedford Room 205 • Anne Levo Harrop • 8:30 – 11:30 am Mon – Fri (including Home Room) • levohaa@staff.ednet.ns.ca • alevo-harrop@hrsb.ca • http://levohaa.hrsbteachers.ednet.ns.ca
Safety Concerns • Parking – none • Smoking – not a chance • Signing out of the room • Fire Exit – down the central stairs and around to the soccer field. Stay Together! • Fire Drills and Lock Down Drill • Roles and responsibilities during drills
Code of Conduct • What do you expect the classroom environment to look/feel/be like? • My role? • Your role? • Attendance! • Main points on a piece of flip chart paper, please
Getting to Know You • On the supplied piece of paper, answer the following question: • If you were a food, what would you be? Why? • Write or draw your choice of food • Introduce yourself to the others in your table group. • Pick one representative to introduce your table group to the whole class.
What is Food Science? • On the “placemat”, in your section answer the question: What is Food Science? • As a table group, compare answers. As a group, come up with your definition • Share with the class
What is Food Science? • McGill University describes food science as: • Food Science is a multi-disciplinary field involving chemistry, biochemistry, nutrition, microbiology and engineering to give one the scientific knowledge to solve real problems associated with food product development. (http://www.mcgill.ca/foodscience/)
What is Food Science? • Brigham Young University states: • “Food Science is the multidisciplinary study of food and the application of knowledge thus gained to the development of food products and processes, the preservation and storage of foods, and the assurance of food safety and quality.” (http://ndfs.byu.edu/programs/undergraduateprograms/foodscience/whatisfoodscience.aspx)
What is Food Science? • The Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) state: • Food science draws from many disciplines such as biology, chemical engineering, and biochemistry in an attempt to better understand food processes and ultimately improve food products for the general public. As the stewards of the field, food scientists study the physical, microbiological, and chemical makeup of food. By applying their findings, they are responsible for developing the safe, nutritious foods and innovative packaging that line supermarket shelves everywhere. (http://www.ift.org/Knowledge-Center/Learn-About-Food-Science/What-is-Food-Science.aspx)
Re-visit Your Definition • Update your definition as necessary based on what you have read in these three definitions.
Food Science 12 Curriculum • Food Science 12 comprises four modules: • Food Constituents • This module investigates the constituents of food, the physical and chemical properties of the constituents, and applies the knowledge of food science through a project. Lab work is essential in this module, as it is throughout the course. • Preservation Factors • In this module, deteriorative factors and their controls are investigated. • Preservation is examined. High temperature (cooking, blanching, pasteurization, sterilization) and low temperature preservation (chilling, freezing, cold storage) are investigated.
FdSci12 Curriculum con’t • Food Quality and Commodities • Subjective and objective quality measurements, sampling, and analysis are examined to evaluate assurance, measurement, and control. • Commodities are investigated through laboratory experiments. • Production of the commodities with emphasis on quality retention and production techniques is discussed. • Food Packaging • This module looks at food ingredients, labels, and packaging. The key to food product development and design is the use of sensory analysis. • Systematic product development is examined and analysed.
World Without Food Science • Watch this video: http://www.ift.org/knowledge-center/learn-about-food-science/world-without-food-science.aspx
Potato to Potato Chips Activity • In your table group, determine what science is involved in going from raw potato to bags of potato chips. • In your table group, determine what careers would be involved in food science related to the process described in part A.
Career Cruising • Make a list of what careers you can find on Career Cruising related to Food Science. • Username: flecs • Password: careers • Tomorrow, we will be going into more in-depth research on food science careers.
Homework:Note to Self (and me) • Why is Food Science important to me? • Submit by email or on paper