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To prepare for Driving License written test at RTO office, we have prepared several mock practice tests. This practice exam will test your knowledge about some of the basic rules.These practice tests will not only help you to pass the Driving License written test but they will also make you a responsible driver.
सारथी.भारत DRIVING LICENCE TEST ROAD SIGN PRACTICE TEST Thispracticeexamwilltestyourskillstorecognise RoadSigns. ROAD SIGN PRACTICE TEST 2 Thisisthesecondpracticeexamtotestyourskillsto recogniseRoadSigns. BASIC RULES PRACTICE TEST Thispracticeexamwilltestyourknowledgeabout someofthebasicrules. SAFE DRIVING PRACTICE TEST Thispracticeexamwilltestyouonsafedrivingskills & habits. DIFFICULT SITUATIONS PRACTICE TEST ThisPracticeTestwillhelpyoutounderstandhowto behaveindifficultsituations. COMMERCIAL LICENSE PRACTICE TEST ThisPracticeTesthasquestionsspecifictoCommercial Vehicledrivers. WHATAREYOUWAITINGFOR? VISITNOW https://सारथी.भारत/en/edu/practice-tests