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This project aims to create e-content on ancient Indian metallurgical processes and modern methods, comparing traditional and modern techniques, exploring commercial viability, and providing educational resources.
OBJECTIVE • To develop video documentary and e-content on the traditional Indian metallurgical process ( like ancient iron making , zinc production at Zawar mines Rajasthan, Gold-sand picking and its treatment of Swarnrekha river Jharkhand etc) -To provide a scientific and technological basis of these traditional process and compare merits of these processes with modern metallurgical processes. -Explore commercial viability of traditional Indian metallurgical process. Coin of Samudragupta Damascus steel Iron Pillar of Delhi
OBJECTIVE 2. To develop e-content on modern extraction processes of various metals. Blast furnace diagram Blast furnace
JUSTIFICATION AND RELEVANCE • Inspired by one the objective of ICT mission “Deriving lessons from our ancient knowledge base” , this project will • Provide a platform for generation, sharing and poolingof all the e-contents related to “Ancient Indian Metallurgy” • Make available supporting teaching materialfor the following courses taught in various technical institution and universities all over India. • “extractive metallurgy” and similar courses • “history of science and technology of India” or similar courses
JUSTIFICATION AND RELEVANCE • Virtual visits to the all type of metallurgical plants , which otherwise practically difficult. • Provide reference learning materialto the students and learner, who are not registered in any formal technical institution like AMIE/IIM students • Create infrastructurein the Banaras Hindu University for development of e-content , which will first and unique of this kind and may be used further as • for similar projects. • To train and support to learners/workers in the university.
APPROACH AND METHODOLOGY • Constitution of core committeeof the subject experts on the selected area and compilation of their ideas. • Literature and field researchfor preparation of a valid document and script • Script writing and Shooting of Digital film on the scripted document • Animation based on the content of digital film • Workshop and Interviews of the subject experts on the digital films. • Incorporation of all the multimedia content (text, video, audio, animation) in very interesting and entertaining manner. • Screening of film to select audience After Editing and post production video • Final touchwill be given on the basis of response and feedback from the audience the final edited version of video will be produced.
PERT Analysis TE=9 TL=9 TE=8 TL=8 6 E M D TE=0 TL=5 TE=15 TL=15 TE=13 TL=13 7 B 5 H 15 4 C 10 9 TE=6 TL=6 L J K 13 N 2 G I 8 11 12 14 TE=14 TL=14 3 TE=15 TL=15 A TE=13 TL=13 TE=14 TL=14 TE=16 TL=16 TE=10 TL=10 TE=0 TL=0 1 F TE=6 TL=13 Critical path is A-C-D-E-G-I-J-K-L-N
σ=0.96 Probability Factor , Z=17.7 => Chance of completion of project on time =99.99%
PROJECT STAFF REQUIREMENT • Project assistant -2 No. • Animator -1 No. • Cameraman – 2 No. (Contract basis) • Sound Engineer (Contract basis) -1 No. • Office Assistant -1 No. • Helper cum Spot boy -1 No. • Script writer (Honorarium) • Director (Honorarium) • Experts and artist (Honorarium)
PROPOSED NETWORKING WITH OTHER INSTITUTION • NITTTR , Kolkata • NITTTR, Chandigarh • Archeological Survey of India • Indian Institute of Metals, Kolkata
SUBJECT EXPERTS • Prof. T. R. Mankhand , Professor, Department of Metallurgical engineering, IT-BHU, Varanasi • Prof. R.Balasubramaniam Professor, Department of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering, IIT Kanpur • Dr. SekharChakraborty, Professor & Head, Educational Planning & Management, NITTTR, Kolakata
Profile of Principal Investigator • Name: K. K. Singh; Reader, Dept of Metallurgical Engg. ITBHU • Specialization: Extractive Metallurgy • Relevant Experience for the project : 1. Scripted and anchored an educational Video film “Selection of material for Engineering Applications”; Produced by TTTI (now NITTTR) Kolkata. 2. Undergone Educational Video Film making course at NITTTR Kolkata 3. Undergone Film Appreciation Course 2009 at Film and Television Institute of India, Pune. • Awards: 1. ISTE Best Teacher Regional Award 2006 2. ISTE Calcutta Convention National Award 2007 • Education: B.Tech (Met.Engg.), M.Tech (Process Metallurgy), Ph.D (thesis submitted)
Profile of Co-Investigator • Name: Vikas Jindal • Specialization: Computational Thermodynamics, Advanced Materials • Courses offered: Phase Diagrams, Phase Transformations, Computer Applications in Metallurgy • Publications • Research Publications(7) • Conferences/Seminar/Symposia attended(2) • Presentations (2) • Project competed • “study of structural and mechanical properties of IF-steel and aluminum processed by accumulative roll bonding (ARB) process”, NML , Jamshedput • Education: • Master of Science, Advanced Materials for Micro and Nano Systems, Singapore-MIT Alliance (A collaboration of NUS Singapore, NTU Singapore and MIT, USA). • Bachelor of Technology, Materials and Metallurgical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India.
About Dept of Metallurgical Engg. IT-BHU • Established in the year 1919 and has pioneered metallurgical educationand resesrch owing to the thoughts and dreams of Mahamana Pandit Madan Mohan Malviyaji. • Outstanding research facilities like XRD, TEM, SEM etc • IT-BHU has an Education Technology Centre with facilities to produce video mainly to enhance awareness in rural areas. • Within BHU easy access to experts in various areas like Engineering, History, Performing Arts, Visual Arts etc.