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Where advocacy has worked in FP in Ghana, West Africa. Work of the FP/RH Advocacy Networks in Eastern & Central Regions by: Kate Parkes Participation Coordinator POLICY/Ghana. Positive Environment The Participatory Approach Favourable Policy environment for ADVOCACY
Where advocacy has worked in FP in Ghana, West Africa Work of the FP/RH Advocacy Networks in Eastern & Central Regions by: Kate Parkes Participation Coordinator POLICY/Ghana
Positive Environment The Participatory Approach Favourable Policy environment for ADVOCACY Small beginnings of RH/FP Advocacy Networks in the Eastern Region Networks activities Regional TOT Advocacy workshop and effect on Ghana Team Formation of Policy Champion Group Activities of the group and impact on D/As Positive Outcomes What I will talk about
Revised 1994 Population Policy ICPD Decentralization process - NPC - Local Government Reform Positive Environment
PARTICIPATORY APPROACH Create a supportive environment for FP/RH Programs [including HIV/AIDS] through promotion of a participatory policy process that respond to clients needs The Participation Program
Empowerment of stakeholders to Participate in development process Build Capacity of NGOs to represent needs and interest of the community Encourage NGOs to network Broadened Participation in the Policy Process
Initiating the Participation Program: Collaborate with NPC implementing district/sub-district level advocacy in population in the Eastern Region to give visibility to population activities Small Beginnings
LONG-TERM OBJECTIVES OF ADVOCACY ACTIVITIES Ensure greater representation of population, FP/RH program in district Development Planning Increase level of funds allocated for population, FP/RH activities in pilot districts Promote community participation SHORT-TERM OBJECTIVES OF ADVOCACY ACTIVITIES Assist in the development of regional, district and sub-district level RH advocacy Networks in pilot areas. Sensitize local decision-makers about local RH concerns and needs Small Beginnings (Cont’d)
Preliminary visits with stakeholders with public and NGO Sectors Planning committee formed NGO, MOH, Regional Population Officer Inaugural Meeting to introduce proposed activities Follow-up meetings with stakeholders to finalize decision on formation of advocacy networks Identification of need for Capacity building Provision of TA & Advocacy training Development of FP/RH Advocacy Networks
Who are they? Comprise representatives of Government Agencies, NGOs and Individuals with diverse interest but a common mission of improving the quality of life and status of the population RH Networks currently have as members 145 NGOs and CBOs RH ADVOCACY NETWORKS ACTIVITIES
Data Collection Building Constituency Lobbying Message Development and Delivery One to One Education Fundraising Advocacy presentations to Chiefs, Elders, Religious Leaders, Linking-up with District assemblies and RPAC Scope of Networks’ Programme
Structure of Networks Executive Committee Sub-committees with specific functions Special groups formed for the purposes making presentations when the need arises How Do the Networks Function? They are non-bureaucratic They have operating procedures for holding meetings on regular basis They have communication plan that ensures sharing of information on population activities of member organizations RH Advocacy Networks Cont’d
Major Task Undertaken Understanding Advocacy Conduct Policy Analysis Identification of RH/FP policy issues of concern to their district Development of Mission Statements Formulation of Strategies Development of Advocacy Action Plans Networks First Advocacy Workshop
High Teenage Pregnancy High Incidence of STI/HIV/AIDS among young people Networks and Priority Policy Issues
District Chief Executives Chiefs and Opinion Leaders District Assemblies Religious Leaders Leaders of Civil Society Partners – NPC/RPAC, AYA, DPAC, DHMTs Target Audiences
A. Akwapim South Organized presentations on the district’s ARH including HIV/AIDS status for DCE, District Director of Education Services, Imams, Community leaders and Assembly member . B. Akwapim North Organized Focus Group Discussions on ARH with adults and adolescents to get qualitative information Organized presentations on district’s HIV/AIDS status for DCE and the entire Assembly C. Kwaebibirem Disseminated findings on ARH survey conducted in 17 towns and villages in the District the District Assemblymen Activity Sample of Networks
DistrictChief Executive and other decision makers started addressing ARH issues and prevention of HIV/AIDS in their public Speeches District Assembly invited advocates to speak about ARH on their platform District Assemblies promised support for the work of networks. Some Results of Activities
Africa Region Workshop on advocacy for Repositioning FP Formation of Policy Champion group as outcome of workshop Fundraising Inaugural meetings with stakeholders in 10 districts. Workshop for HIV/AIDS focal persons at the D/A Follow-up on Advocacy Action Plans of participants Creating an Enabling Environment for Repositioning of FP
DA to commit funds (Garfund and common fund) they control for incorporating FP/RH in their HIV/AIDS prevention programmes Incorporate FP/RH issues in funding request Policy Champions and Advocacy Objectives
Gomoa District Chief Executive and the Assembly allocated funds from their Common Fund for renovation of a building to host a youth center AYA made a commitment to establish three youth centers in Kwahu South District Reallocating funds for programs of unmet needs for the adolescent Use of part of District’s Common Fund for repositioning FP activities New Juaben District Assembly allocated funds for FP/RH in their HIV/AIDS workplace programmes Results of Advocating to Decision-Makers
Training of NGOs/CBOs in Advocacy for Repositioning FP. Municipal Assembly sponsored Community Fora on sexual Reproductive health issues relating to HIV/AIDS. Partnership with GHS in its 5-year program of action – incorporating FP in maternal and child health activities. Impact
Participants learnt how to use advocacy as a tool to champion the repositioning of FP Training of RPACS for repositioning of FP Establishing good relationships with District Assemblies help Networks convey their messages Capacity Building in Advocacy assures effective leadership in NGOs/CBOs at the community level Fostering public-private partnership encourages NGO/civil society participation in government policy development Promote popular support for FP/RH at community level Sharing of expertise improve the capacity of small organizations Networks create linkage between communities and district decision makers Positive Outcomes