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This curriculum combines TN Lifetime Wellness Standards and Common Core Literacy Standards to create a cohesive health education curriculum. It includes 10 health lesson plans with literacy components, covering topics such as mental health, social health, nutrition, physical activity, safety, and sexual health.
“Combining TN Lifetime Wellness Standards and Common Core Literacy Standards to Create One Cohesive Health Education Curriculum” “Combining TN Lifetime Wellness Standards and Common Core Literacy Standards to Create One Cohesive Health Education Curriculum”
Current Health Standards • TN Lifetime Wellness Standards • http://www.state.tn.us/education/ci/health_pe/ • National Health Standards • http://www.cdc.gov/HealthyYouth/SHER/standards/
Common Core • Instructional Shifts: • Build knowledge through the reading of content-rich, non-fictional texts • Read, write and speak grounded in evidence from both literary and informational texts • Practice with complex text and academic vocabulary
Common Core • How does Common Core relate to Health/Wellness? • TNCore.org ( http://www.tncore.org ) • Science & Technology • CTE 6-12 • Human Services (Teen Living) • Health Science (Health)
10 Health Lesson Plans w/ Literacy Components • Mental Health – Coping with Loss • Social Health – Bullying • Social Health – Cyber-bullying • Nutrition – Eating Out • Nutrition – Myths • Nutrition – Supplements • Physical Activity – BMI • Physical Activity – CDC Fact Sheet • Safety – Concussions • Sexual Health – HIV Testing
Mental Health: Coping with Loss • Article: “Lessons on Loss” / “A Morbid Science” • Lexile Rating: Moderate / High • Standards: 2.7, 2.8, 2.9 • Academic Vocab: coping technique, mourn, grim, equilibrium, vigil, closure, macabre, expediently, ersatz • CC Activity: (2 Class Periods) • Day 1: Pre-Assessment • Day 1: Read “Lessons on Loss” (individually/class) • Day 1: Post-Assessment • Day 2: Grieving Process & Natural Disasters PowerPoint • Day 2: Read “A Morbid Science” (class) • Day 2: Writing Prompt
Writing Prompts • Write a 3-paragraph Essay. • “Use contextual evidence to identify multiple coping techniques that a person can use when he/she experiences a major loss.” • “Explain a situation in your life in which you suffered a loss. How did you react? How did you cope with the pain? Using contextual evidence, list some positive coping strategies that would be appropriate for your situation.” • “If you were a first responder of a traumatic event, how might you react (emotionally) to these circumstances? Use contextual evidence to explain different coping strategies that could be used in this situation.”
Social Health: Bullying • PowerPoint: “Creating Safe Schools” • Lexile Rating: Low • Article: “Suicide in South Hadley” • Lexile Rating: Moderate • Standards: 2.10 • Academic Vocab: assistants, reinforcers, outsiders, defenders, tormentor, tormented, reverberate, vindication, statutory rape • CC Activity: • View and discuss data from PowerPoint presentation • Read “Suicide in South Hadley” • Writing Prompt
Writing Prompt • Write a 3-paragraph Essay. • Provide an accurate summary of the Pheobe Prince case. Using specific textual evidence from the PowerPoint, determine if this was an isolated incident or if bullying is a national issue.
Social Health: Cyber-bullying • Article: “Suicide in South Hadley” • Lexile Rating: Moderate • Article: “Bullying Statistics 2010” • Lexile Rating: Moderate • Article: “Ryan’s Story” • Lexile Rating: Low • Standards: 2.10 • Academic Vocab: cyber-bullying, empathy, sexting • CC Activity: (Computer Lab) • Read “Suicide in South Hadley” • WebQuest Activity
Nutrition: Eating Out • Article: “Eat Smart and Healthy When Dining Out” • Lexile Rating: Low • Standards: 3.7, 3.10 • Academic Vocab: excessive, condiments, portion • CC Activity: • Read the article (individually) • Writing Prompt • Restaurant Menus • Computer Lab – Nutrition Fact Analysis
Writing Prompt • Write a 1-paragraph Response. • Determine the meaning of the term “portion size” as it is used in the context of the article. • Write a 3-paragraph Response. • You have a friend who eats out all the time and is struggling with obesity. Use contextual evidence to persuade him/her that it is possible to make healthy choices when eating out. Provide at least 5 tips that could potentially help him/her lose some weight and become a healthier individual.
Nutrition: Myths • Article: “Weight-loss and Nutrition Myths” • Lexile Rating: Moderate • Standards: 3.4, 3.8, 3.11 • Academic Vocab: fad, abnormalities, nauseous, ketones, metabolism, portion, fresco, fortified, lactose intolerance, vegetarian, vegan • CC Activity: • Read the article (individually/class) • Group work • Defend a fact, based on textual evidence
Nutrition: Supplements • Article: “Ironing Out the Details” • Lexile Rating: High • Standards: 3.4, 3.10 • Academic Vocab: hemoglobin, myoglobin, predispose, deficiency, anemia, prevalence, fatigue, ferritin, VO2 max, asymptomatic • CC Activity: • Day 1: Take notes and discuss 6 nutrients • Day 6: Watch “Sports Nutrition” video (25:00) • Day 6: Read article (individually) • Day 6: Complete writing prompt
Writing Prompt • Write a 5-paragraph Essay. • In the article, “Ironing Out the Details”, Dr. Fieseler states that the impact of iron supplementation is unclear and it can actually be dangerous. Assess the extent to which the reasoning and evidence in the article supports the author’s claim. After reading the article, what is your stance on iron supplementation.
Physical Activity: BMI • Article: “Glencoe Health” textbook • Lexile Rating: Low • Standards: 3.2 • Academic Vocab: BMI • CC Activity (Mathematics & Literacy) • Compile information for calculations • Calculate information • Utilize BMI Chart to determine personal BMI • Make recommendations for weight loss, gain or maintenance
Physical Activity: BMI BMI Calculations Weight / Height in Inches = _____ _____ / Height in Inches = _____ _____ x 703 = BMI
Physical Activity: CDC Fact Sheet • Article: “Physical Activity and the Health of Young People” • Lexile Rating: Low • Standards: 4.6, 4.8 • Academic Vocab:obesity, prematurely, preceding • CC Activity: • Take notes & discuss (Components & Recommendations) • Read Article • Exit Slip: Writing Prompt
Writing Prompt • Write a 1-paragraph Summary. • Physical activity plays an important role in the health of young people, but many adolescents don’t get the exercise they need. Provide an accurate summary of the text that describes the prevalence of inactivity and what that means for the health status of young people. Your response should be 5-10 sentences. • Alt. Assignment: • Provide multiple sources that call for different recommendations for physical activity. Compare and contrast, or argue which recommendation should be followed.
Safety: Concussions • Article: “Concussion in Youth Sports” • Lexile Rating: Moderate • Article: “Sarah’s Story” • Lexile Rating: Low • Standards: 5.1, 5.3 • Academic Vocab: concussion, signs, symptoms, TBI • CC Activity: • Pre-Assessment – Quiz (Heads Up Concussion in Youth Sports) • Read Article • Writing Prompt
Writing Prompt • Write a 3-paragraph Essay. • Sarah experienced a concussion while playing soccer. What were the signs and symptoms of her concussion? Assess the extent to which the reasoning and evidence in the article supports the claim that a concussion is a serious injury that must be treated properly.
Sexual Health: HIV Testing • Article: “HIV Testing Among Adolescents” • Lexile Rating: Moderate • Standards: 1.4, 6.8 • Academic Vocab: disproportionately, disparities, prevention • CC Activity: • Notes & Discussion • Read article (individually) • Timed Writing Prompt (20 minutes) • Reading responses
Writing Prompt • Write a 1-paragraph Response. • Cite specific textual evidence that supports the notion that HIV testing should be done as early as adolescence.
Create Your Own Lessons • Its not difficult to implement Common Core! • Don’t focus on the negative • Ultimately, this is meant to better prepare our kids! • Tips: • Be “Cross-Curricular” • Don’t rely on the textbook • Look for articles online, in magazines, in journals, etc. • Create writing prompts with proper wording
Writing Prompts • Key words for writing prompts: • “Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of texts…” • “Determine the central ideas or conclusions of a text…” • “Provide an accurate summary of the text…” • “Determine the meaning of key terms as they are used in a specific context…” • “Assess the extent to which the reasoning and evidence in a text supports the author’s claim…” • “Compare and contrast findings…”