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What is a generalization ?. A generalization is a broad statement about a group of people, things, or ideas. It states something they have in common. Valid Generalizations. Valid means true. Supported by facts Uses logic and reasoning Proven with several examples. Faulty Generalizations.
What is a generalization? • A generalization is a broad statement about a group of people, things, or ideas. • It states something they have in common.
Valid Generalizations • Valid means true. • Supported by facts • Uses logic and reasoning • Proven with several examples
Faulty Generalizations • Faulty means false. • Not supported by facts • Watch for the key words: none, all, always, never, everyone, nobody
Chocolate is everyone’s favorite desert. • What is wrong with this generalization? • How could you make it a valid generalization?
Write a valid generalization abouthow food can be used creatively.
Practice Passage #1: Ginger is one of my best friends. When I enter my home, she races to greet me with kisses and excited leaps. She acts like it’s been eight days since she’s seen me, instead of the actual eight hours. Her coat is honey brown; her eyes are large and loving.
She’s a six- month old cocker spaniel puppy, a breed originally intended to hunt birds in England. Her faithful companionship comforts me when I’m sad or sick. Her playfulness makes me laugh when she races after a toy I’ve tossed. Cocker spaniels make perfect pets.
What generalization is made in the passage? • Cocker spaniels make perfect pets.
Cocker Spaniels make perfect pets. • Is this a valid generalization? • Does the author: • Use facts to support the idea? • Share past experiences to support the idea? • Provide several examples? • Use logical thinking?
Ginger is one of my best friends. When I enter my home, she races to greet me with kisses and excited leaps. She acts like it’s been eight days since she’s seen me, instead of the actual eight hours. Her coat is honey brown; her eyes are large and loving.
She’s a six- month old cocker spaniel puppy, a breed originally intended to hunt birds in England. Her faithful companionship comforts me when I’m sad or sick. Her playfulness makes me laugh when she races after a toy I’ve tossed. Cocker spaniels make perfect pets.
The newest members of the U.S. military forces aren’t soldiers. They aren’t even human. They’re dolphins! Specially trained Atlantic bottle-nosed dolphins have arrived in the Persian Gulf to help check for mines, or underwater explosives, along Iraq’s coastline. Once they’re finished, ships will be able to safely transport food and medicine to the Iraqi people.
Makai and Tacoma Ready For Action The dolphins, named Makai and Tacoma, were flown into the Iraqi port city of Umm Qasr by U.S. Navy helicopters Tuesday night. They were expected to begin searching for mines along with military divers on Wednesday, according to several news reports.
Which is the Valid Generalization? • All dolphins are trained to work with the military. • The military use some dolphins to help locate underwater mines.
Practice #3: Dolphins at Work The dolphins, which came from San Diego, California, are are trained to place markers near the mines they find. They are taught to avoid touching or swimming to the mines, which might cause them to explode, said Navy Captain Mike Tillotson. While Tillotson said there was little risk to animals doing this kind of work, some animal activists are speaking out against the plan. They worry the dolphins could get hurt.
Underwater Helpers A unit of 70 dolphins and 20 sea lions has been trained by the U.S. Navy to spot underwater mines and bombs in deep waters. The sea lions are trained to alert humans when they detect an intruding diver.
Underwater Helpers This is not the first time dolphins have helped out U.S. military efforts. The Navy started using dolphins in the early 1960s, when researchers began looking into how the dolphins' sonar, their ability to identify objects based on sound waves, could be used to locate mines and do other underwater tasks. The dolphins returned to action during the Vietnam War and again in the 1990-1991 Gulf War.
Valid or Faulty Generalization? All dolphins are trained to help military personnel detect mines in the waterways of Iraq. • A. This generalization is valid. It is supported by facts and examples. • B. This generalization is faulty. The reader made an error and did not re-read to check the facts.
Which is a Valid Generalization? • Military divers train some animals to help with dangers missions. • Military forces train dolphins for work in underwater mine fields.
Remember: • Generalizations make broad statements • Some are valid, others are faulty. • Valid generalizations are supported by facts, examples, and logical thinking. [evidence] • Watch out for words like all or never.