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The Psychology of Happiness

Dinners. L O O K I N G. WHERE THE. L I G H T. with the. Reader. The Psychology of Happiness. #2. IS GOOD. www.theseymourreader.com. Ed Diener. Martin Seligman. Scientists can measure people’s happiness. We finally can do it. Happiness is the goal of public policy.

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The Psychology of Happiness

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  1. Dinners L O O K I N G WHERE THE L I G H T with the Reader The Psychology of Happiness #2 IS GOOD www.theseymourreader.com

  2. Ed Diener Martin Seligman

  3. Scientists can measure people’s happiness. We finally can do it Happiness is the goal of public policy. We’ve always meant to do it Therefore, happiness should be a primary policy focus. So let’s do it!

  4. The big idea Unified, comprehensive science of happiness Policies to increase public happiness

  5. The Philosophy of Happiness Scientists can measure people’s happiness. Happiness is the goal of public policy. Therefore, happiness should be a primary policy focus.

  6. The Economics of Happiness 16 April Scientists can measure people’s happiness. Happiness is the goal of public policy. Therefore, happiness should be a primary policy focus.

  7. The Psychology of Happiness Scientists can measure people’s happiness. Happiness is the goal of public policy. Therefore, happiness should be a primary policy focus.

  8. L O O K I N G WHERE THE L I G H T The Psychology of Happiness IS GOOD

  9. The Psychology of Happiness Limits of measurement Scientists can measure people’s happiness. Limits of scientific objectivity Limits of democratic neutrality

  10. Unified, comprehensive science of happiness Limits of measurement These limitscompromise this goal Limits of scientific objectivity Limits of democratic neutrality

  11. Scientists can measure people’s happiness.

  12. Subjective Well-Being (SWB) Scientists can measure people’s happiness.

  13. Subjective Well-Being (SWB) PLEASURE SATISFACTION

  14. Subjective Well-Being (SWB) PLEASURE Daniel Kahneman

  15. Choose Your Colonoscopy! INTENSITY Daniel Kahneman INTENSITY DURATION DURATION

  16. Choose Your Colonoscopy! #1 INTENSITY #2 INTENSITY DURATION DURATION

  17. Choose Your Colonoscopy! Less momentary pain #1 INTENSITY #2 INTENSITY DURATION More highly rated DURATION

  18. Choose Your Colonoscopy! The experiencing self #1 INTENSITY #2 INTENSITY DURATION DURATION

  19. Choose Your Colonoscopy! The experiencing self #1 INTENSITY #2 INTENSITY DURATION The remembering self DURATION

  20. The experiencing self DESIRE TO STOP DURATION

  21. The experiencing self DESIRE TO STOP DURATION

  22. The experiencing self DESIRE TO STOP “Objective Unhappiness” DURATION

  23. The experiencing self DESIRE TO CONTINUE “Objective Happiness” DURATION

  24. The remembering self Peak-End Rule DESIRE TO STOP DURATION

  25. The remembering self DESIRE TO STOP “Subjective Unhappiness” DURATION

  26. The remembering self DESIRE TO CONTINUE “Subjective Happiness” DURATION

  27. Choose Your Colonoscopy! The experiencing self INTENSITY INTENSITY DURATION The remembering self DURATION

  28. Choose Your Colonoscopy! The experiencing self Lower Objective Unhappiness INTENSITY Lower Subjective Unhappiness INTENSITY DURATION The remembering self DURATION

  29. Choose Your Colonoscopy! The experiencing self AREA! Lower Objective Unhappiness INTENSITY Lower Subjective Unhappiness INTENSITY DURATION The remembering self SHAPE! DURATION

  30. The experiencing self The remembering self

  31. The experiencing self WHAT HAPPINESS REALLY IS “Objective Happiness Theory”

  32. The Area Under the Curve DESIRE TO CONTINUE DURATION “Objective Happiness Theory”


  34. Subjective Well-Being (SWB) Scientists can measure people’s happiness. ADD Jeremy Bentham ADD

  35. Subjective Well-Being (SWB) PLEASURE Daniel Kahneman

  36. Subjective Well-Being (SWB) SATISFACTION Ed Diener

  37. States of Mind: Subjective Well-Being (SWB) Domain satisfaction Global satisfaction Positive emotion Positive mood SATISFACTION Ed Diener

  38. Experience-Sampling Method How happy are you? How intense are your positive emotional experiences? How frequent are your positive emotional experiences? Greater correlation with global measures

  39. Frequency is #1 INTENSITY DURATION

  40. States of Mind: Subjective Well-Being (SWB) Domain satisfaction Global satisfaction Positive emotion Positive mood SATISFACTION Ed Diener

  41. The Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) ____ In most ways my life is close to my ideal ____ The conditions of my life are excellent. ____ I am satisfied with my life. ____ So far I have gotten the important things I want in life. ____ If I could live my life over, I would change almost nothing. • 7 - Strongly agree • 6 - Agree • 5 - Slightly agree • 4 - Neither agree nor disagree • 3 - Slightly disagree • 2 - Disagree • 1 - Strongly disagree

  42. Limits of measurement Limits of scientific objectivity Limits of democratic neutrality

  43. Limits of measurement What happens when you ask people how happy they are? Fritz Strack Norbert Schwarz

  44. Taking all things together, how happy would you say you are these days? Context-independent JUDGMENT Very happy Pretty happy Not too happy Context-independent REPORT

  45. Taking all things together, how happy would you say you are these days? Very happy Pretty happy Not too happy How “should” I answer? To whom do I answer? Who is visible when I answer? Context-independent REPORT

  46. Taking all things together, how happy would you say you are these days? Context-independent JUDGMENT Very happy Pretty happy Not too happy Default: current mood

  47. Taking all things together, how happy would you say you are these days? Context-independent JUDGMENT Very happy Pretty happy Not too happy Default: current mood Life items compared

  48. Life “these days” … … or outside? … does this fall inside

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