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UNPAN ORC CAFRAD United Nations Global Online Network on Public Administration and Finance Online Regional Centre African Training and Research Centre in Administration for Development CAFRAD Tangier, June 30 - September 18 2002 Presented by Francesca Ciccomartino.
UNPAN ORC CAFRAD United Nations Global Online Network on Public Administration and Finance Online Regional Centre African Training and Research Centre in Administration for Development CAFRAD Tangier, June 30 - September 18 2002 Presented by Francesca Ciccomartino
Assistance in the management of UNPAN DMS/DDS/WDS; Support in the implementation of UNPAN-ORC-CAFRAD procedural reengineering and structural reorganization; Support to the organizational work of the 4th Global Forum on Reinventing Government, organized by the Kingdom of Morocco with the support of UNDESA and the Government of Italy, to be held in Marrakech in October 2002; Assistance in the review of the “e-Africa 2002” draft Project Proposal; Support to the organizational work of the “e-Africa 2002” Kick-off: “First Regional Workshop on Building e-governance capacity in Africa”, Johannesburg 28-31 October 2002; Assistance in Networking and Marketing activities in order to promote CAFRAD project proposals and partnership building; Terms of Reference and activities:
Overall objective To improve the governance and the management of the public service in Africa for a better performance, enhancing the delivery of the public services through the integration of ICT in the process of decision-making, planning, coordination and management carried out by governments. In respect of its mandate of backing the efforts of African Countries in the improvement of their governance systems, “Building e-Governance capacity in African countries” www.e-Africa.org.za
Specific Objectives • Increase awareness of the role of ICT in the development process; • Enhance the design of e-Governance strategies for Africa; • Strengthen e-Governance Networking activities in Africa; • Formulate new ways of interaction among ICT and the decision making process; • Improve the use of ICT and e-Governance capacity in African countries; • Improve public-private partnership to promote e-Governance.
Strategy • Formulate strategies according to the results of e-readiness studies conducted in countries involved to test the status of governance, availability and access to ICT both at the central and local level… • …focusing on the implementation of UNPAN Network to national level • Supporting ongoing initiatives in Africa • developing collaborative partnership …following a participatory approach facilitated by … National Focal Points of UNPAN ORC CAFRAD “Observatory on e-governance in Africa”
Project Expected Output I • 140-210 Public Officials reinforced in their capacity of managing “e-changement”; • Establishment of a “Steering Committee” composed by two bodies: one political and one operational • 1.500-2.100 participants in 3 High-level conferences (launch/medium term and final) on e-Governance and consequent possibilities of contact potential partners for the implementation of national programmes • Wide diffusion of information on e-governance on PA bodies at regional/national/local level, private sector and civil society (this is an indirect impact depending on Accessibility, Internet usage rate and Political will of each Country involved) • Improved basis for policies of introducing/implementing ICTs in national/local context, through examples and validated best practices • Design of a “business model” for the implementation of e-Governance, to support introduction/implementation of e-strategies at national level and transnational partnerships (number X of agreements) • Reinforced cooperation: internal (between Governmental branches), and external (between Governments and between Government and private sector, international organizations and NGOs
(…follows…) • Clear definitions of needs, priorities and way forward the introduction of ICTs as tool for Governance in the Countries involved (15 participatory “e-readiness studies”); • Establishment of 15 NFPs and enhancement of their capacity through training and technical assistance, and implementation of national “Information Exchange Services” within the context of UNPAN; • Establishment and launch of the virtual “Observatory on e-Governance in Africa” and virtual basis establishment of national/local/regional communities of interested practitioners; • Research and development of a model of “on-line” training applications and training modules to be addressed to Public Officials in the selected countries (as a test in the Pilot Phase); • Reinforcement in the development of national on-line services for citizens (according to country level of e-readiness) through personalized advisory services to support NFPs, (to be provided by project partners, including sponsors). • Periodic evaluation Reports to assess and “reorient” (if needed) strategy and implementation of activities, Medium-term evaluation Report and Final Evaluation Report.
raise awareness on the opportunities offered by e-Government in the process of economic and social development; • present and explore the use of e-Government to foster democracy, efficiency and transparency, leading to increased possibility for countries to attract foreign investments and financial assistance; • debate the key challenges facing governments in the design and implementation of e-Government programmes; • prepare high level officials in the implementation of e-Governance in their respective countries • provide a platform for high-level officials, representatives of civil society organizations and key stakeholders from Africa to exchange views and best practices Implementation first step First Regional Workshop on “Building e-governance Capacities in African Countries” Johannesburg, 28th-31st October 2002 • e-Africa 2002 Kick Off
Having experience of UN project management system Working jointly with locals Meeting a new cultural context and different working schemes Confronting with DD issues Finding ways for CAFRAD promotion (not in TORs) Experiencing partecipatory approach towards problems resolution Complete availability of Tutor and collegues Structural and infrastructural problems (then overcame by reorganizing working) Short period of time comparing with duties Experiencing UNPAN ORC CAFRAD S W