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Developing Your School’s Pyramid

Developing Your School’s Pyramid. Core Principles of RtI. Believe that we can effectively teach all children . Intervene early using systematic formative assessment . Use a multi-tiered model of service delivery .

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Developing Your School’s Pyramid

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Developing Your School’s Pyramid

  2. Core Principles of RtI • Believe that we can effectively teach all children. • Intervene earlyusing systematic formative assessment. • Use a multi-tiered model of service delivery. • Use a problem-solving method to make decisions within a multi-tiered model.


  4. Filling the Pyramid Communicate and Cross-Articulate! Look for under utilized resources. Recruit parents and other stake-holders. Be open to new ideas and constantly on the hunt for resources.

  5. Universal Access is not just for Special Education Students* Special Education/504 Assessment Level 2 Student Success Team(SST) Referral . Documentation and Follow-up on Agreed Upon Interventions. Parent Interviews and Intervention Logs Level 1 Building Blocks Common Assessments Pacing Guides PCTs ELD SDAIE Discovery Learning Standards-based Instruction First Best Instruction Thinking Maps DOK Eight Engaging Qualities Using the Core with Fidelity *Universal Access

  6. Questions or Concerns?Contact Jennifer Garcia at: JLGarcia@cnusd.k12.ca.usOr(951) 736-4545 SST Team Lead Website SST Website: http://cnusdsstteamleads.weebly.com/index.html

  7. Questions/Next Steps

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