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Overview of the experiment. Produce X - by the (K-,K+) reaction, make it stop in a target, and measure X-ray from X - atom. Physics: X -nucleus interaction, especially at nuclear peripheral Real part – shift of X-ray energy Imaginary part – width, yield
Overview of the experiment • Produce X- by the (K-,K+) reaction, make it stop in a target, and measure X-ray from X- atom. • Physics: • X-nucleus interaction, especially at nuclear peripheral • Real part – shift of X-ray energyImaginary part – width, yield • Candidates for proper targets are given by Batty-Friedmann-Gal [PRC59 (1999) 295]
Setup overview (tentative) • K1.8 beamline. • The target is Pb: • Use other targets in the future • Target size: 20 mm (23 g/cm2) thick (range of 550 MeV/c X- is about 15 mm), 60 mm wide and 15mm high (depends on beam size). • K+ spectrometer: we cannot use SKS+ (~0.03 sr) -- acceptance is too small. We will use KURAMA (~0.2 sr) instead. • X-ray detector: Hyperball-J (~13%@558 keV) • Beam intensity: 2.3x106/spill (1 spill=4 sec) • in 100 shifts, 1.6x1012 K- in total
Yield estimation Y=NK x sXx t x WK x eK x RX x RX x (1-hX) x eX x eo • Beam: NK (total number of K-) = 1.6×1012 • Target: • sX: (differential) cross section = 300 mb/srTaken from IIjima et al. [NPA 546 (1992) 588-606] • t: target thickness (particles/cm2) = 6.6x1022 • RX: stopping probability of X in the target = 15%(according to a GEANT4 simulation: see later) • RX: branching ratio of X-ray emission = 15%(Taken from Fig. 2 of BFG paper) • hX: probability of self X-ray absorption in the target = 73%(GEANT4 simulation: mean free path for 558 keV X-ray is ~6 mm)
K+ spectrometer • WK: acceptance = 0.2 sr • eK:detection efficiency = 0.51 (taken from the proposal of BNL-AGS E964 ) • X-ray detection • eX: X-ray detection efficiency = 6.5%[13% (from LOI) x 0.5 (in-beam live time)] • Others • eo: overall efficiency (DAQ, trigger, etc.) = 0.8
Yield summary • Yield of X • production:2.6x106 • stopped: 3.9×105 • X-ray yield: 1000 • Comparison with BNL-AGS E964 • NK: x15, t x sX: x0.3, RX: x11, (DAQ: x0.8) Number of stopped X is 40 times larger • X-ray detection efficiency – about the same • Self-absorption becomes very severe. • While detector acceptance is much larger. • In total, we expect x30 more statistics FEASIBLE
simulation on X stopping • target: Pb 60 (wide) x 15 (high) x 20 (thick) mm3 • X production point (must be within target): • x: Gauss distribution of s=20 mm (beam size) • y: Gaussian, s=3.2 mm • z: uniform in the target • X momentum – assume Px, Py, Pz independent • x: uniform, -0.4~0.4 GeV/c (to match K+ spectrometer acceptance) • y: uniform, -0.22~0.22 GeV/c • z: Gaussian, 0.52 +- 0.2 GeV/c (elementary kinematics + Fermi momentum) • Average momentum: 0.59 GeV/c
Simulation result • X stopping probability is ~100% for PX < 0.2 GeV/c, while it becomes 0 at PX = 0.65 GeV/c. • Total stopping probability ~ 0.2 • However, this dependsvery much on the PXspectrum – when <PX>is as high as 0.65 GeV/c,this reduces to 0.14 • Conservative to use0.15 as stopping probability stopping probability of X
Simulation on X-ray absorbtion • Same target setup as stopping simulation • Emit 558 keV X ray from the X stopping point • Uniformly • limit |cos(q)| < 0.5 to avoid forward/backward where no Ge’s exist. • Result of absorption probability is 71% for case 1 and 73% for case 2 • For 412 keV X ray (N=1110), the result is83% for case 1 and 84% for case 2. • The difference looks quite small. • Only top/bottom detectors can detect X rays.
X-ray background • Estimation based on E419 • E419: For 120k events of (p+,K+) reaction, we got 20 counts/5 keV around 560 keV. Compared to this: • Number of (K-,K+) events: x21 • g-ray detection efficiency: x4 • Other effect:x2 (considering different reaction) ~3500 counts/ 5keV • Continuous BG is OK • Is there line BG in 558±10 keV? • How can we estimate?
Summary • The experiment looks feasible. • X-ray yield: ~1000 • Background: ~3500 • Statistical precision of X ray energy ~ 50 eV • systematic error will be dominant? • Line BG may be a problem • none found so far, but ... • Another setup possible • Diamond + Pb + Si strip (E964-like) • Yield estimation/simulation will come soon