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May 6, 2018. Welcome to OPC. Cambridge Chimes Welcome and Announcements Greeting Each Other. Ringing of the Bell Prelude “When the Saints Go Marchin g In ” ~Bell Choir Lighting of the candles. *CALL TO WORSHIP AND INVOCATION
May 6, 2018 Welcome to OPC
Cambridge Chimes Welcome and Announcements Greeting Each Other
Ringing of the Bell Prelude “When the Saints GoMarching In” ~Bell Choir Lighting of the candles
*CALL TO WORSHIP AND INVOCATION L: Sing to the Lord a new song, a song of hope and rejoicing! P: Praise God for wonderful acts of love and kindness to God’s beloved!
L: Sisters and brothers, it is beautiful to be God’s beloved child. P: As God’s beloved we are called to obey God’s commandments and live in God’s love!
L: The ways which God requires are ways of peace and compassion. P: The was of God shall conquer the world.
L: Rejoice, O people of God, for God is love! P: Praise God for God’s power and might, God’s love and peace.
*HYMN #223“O My Soul, Bless Your Redeemer” v.1 O my soul, bless your Redeemer;All within me, bless God’s Name;Bless the Savior, and forget notAll God’s mercies to proclaim;
*HYMN #223“O My Soul, Bless Your Redeemer” v.2 God forgives all your transgressions,All diseases gently heals;God redeems you from destruction,And with you so kindly deals.
*HYMN #223“O My Soul, Bless Your Redeemer” v.3 Far as east from west is distant,God has put away our sin;Like the pity of a fatherHas the Lord’s compassion been.
*HYMN #223“O My Soul, Bless Your Redeemer” v.4 As it was without beginning,So it lasts without an end;To their children’s children everShall God’s righteousness extend:
*HYMN #223“O My Soul, Bless Your Redeemer” v.5 Unto such as keep God’s covenantAnd are steadfast in God’s way;Unto those who still rememberThe commandments and obey.
*HYMN #223“O My Soul, Bless Your Redeemer” v.6 Bless your Maker, all you creatures,Ever under God’s control,All throughout God’s vast dominion;Bless the Lord of all, my soul!
*PRAYER OF CONFESSION (unison) Merciful and loving God, your love for us is unconditional, yet our love for you, for others, and for ourselves is not. We allow prejudice to blind us;
in our brokenness we remain angry and bitter; we cling to old stories and hurts which stop the work of caring and loving. Forgive us, we pray, for failing to trust you,
for withholding forgiveness and grace from ourselves and others instead of following the daring call of your Spirit to love. Let your love renew us again.
Let the same power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead rekindle creative life within us and strengthen us to follow your commands.
ASSURANCEOF PARDON L: We know love by this: that Jesus laid down his life for us. Friends, hear the good news and believe: in Jesus Christ we are forgiven! P: Alleluia! Amen.
BELL CHOIR “What a Friend We Have in Jesus”
O sing to the Lord a new song, for he has done marvelous things. His right hand and his holy arm have gained him victory. The Lord has made known his victory; he has revealed his vindication in the sight of the nations. He has rememberedhissteadfast love and
faithfulness to the house of Israel. All the ends of the earth have seen the victory of our God. Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth; break forth into joyous song and sing praises.
As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you; abide in my love. If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commandments and abide in his love. I have said these things to you so that my joy may be in you, andthat your joy maybe complete.
This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. You are my friends if you do what I command you. I do not call you servants any longer, because the servantdoes not knowwhat the master
is doing; but I have called you friends, because I have made known to you everything that I have heard from the Father. You did not choose me but I chose you. And I appointed you to go and bear fruit, fruit that will last, so that the Father will give youwhatever you askhim in my name.
I am giving you these commands so that you may love one another. L: This is the Word of the Lord. P: Thanks be to God!
“” Rev. Tedd Pullano
*HYMN #284“O God, What You Ordain is Right” v.1 O God, what You ordain is right, Your holy will abiding;I shall be still, whate’er You do,And follow where You are guiding.
*HYMN #284“O God, What You Ordain is Right” v.1 You are my God; though dark my road,You hold me that I shall not fall; Wherefore to You I leave it all.
*HYMN #284“O God, What You Ordain is Right” v.2 O God, what You ordain is right;You never will deceive me. You lead me by the proper parth;I know You will not leave me.
*HYMN #284“O God, What You Ordain is Right” v.2 And take, content, what You have sent; Your hand can turn my griefs away,And patiently I wait Your day.
*HYMN #284“O God, What You Ordain is Right” v.3 O God, what You ordain is right; Here shall my stand be taken. Though sorrow, need, or death be mine,Yet I am not forsaken.
*HYMN #284“O God, What You Ordain is Right” v.3 Your watchful care is round me there;You hold me that I shall not fall,And so to You I leave it all.
OFFERING OUR GIFTS TO GOD Offertory Invitation Offertory “Battle Hymn of the Republic”~Bell Choir w/ Ellen
*DOXOLOGY #542 Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
*PRAYER OF DEDICATION (unison) We pray your blessing, O God, on these gifts – may they be used to bear fruit as the gospel proclaimed far and near.
We pray your blessing on us as well, that our lives may be authentic signs of Jesus’ love, and visible expressions of his joy. Through Jesus we pray. Amen.
THE SACRAMENT OF THELORD’S SUPPER All who trust in Jesus Christas Lord and Savior areinvited to participate inthe Sacrament of theLord’s Table. With parentalpermission, baptized children are welcometo partake in the Sacrament as well.
*INVITATION TO THE LORD’S TABLE L: Brothers and sisters in Christ, I invite you to come to the joyful feast of the Lord. This Table, at its core, is about love – unconditional love which laid down its life for each of you.
*HYMN #516“Lord, We Have Come” v.1 Lord, we have come at Your own invitation,Chosen by You, to be counted Your friends;Yours is the strength that sustains dedication,Ours a commitment we know never ends.
*THE GREAT PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING L: As much as we are loved by God, P: We love each other! L: Beloved of God, come to this Table with your hearts wide open, P: For God has promised to dwell in us.
L: We thank you, God, for creating this world with love for all of your creation. We thank you that you formed us in your image and breathed into us the breath of love. When we turned away and our love failed, your love remained steadfast. You delivered us from captivity, made acovenant with us to be oursovereign God,
and spoke to us through your prophets. In all of this you showed us love and taught us how to love. Through the ages you have loved everyone, regardless. So with your people on earth and all the company of heaven, we praise your name and join their unending hymn:
P: Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of love and tolerance, heaven and earth are full of your glory and love. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest. • L: In sending Jesus the Christ, the obedient one, you revealed to the nations how your love works. He preached and taught;
he healed all who came to him. He put total trust in your will and love – trust even unto death. For that we are deeply thankful. • P: Praise to you, Lord Jesus: By dying, you destroyed sin and death; by rising, you offer us resurrection life. Lord Jesus, come again.
L: God of compassion, let your Holy Spirit move in power and love over us and over these earthly gifts of bread and wine. By our sharing of them may we experience the mystery of true communion of the body and blood of Christ, and may we become one in him.
The Lord’s Prayer (unison) Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come; thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.