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Vietnam Presentations. How does your topic connect to the Vietnam War?. Self Determination. Self Determination.
Vietnam Presentations How does your topic connect to the Vietnam War?
Self Determination A free, open-minded, and absolutely impartial adjustment of all colonial claims, based upon a strict observance of the principle that in determining all such questions of sovereignty the interests of the populations concerned must have equal weight with the equitable claims of the government whose title is to be determined.
Imperialism Link Guess and connect http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4d7Wp9kKjA
Imperialism Did I ever tell you how the Vietnamese dance?
Russian Revolution Where is the next slide from?
Lenin Imperialism is the highest level of capitalism. Capitalism needs more markets and must expand! So…. Back to the Cold War Power Point
French Indochina War 1946-1954 Look at those silly fans Must be warm to dance with all that on Must be warm to dance with all that on
Dien Bien Phu (ends the war) We will defeat the French and kick them out!
1954 Geneva Accords Splits country in two (temporarily) Calls for elections in both North and South to reunify the entire country in 1956 (two years after)
Vietnamese Declaration of Independence 1945 • They have enforced inhuman laws; they have set up three distinct political regimes in the North, the Center, and the South of Vietnam in order to wreck our national unity and prevent our people from being united. • They have built more prisons than schools. They have mercilessly slain our patriots; they have drowned our uprisings in rivers of blood. • They have fettered public opinion; they have practised obscurantism against our people. • To weaken our race they have forced us to use opium and alcohol. • In the field of economics, they have fleeced us to the backbone, impoverished our people, and devastated our land. • They have robbed us of our rice fields, our mines, our forests, and our raw materials. They have monopolized the issuing of banknotes and the export trade. • They have invented numerous unjustifiable taxes and reduced our people, especially our peasantry, to a state of extreme poverty. • They have hampered the prospering of our national bourgeoisie; they have mercilessly exploited our workers. • For these reasons, we, members of the Provisional Government of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, solemnly declare to the world that Vietnam has the right to be a free and independent country-and in fact is so already. The entire Vietnamese people are determined to mobilize all their physical and mental strength, to sacrifice their lives and property in order to safeguard their independence and liberty.
Vietnamese Nationalism From the Vietnamese perspective, what was this war about? Connect to Dream Deferred. What happens to a dream deferred? Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun? Or fester like a sore-- And then run? Does it stink like rotten meat? Or crust and sugar over-- like a syrupy sweet? Maybe it just sags like a heavy load. Or does it explode?
Ngo Dinh Diem 1901-1963 First President of South Vietnam
Ngo Dinh Diem and US Support1901- Supported by the US (President Eisenhower)
Gulf of Tonkin August 1964 USS Turner Joy Robert Macnamara
Resolution • "To promote the maintenance of international peace and security in Southeast Asia. • "Whereas naval units of the communist regime in Vietnam, in violation of the principles of the Charter of the United Nations and of international law, have deliberately and repeatedly attacked United States naval vessels lawfully present in international waters, and have thereby created a serious threat to international peace; and • "Whereas these attacks are part of a deliberate and systematic campaign of aggression that the communist regime in North Vietnam has been waging against its neighbors and the nations joined with them in the collective defense of their freedom; and • "Whereas the United States is assisting the peoples of Southeast Asia to protect their freedom and has no territorial, military or political ambitions in that area, but desires only that these peoples should be left in peace to work out their own destinies in their own way: Now, therefore, be it • "Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Congress approves and supports the determination of the President, as Commander in Chief, to take all necessary measures to repel any armed attack against the forces of the United States and to prevent further aggression.
Johnson and Escalation after Gulf of Tonkin Escalation
Tet Holiday The festival which best epitomizes Vietnam's cultural identity is Vietnamese New Year or Tet
Tet Offensive January of 1968 US troops fighting in Saigon South Vietnamese troops capture a Vietcong fighter during the attacks
Meanwhile In America Could you believe what those South Vietnamese soldiers did to that prisoner? How could we support such a government?
Search and Destroy Missions How the US military was fighting in Vietnam
Wake up! Load up the helicopters Exit the helicopter Look for the enemy
Ask the enemy if they are the enemy Are you supporting the North?
Meanwhile In America Could you believe what our troops did in that village?
Pentagon Papers 1947-1967Published in 1971 (Nixon was President )
Ho Chi Minh 1890-1969 President of Democratic Republic of Vietnam Advocating and leading for Vietnamese Independence since WWI
My Great Society has been overshadowed by that war in Vietnam 1968 Election
Vietnamization I Richard Nixon will help America out of the Turbulent 60s. As for the war in Vietnam I will let the South fight the ground war and…
Robert McNamara 1961-1968 Secretary of Defense There are limited resources and soldiers fighting for the Vietnamese. Therefore, we will fight a war of attrition. Eventually, they will run out.
1969 Draft Lottery Estimated 125, 000 left the country to avoid service 650,000 drafted during the Vietnam War http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-p5X1FjyD_g
Cambodia 1970-1975 A civil war erupts in Cambodia. The Khmer Rouge wants to remove Lon Nol from power. The Khmer Rouge were communists led by Pol Pot
Pol Pot removes Lon Nol in 1975 I am going to kill everybody!
Ho Chi Minh Trail Tunnels go from North through Cambodia and into the South The US has no authority in Cambodia The US cannot win in Vietnam without dealing with the tunnels in Cambodia What to do?
Paris Peace Accords 1973 • Bombing Halt • Withdrawal of US troops • Determine the fate of the South • US to rebuild