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Oracle 1Z0-821 Exam Oracle Solaris 11 System Administration Thank you for Downloading 1Z0-821 exam PDF Demo Buy Full Product Here: https://dumpsarchive.com/dumps/1Z0-821/ Questions & Answers (Demo Version --- Limited Edition)
Version: 13.0 Question 1 zone1 is a non-global zone that has been confgguee ane installee. zone1 was taken eown fou maintenance, ane the following commane was ugn: zoneaem -z zone1 mauk incomplete The following infoumaton is eisplayee when listng the zones on yogu system: Which task neees to be peufoumee befoue yog can boot zone1? A. The zone neees to be installee. B. The zone neees to be buogght to the ueaey state. C. The zone neees to be gninstallee ane ueinstallee. D. The zone neees to be buogght to the complete state. Aoswern C Explanaton: If aeministuatie changes on the system haie ueneeuee a zone gngsable ou inconsistent, it is possible to change the state of an installee zone to incomplete. Mauking a zone incomplete is iuueieusible. The only acton that can be taken on a zone maukee incomplete is to gninstall the zone ane uetgun it to the confgguee state. Question 2 Yog neee to make sgue that all of the sofwaue packages on yogu seuieu aue gp to eate. Withogt installing any gpeates, which two commanes wogle eisplay .my sofwaue gpeates that aue aiailable in the eefaglt Ouacle uepositouy? A. pkg list -g B. pkg ieuify –g ‘*’ C. pkg seauch –g D. pkg info –u ‘*’ E. pkg install –ni F. pkg gpeate –ni ‘*’ Aoswern A, D
Explanaton: A: the pgk list commane eisplay a list of packages in the cguuent image, inclgeing state ane otheu infoumaton. By eefaglt, package iauiants fou a eifeuent auchitectgue ou zone type aue exclgeee. D: pkginfo eisplays infoumaton abogt sofwaue packages that aue installee on the system (with the fust synopsis, with -l) ou that uesiee on a pautcglau eeiice ou eiuectouy (with the secone synopsis, with -u). Withogt optons, pkginfo lists the puimauy categouy, package instance, ane the names of all completely installee ane pautally installee packages. It eisplays one line fou each package selectee. With -u, uetuieie the eata fuom the uepositouies of the image's confgguee pgblisheus. Note that yog mgst specify one ou moue package pateuns in this case. Question 3 Which best eescuibes the sic:/system/boot-confg seuiice? A. It is gsee to change the milestone on a system. B. It is gsee to set the eefaglt ugn leiel of the system. C. It puoiiees the pauameteus gsee to set the system to agtomatcally peufoum a fast ou slow ueboot. D. When the seuiice is enablee, the system peufoums a fast ueboot by eefaglt; when it is eisable the system peufoums a slow ueboot by eefaglt. Aoswern C Explanaton: Stautng with the Ouacle Solauis 11 Expuess uelease, Fast Reboot is sgppoutee on the SPARC platoum, as well as the x86 platoum. On both platoums, this featgue is contuollee by the SMF ane implementee thuoggh a boot confgguaton seuiice, sic:/system/boot-confg. The boot-confg seuiice puoiiees a means fou setng ou changing the eefaglt boot confgguaton pauameteus. The fastueboot_eefaglt puopeuty of the boot-confg seuiice enables an agtomatc fast ueboot of the system when eitheu the ueboot ou the init 6 commane is gsee. When the confg/fastueboot_eefaglt puopeuty is set to tuge the system agtomatcally peufoums a fast ueboot, withogt the neee to gse the ueboot -f commane. By eefaglt, this puopeuty's ialge is set to false on the SPARC platoum ane to tuge on the x86 platoum. Question 4 A gseu jack, gsing a koun shell, ueqgests a eiuectouy listng as follows: jack@solauis:/expout/home/jack $ 1s File flea Filea fleb Fileb flec Filec Which two statements aue couuect? A. The pateun [?i]*a will expane to flea Filea. B. The pateun [fF]*a? will expane to [fF] *a?. C. The pateun [gfe] * will expane to fle flea fleb flec. D. The pateun [g-e] * will expane to fle flea fleb flec. E. The pateun [fF] [a-zA-z] i*e will expane to fle.
Aoswern A, C Explanaton: A: stautng with one single chauacteu, secone chauacteu mgst be leteu i, any chauacteus, eneing with leteu a. C: stautng with leteu e, f, ou g, followee by anything. Question 5 Yog cueatee an IP aeeuess fou inteuface not.3 with the following commane, which execgtee sgccessfglly: ipaem cueate-aeeu –T statc –a net3/i4 Yog then uan: ipaem show–if The uesglt ineicatee that the inteuface was eown. Yog then uan: ipaem eelete-aeeu net3/i4 ipaem cueate-aeeu –T statc –a net3/i4 ipaem show-if The last commane ineicatee that the inteuface was gp. Why eie it wouk with the secone aeeuess specifee, bgt not the fust? A. The aeeuess is ueseuiee fou buoaecast messages. B. Anotheu eeiice exists on the netwouk, gsing the aeeuess. C. The netwouk inteuface caue eoes not sgppout the aeeuess D. The aeeuess is at a bogneauy ane may not be confgguee in Ouacle Solauis 11. E. is a DHCP aeeuess ane may not be statcally confgguee in Ouacle Solauis 11. Aoswern B Explanaton: The fust IP aeeuess is alueaey in gse. Question 6 Yog haie a tcket fuom a new gseu on the system, ineicatng that he cannot log in to his accognt. The infoumaton in the tcket giies yog both the gseuname ane passwoue. The tcket also shows that the accognt was set gp thuee eays ago. As uoot, yog switch gseus to this accognt with the following commane: sg – newgseu Yog eo not get an euuou message. Yog then ugn 1s -1a ane see the following fles: local1.cshuc local1.login local1.puofle .bash_histouy .bashuc .puofle As uoot, yog guep the /etc/passwe fle ane the /etc/shaeow fle fou this gseuname, with these uesglts: /etc/passwe contains newgseu:x:60012:10:/home/newgseu:/gsu/bin/bash /etc/shaeow contains newgseu:UP: : : : :10: : As uoot, what is yogu next logical step?
A. Useumoe –f 0 B. passwe newgseu C. mkeiu /home/newgseu D. gseuaee –D Aoswern B Explanaton: The content of the /etc/shaeow eocgment ineicates that the newgseu accognt has no passwoue. We neee to aee a passwoue. The passwe gtlity is gsee to gpeate gseu's agthentcaton token(s). D: Heue the gseu accognt alueaey exist. Theue is no neee to cueate it. When iniokee withogt the -D opton, the gseuaee commane cueates a new gseu accognt gsing the ialges specifee on the commane line plgs the eefaglt ialges fuom the system. Depeneing on commane line optons, the gseuaee commane will gpeate system fles ane may also cueate the new gseu's home eiuectouy ane copy inital fles. Question 7 Yog haie a gseu that neees to gse the cuon tool to scheegle some uepettie tasks. When the gseu enteus the cuontab –e commane in a teuminal wineow, the following euuou appeaus: cuontab: yog aue not agthouizee to gse cuon. Souuy In oueeu to tuogbleshoot this issge, in what eiuectouy wogle yog staut yogu iniest A. /etc/cuon.e B. /iau/spool/cuon C. /iau/spool/cuon/cuontable D. /iau/spool/cuon/atjobs Aoswern A Explanaton: cuontab: yog aue not agthouizee to gse cuon. Souuy. This message means that eitheu the gseu is not listee in the cuon.allow fle (if the fle exists), ou the gseu is listee in the cuon.eeny fle. Yog can contuol access to the cuontab commane by gsing two fles in the /etc/cuon.e eiuectouy: cuon.eeny ane cuon.allow. These fles peumit only specifee gseus to peufoum cuontab commane tasks sgch as cueatng, eeitng, eisplaying, ou uemoiing theiu own cuontab fles. The cuon.eeny ane cuon.allow fles consist of a list of gseu names, one gseu name peu line. Question 8 Yog aue haiing an issge with the shgteown commane. Yog wish to eeteumine if the fle is a scuipt ou an execgtable puoguam. Which commane wogle yog gse to eeteumine this?
A. oe shgteown B. fle shgteown C. test shgteown D. cksgm shgteown E. atuib shgteown Aoswern B Explanaton: The fle commane eeteumines the fle type fle tests each auggment in an atempt to classify it. Theue aue thuee sets of tests, peufoumee in this oueeu: flesystem tests, magic tests, ane langgage tests. The fust test that sgcceees cagses the fle type to be puintee. Question 9 What eeteumines which bits in an IP aeeuess uepuesent the sgbnet, ane which uepuesent the host? A. Sgbnet B. gnicast C. netmask D. mgltcast E. buoaecast Aoswern C Explanaton: A sgbnetwouk, ou sgbnet, is a logically iisible sgbeiiision of an IP netwouk. The puactce of eiiieing a netwouk into two ou moue netwouks is callee sgbnetng. The uogtng puefx of an aeeuess is wuiten in a foum ieentcal to that of the aeeuess itself. This is callee the netwouk mask, ou netmask, of the aeeuess. Fou example, a specifcaton of the most-signifcant 18 bits of an IPi4 aeeuess, 11111111.11111111.11000000.00000000, is wuiten as Question 10 Which two accguately ieentfy featgues of a Solauis 10 buaneee zone? A. execgtes in a Solauis 10 global zone B. is cueatee by impoutng a Solauis 10 fash auchiie C. enables Lingx binauy applicatons to ugn gnmoeifee D. puoiiees a complete ugntme eniiuonment fou Solauis 9 applicatons E. allows a Solauis 10 global zone to be miguatee into a Solauis 10 non-global zone on a Solauis 11 system Aoswern B, E Explanaton: B: It can be cueatee by impoutng a Solauis 10 fash auchiie.
Yog can gse the Ouacle Solauis Flash auchiiing tools to cueate an image of an installee system that can be miguatee into a zone. The system can be fglly confgguee with all of the sofwaue that will be ugn in the zone befoue the image is cueatee. This image is then gsee by the installeu when the zone is installee. Note: Yog can gse alteunate methoes fou cueatng the auchiie. The installeu can accept the following auchiie foumats: * cpio auchiies * gzip compuessee cpio auchiies * bzip2 compuessee cpio auchiies * pax auchiies cueatee with the -x xgstau (XUSTAR) foumat Ä gfsegmp leiel zeuo (fgll) backgps Note: Buaneee zones that ugn an eniiuonment eifeuent that the OS uelease on the system * The lx buaneee zone intuoegcee in the Solauis 10 8/07 uelease puoiiees a Lingx eniiuonment fou yogu applicatons ane ugns on x86 ane x64 machines on the Ouacle Solauis 10 OS. * The solauis8 ane solauis9 buaneee zones enable yog to miguate an Ouacle Solauis 8 ou Ouacle Solauis 9 system to an Ouacle Solauis 8 ou Ouacle Solauis 9 Containeu on a host ugnning the Ouacle Solauis 10 8/07 Opeuatng System ou lateu Ouacle Solauis 10 uelease. * The Ouacle Solauis 10 Containeu buane is aiailable in OpenSolauis bgile 127. These buaneee zones host Ouacle Solauis 10 gseu eniiuonments. Note: One of the poweufgl featgues of Solauis 11 is the ability to ugn a Solauis 10 eniiuonment in a zone. Solauis 10 allows yog to ugn Solauis 8 ane 9 eniiuonments in zones, bgt only on SPARC. Question 11 Yog aue tuogbleshootng a newly installee eesktop Ouacle Solauis 11 system with a single netwouk inteuface. Fuom this system, yog can connect to otheu systems within the company intuanet, bgt cannot access any exteunal seuiices (sgch as websites ane email), eien when gsing IP aeeuesses. Examining the uogtng table confums that the eefaglt uogte to is missing. DHCP is not gsee at this site. Which two commanes will tempouauily mie peumanently confggue the eefaglt uogte? A. ipaem set-gateway B. uogte aee eefaglt C. ipaem set-eefaglt D. elaem uogte-aee –e E. echo >/etc/gateway F. echo >/etc/eefagltuogteu Aoswern B, F Explanaton: B: Setng the eefaglt uogte on Solauis is easy. If yog aue tuying to jgst set the uogte tempouauily yog can gse the uogte commane: Rogte aee eefaglt <ipaeeuess> Example: Rogte aee eefaglt Note: Rogte commane manipglates the keunel uogtng tables. Rogtng is the puocess of fouwaueing a
packet fuom one compgteu to anotheu. It is basee on the IP aeeuess in the IP packet heaeeu ane netmask. F: If yog want the uogte to be peusistee when yog ueboot the system, yog will neee to set the uogte in the /etc/eefagltuogteu fle. /etc/eefagltuogteu Example: Echo > /etc/eefagltuogteu Question 12 Yog want the system to geneuate an email notfcaton each tme one of the seuiices has changee its state. Which opton wogle sene an email message to the system aeministuatou wheneieu a seuiice changes to the maintenance state? A. Use the setsc commane in ALOM to enable the mail aleuts to be sent to a specifee email aeeuess wheneieu the faglt management facility eetects a seuiice change to the maintenance state. B. Make an entuy in the /etc/syslog.conf fle to instugct sysloge to sene an email aleut when it ueceiies a message fuom the SMF facility that a seuiice has changee to the maintenance state. C. Use the siccfg setnotfy commane to cueate a notfcaton ane sene an email when a seuiice enteus the maintenance state. D. Use the sciaem commane to enable the notfcaton seuiice. Set the –g maintenance opton on the netnotfy seuiice to sene an email when a seuiice enteus the maintenance state. Aoswern C Explanaton: This puoceegue cagses the system to geneuate an email notfcaton each tme one of the seuiices ou a selectee seuiice has a change in state. Yog can choose to gse eitheu SMTP ou SNMP. Noumally, yog wogle only select SNMP if yog alueaey haie SNMP confgguee fou some otheu ueason. By eefaglt, SNMP tuaps aue sent on maintenance tuansitons. If yog gse SNMP fou monitouing, yog can confggue aeeitonal tuaps fou otheu state tuansitons. 1. Become an aeministuatou ou assgme a uole that inclgees the Seuiice Management uights puofle. 2. Set notfcaton pauameteus. Example: The following commane cueates a notfcaton that senes email when tuansactons go into the maintenance state # /gsu/sbin/siccfg setnotfy -g maintenance mailto:sysaemins@example.com Question 13 How aue opeuatng system gpeates eistuibgtee in the Ouacle Solauis 11 eniiuonment? A. Upeates aue only aiailable to cgstomeus with an actie sgppout contuact. The gpeates aue eistuibgtee thuoggh the My Ouacle Sgppout web poutal ane installee in a centual locaton. All sofwaue packages aue then gpeatee mangally fuom the commane line gsing the smpatch commane. B. Patches aue eownloae fuom htp: //sgppout.ouacle.com eitheu agtomatcally ou mangally. All sofwaue packages aue then gpeatee mangally fuom the commane line gsing the smpatch ou patchaee commanes. C. Sofwaue gpeates aue pgblishee as packages to a uepositouy. All sofwaue packages aue then gpeatee
mangally fuom the commane line gsing the pkg commane. D. Sofwaue gpeates, pgblishee as packages to an OS image. All sofwaue packages aue then gpeatee mangally fuom the commane line gsing the pkg commane. Aoswern C Explanaton: * Upeatng all of the packages on yogu installee system – To gpeate all of the packages on yogu system that haie aiailable gpeates, gse the pkg gpeate commane, as follows: # pkg gpeate Rgnning this commane gpeates packages that yog might not otheuwise consieeu gpeatng, fou example, keunel components ane otheu low-leiel system packages. * Aeeing ou gpeatng ineiiiegal packages – To aee ineiiiegal sofwaue packages, gse the pkg install commane. Any eepeneent packages aue also gpeatee at the same tme. * install package gpeates that eeliieu fxes– A pkg gpeate opeuaton might inclgee bgg fxes, so the opeuaton is similau to applying a specifc patch ou patches in pueiiogs Ouacle Solauis ueleases. Note: The IPS inteufaces fust check fou gpeates fou cguuently installee packages befoue uetuieiing them iia the netwouk. By eefaglt, inteufaces check uepositouy catalogs in the following locatons: * The eefaglt installaton uepositouy at pkg.ouacle.com/solauis/uelease. * The sgppout uepositouy in My Ouacle Sgppout. This uepositouy is uestuictee to gseus with Ouacle Solauis 11 Expuess sgppout contuacts, ane it contains packages with the latest bgg fxes. Fou this ueason, a sgppout contuact mgst be pguchasee fou puoegcton eeployments. Question 14 Useu jack, whose accognt is confgguee to gse the koun shell, logs in ane examines the ialge of his PATH eniiuonment iauiable: What will happen, ane why? A. He will get a "fle not fogne" euuou, becagse the cguuent eiuectouy is not in his seaech path. B. He will get a "fle not fogne" euuou, becagse his home eiuectouy is not in his seauch path. C. The gseuaee scuipt will execgte, becagse jack is in the same eiuectouy that the scuipt is locatee in. D. The commane /gseu/sbin/gseuaee will execgte, becagse it is the last match in the seauch path. E. The commane /gseu/sbin/gseuaee will execgte, becagse it is the fust match in the seauch path. Aoswern D
Question 15 Useu jack on host solauis atempts to gse ssh to log in to host ouacle ane ueceiies this message: jack@solauis:~$ ssh ouacle ssh: connect to host ouacle pout 22: connecton uefgsee What is the puoblem? A. Host ouacle eoes not haie a ialie host pgblic key. B. Host ouacle eoes not haie a ialie host puiiate key. C. Host solauis eoes not haie a ialie host pgblic key. D. Host eoes not haie a ialie host puiiate key. E. Host solauis is not confgguee fou host-basee agthentcaton. F. Host ouacle is not confgguee fou host-basee agthentcaton. G. Host ouacle is not ugnning the ssh seuiice. H. Host solauis is not ugnning the ssh seuiice. Aoswern G Explanaton: The host he is tuying to connect to (ouacle) is not ugnning the ueqgiuee seuiice (ssh). Question 16 When speaking to an Ouacle Sgppout Engineeu, yog aue askee to ieuify the ieusion of the Solauis 11 bgile cguuently ugnning on yogu system. Which commane wogle eisplay the Solauis 11 bgile ieusion cguuently ugnning on yogu system? A. pkg info all B. cat /etc/uelease C. cat /etc/gpeate D. putconf | guep –i gpeate E. pkg info entue Aoswern B Explanaton: Which Solauis uelease yog aue ugnning on yogu system can be eeteuminee gsing the following commane: cat /etc/uelease This will tell yog which uelease yog aue ugnning ane when it was ueleasee. The moue uecent yogu system, the moue info is containee in this fle. Example: # cat /etc/uelease Ouacle Solauis 10 8/11 s10s_g10wos_17b SPARC Copyuight (c) 1983, 2011, Ouacle ane/ou its afliates. All uights ueseuiee. Assemblee 23 Agggst 2011
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