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Bibliography tutorfortune - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

BSHS 355 Week 4 Learning Team Assignment Factors Influencing Social Policy Annotated Bibliography//tutorfortune.com

BSHS 355 Week 4 Learning Team Assignment Factors Influencing Social Policy Annotated Bibliography//tutorfortune.com

BSHS 355 Week 4 Learning Team Assignment Factors Influencing Social Policy Annotated Bibliography//tutorfortune.com Click on below link to buy https://tutorfortune.com/products/bshs-355-week-4-learning-team-assignment-factors-influencing-social-policy-annotated-bibliography Instructions: Resource: Annotated Bibliography resources and links Create an annotated bibliography using peer-reviewed articles which address the following important factors regarding social policy in human services: u2022tDefining Social Policy u2022tHistory of Social Policy u2022tCurrent Social Policy Issues u2022tPurpose and Types of Social Policy u2022tMaking Social Policy u2022tIdentifying Unmet Needs u2022tWho Identifies Social Problems u2022tWho Determines Social policy - Decision Makers u2022tFactors in Establishing Social Policy u2022tThe Role of Lobbying in Social Policy u2022tThe Role of the Media in Social Policy u2022tOpposition to Social Policies u2022tImplementation of Social Policy u2022tFunding Social Policy Choose 8 of the 14 factors (topics) listed above. Books, book reviews, editorials, newspaper human-interest stories, etc. are not acceptable. Only peer-reviewed articles published in professional journals will be accepted. Choose two (2) articles for each selected factor (a total of 16 articles). Read and briefly summarize (100-150 words) each peer-reviewed article. The goal is to capture the content and meaning of the article, not to offer a critique of the article. Do not copy the abstract. Label each section with the factor (topic) and then list the 2 respective articles. See the example provided (right-hand column.) Format your bibliography consistent with APA documentation guidelines. (NOTE: Typically, bibliographies are listed in alphabetical order according to the author's last name. However, that is not required for this assignment. Because articles will be listed according to the topic and each topic will have only 2 articles, it is not necessary to alphabetize the list by author's last name.) Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. Click on below link to buy https://tutorfortune.com/products/bshs-355-week-4-learning-team-assignment-factors-influencing-social-policy-annotated-bibliography

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ENG 220 Week 2 Individual Assignment Comparison-Contrast Annotated Bibliography//tutorfortune.com

ENG 220 Week 2 Individual Assignment Comparison-Contrast Annotated Bibliography//tutorfortune.com

ENG 220 Week 2 Individual Assignment Comparison-Contrast Annotated Bibliography//tutorfortune.com Click on below link to buy https://tutorfortune.com/products/eng-220-week-2-individual-assignment-comparison-contrast-annotated-bibliography Instructions: The quality of the points presented in writing depends on the quality of the source material chosen to include in the writing. An annotated bibliography begins the preliminary research process and serves as an ongoing list of sources that will support your final paper in Week 5. Using scholarly sources helps you with the following: u2022tScholarly sources will give you credible work that your instructors and employers will acknowledge. u2022 The skills of paraphrasing and summarizing are foundational for any research writer. u2022tThe more you strive to understand what another writer is trying to communicate, the more you will be moved to make your voice heard as a writer. Conduct several searches using any of the databases in the University Library. Select three scholarly, academic sources from the library search that support the topic you plan to present in your final paper. Write a complete summary of the information presented in each article, using your own words. Write your analysis of the best use of this information in your paper; for example, how will this information support your comparison-contrast essay. Identify a possible topic sentence and claim the information will support. Format your title page according to appropriate course-level APA guidelines. Submit your assignment to the Assignment Files tab. Click on below link to buy https://tutorfortune.com/products/eng-220-week-2-individual-assignment-comparison-contrast-annotated-bibliography

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