Security guard training
One of the definitions of the word security is: precautions taken to guard against crime, attack, sabotage, espionage and so on. This was never been more important than now. The attacks on the WTC or 9/11 spawned a multi- billion dollar security industry. This is not to say that there was no security consciousness before this. But the need was felt almost on an emergency level post 9/11. Every industry, every building whether private or public suddenly realized the need for Security guard training and this awareness of security filtered down to the individual level. The huge demand created a problem of finding trained professionals to manage the security requirements. New security companies sprang up while the existing companies ramped up their workforce. Just providing manpower for the security duties wasn't enough. Trained workforce was the key to winning contracts which gave rise to the security guard training schools. A new avenue for employment opened up and only trained personnel made the grade. Up to now such training was given to the military and police forces. Specialized training was evolved to suit industry and private requirements since the need for these services enveloped the various fields stretching from real estate, healthcare, transportation, entertainment among others. The world today lives in fear of terrorist attacks from fundamentalist elements. Rogue elements in society have become opportunist, trying to capitalize on the fear element of the people. Career opportunities in security, both operations and training, have underlined the need for professionally trained enforcement personnel. Security guard training institutes became a new line of business. Ex-servicemen and former law enforcement personnel found opportunities post their retirement, if they were in a state of good health. Consultancy on security guard training also became a job opportunity. Unlike earlier times when guards were employed mainly because of their physical qualifications, these days the recruitment process has become more evolved and professional. It has also become more lucrative and therefore attracts better quality personnel. It is no longer considered a last option career opportunity. People who have undergone security guard training always have an edge over the untrained. Security guard training is not just a one-time affair, it is a continuous one. Constant updating of the skills due to changes in the security environment is essential. The guard will be continually monitored on his skill, knowledge and his physical state of readiness. This is also another business opportunity: onsite training and auditing. Get more information about Security Guard Services to call (888) 332-4648 or visit
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