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XYZ Affair & The Alien and Sedition Acts . XYZ Affair . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= uw0KcA59_8s Adams’ attempt to improve trade and the French-US relationship by sending diplomats Rocky relationship after the US refused to help them against Great Britain with privateers
XYZ Affair • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uw0KcA59_8s • Adams’ attempt to improve trade and the French-US relationship by sending diplomats • Rocky relationship after the US refused to help them against Great Britain with privateers • French foreign minister refused to speak to the US diplomats • Three secret agents, nicknamed X-Y-Z in the report to congress, tried to bribe the US diplomats
XYZ Affair • US refused the bribe and was outraged • “Millions for defense, but not one cent for tribute” • Federalists wanted war on France (was not declared) • Resulted in… • Expanded navy fleet to more than 30 ships • creation of peacetime army • Unofficial fighting of US and French navy ships in Caribbean • More attempts at peace efforts
Alien & Sedition Acts • Four laws passed by Federalist controlled congress • Said to protect the US • Really used to stop opposition to war • Forbid anyone from criticizing the federal government • What about 1st amendment rights? • Lengthened citizenship residency requirements • Other 2 addressed the detaining and deporting of dangerous aliens • Never enforced
Kentucky & Virginia Resolutions • Jefferson and Madison said the acts were a misuse of government power • Helped write and pass resolutions at state level • Documents argued Alien & Sedition Acts unconstitutional • Set the precedent that states were able to challenge the federal government • Despite the lack of force like federal law has