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Content is the king when it comes to ranking well in all the search engine pages. But creating great content isn’t enough anymore. The SEO plays an important role in it. And when you combine the best SEO techniques and great copywriting you get the desired results – best rank in SERPs, growing visitors and successful business or blog or website. Here are some of the most effective SEO and copywriting techniques that you can try: Content is the king when it comes to ranking well in all the search engine pages. But creating great content isn’t enough anymore. The SEO plays an important role in it. And when you combine the best SEO techniques and great copywriting you get the desired results – best rank in SERPs, growing visitors and successful business or blog or website. Here are some of the most effective SEO and copywriting techniques that you can try: http://www.theseocompanyusa.com/seo-copywriting-techniques-you-must-try/
SEO Copywriting Techniques You Must Try Content is the king when it comes to ranking well in all the search engine pages. But creating great content isn’t enough anymore. The SEO plays an important role in it. And when you combine the best SEO techniques and great copywriting you get the desired results – best rank in SERPs, growing visitors and successful business or blog or website. Whether you are a company or a blogger, to succeed in terms of internet marketing you need to follow and master a few techniques. These techniques are tied and tested and does help in getting the website best ranking in the SERPs. Here are some of the most effective SEO and copywriting techniques that you can try: Structure of your content matters Ever wondered why some content on the Udemy (directory of online courses) have so many subscribers than the other? If you visit the site then you will
notice that the structure of the tutorials have been designed to make it easy to understand and the content structure offers easy access to the information. This is one thing you can learn from Udemy. You can take cue from the various content structures and craft your own content that makes it easy for the visitors to grasp the information in an instant. Remember, if your content isn’t structured the right way then the visitors would not like to stay on the page for more than 5 seconds and this is not good news. Use the Right Words Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) keywords are the key to get better rankings in the Google. Gone are the days when Google use to rank a page based on the number of times a keyword was repeated. Now, Google has become smarter and wants to provide specific and accurate search results to its users. So what exactly are the Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) keywords? They are the synonyms or closely related words. These words help Google identify what kind of content you have in your website. Using the keyword isn’t enough. You have to put relevant words that closely relates to the keywords so that Google can identify your page easily. Suppose, your keyword is Car and you are trying to optimize the page with that keyword. You have to put words like Deal, New and Used Cars, Car Repair, Sell Car and other words as well so that Google knows you are talking about Cars the automobile and not Cars the Movie or anything. Similar words that are closely related to the keywords should be used so that Google has no difficulty in identifying your page when someone keys in Cars in the search box. Make your Brand your keyword This is a great strategy that works well with the Google. Why use the same old keywords when you can use your own set of keywords. Your brand can become a keyword as well. If you put your keywords in the search engine you will probably rank number one unless someone is using the same name. You can use your brand name along with other keywords so that every time someone types that keyword your brand name features too. Or when someone enters your brand name the keywords attache to it features too. This
is one of the emerging and most effective SEO copywriting strategies that you can use to promote your website as well as rank well in the SERPs. Why Forums are the best source of Keywords Lately, the forums like the Reedit, Quora and others have become a hub for people who want to share and acquire information on wide range of topics. Whether it’s a DIY project, home renovation or carpet cleaning you will find plenty of information in here. Why is it relevant to the SEO copywriting? Many people visit these forums and the words used here are used in the Search Engine to find more information. Here you can scan for the keywords that the forum members are using relevant to your topic. This is one of the best ways to find out keywords that are used by the searchers. You can add those keywords along with your keywords to optimize the content and make it more Google friendly. Keywords play an important role in making any website visible and assessable to the people. Learn to integrate keywords that are relevant and popular because that is your key to getting first ranking in the SERPs. All you need to do is a bit of research and you will be able to find relevant keywords for your content. Smart Call to Actions One of the best ways to get number one ranking in the Google SERPs is use to get your post shared as many times as possible. However, that is not enough if you want something revolutionary. For that you have to create an unavoidable Call to Action technique. Make it easy for the readers to tweet or like or share. First you need to create a topic that offers tips and techniques. These kinds of things get shared more often. Now you need to create an easy to click button or link that will make it super easy for the followers to share the post in just one click. You can also create an attractive button to make things playful. You can do this with all kinds of social media Platforms – Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus and more.
The Magic of Long tail Keywords It turns out that even if you don’t get top rank in the Google SERPs you can still get huge traffic by just using the right kind of long tail keywords. Long tail keywords that your competitors know very little about are your key to getting more traffic. One of the best places for finding the relevant long tail keyword is Amazon. It ranks first in the SERPs when it comes to E-commerce websites and its keywords are highly relevant. If you are selling products on Amazon you can easily find the relevant long tail keywords from its search box. Use those keywords to make your content more relevant and visible in the SERPs. These are some of the best SEO copywriting strategies that you can try to get your content top position in the SERPs and also attract the right kind of audience. The right approach and technique is all needed to make your website succeed in the competition.