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Best Wedding Venues in Venice

Explore wedding services and venues in Venice, Italy with Serenissima Weddings. From picturesque locations to expert coordination, make your dream day a reality.<br><br>https://www.serenissima-weddings.com/services-wedding-venice/

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Best Wedding Venues in Venice

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  1. CmomoniM Morrloge Proposal locotlons ""'" PClekogu PhotoGallery ReqosstFotm • lotle•...nc..(lorChriland/orR•liG'°"• Wedding•): • Asslslonc:e,byphoneand/orrmoil.durlogtl'oeperiodofyourplanning • Handling. onyourbehatl.ollhedocunwott • BooklngofthltfownHOllorChurch • TownHaltaxorDooatlon10theChu1cl'I • withtheweddingCoordina101lheclcrvbelorelhewoddng!ortheorilllntatlon1ou1toagreeonthe • detailsotthecomingWeddingooy • CMIWeddingRegistrtx/PnntnthltChurch • lnt91'preterd!Jringthec8<emony{torcMI) • Twowitnessesforthesignot\JreollheR991stttt(reqwlld).nthebridttondgroomdon'!howttie;rwilneswt • WeddingCoordinoloronWeddingOOytoOSSISl youInthllTownHallortheChurch Ontt.. Day bel0r9 lhe Wedding I.Arrlvol from the airport lo the hotel : - By public tronsportotloo: Bus n" 5 or ATVO up to Plcwollt Romo (cost ot the ticket 3-S EUfo}, then woterbl.r.I ACTV (costofthatlcket:about7Euro) - By public boat Aliloguna. The cost ol the ticket I• 15 Euro luggage Included - By wot11< toJ<i shored with otl'leor customers Of In prMltw http://www .venicelin«J;Om/ 2. A no-bouquet inthe ..-ncittt.. anlval ot thlt bridegroom 111aning rrom 60 euros. 1Chocokne and Italian spumante• inthe bric1e9room·1room •tarting from so Euro. of. HIN lhe wedding drft1/1ult tor the bridegroom or of tt..typical Renaissance c:ostun'lft concerning the style ofthe17thondllthcenturin. .. HOWdoesItwort? WewllsuggntyoiJonot"9<,whofreyoiJWllbeabletahirea-o:ingdressfOfthebride ond/Ofowit'°'the Youwllbllasked tapravlde)"CllKbody.......,..ts.Onthedoyal)"CllKarrtYalInVenice,theot....,..wllarrange onotal4-5dresseseonlormlngtoYQ!Jfsize Once YQ1J have lfllld ttwm Of\ at the otllllef. ond have ehoMn )"CllK wedding dfe>ss (the doy before the wedding), the details at )"CllK credil card or o security deposit wll be needed. The otolor toilor wll then moke the necenafY modllk:o!lons. It wtl be dellvered to your hotel directly. The dress wtl beat YOlJf dlspolol lrom the doy betOfe to the doy ott• the wedding. Approxlmotecostslor thehlfe· - Wedding dress tor the bride Inclusive al gown. glollttl. ond Yell starting fTom 650 Euro ;;oom·ssuitTight,HoltTightotSmolcing.lncludlngshirt.plostronorbow-tie,ondwolstcootstartingfrom200 • - Typical Renoi 11ancecoatume (normally used dl.Jfing!he Carnival period) according to the style ol the 17th ond 18th centuries starting lrom 400 Euro • On W&dding Day: • flowers: Bouquet for the bride, buttonhole!or the groom startingfTom 120 Euro -150 Euro • The bouquet wtl1 be or1t1oged occordlog to the bride"• wishes and wtll be delivered to the hotel on the wedding doy • Flowe!' composition on the ceremony tobkil storu fTom 60 Euro flower composrtloo!or wot..- toidl sto:irting fTom lllO Euro flower decofatlon al Gondola luu stortlng fTom 200 Euro • 6.Hointylist/MfJlte-uptorthebride . • Bridal Hairdo 200 Eura or Bridal ttoirdo and Make-up service :JOO fura ino:i hotet on wedding day.Trial -ice the day befOfe thltweddlng llO lurolorHclirdoond llO Eurator,,...e-up, and nwstberequnted at the moment of reservcrtion .The price al the .....ic.lnciuOn the agency'• oulltance to the bride. • Frosh llawclB!Of ttMI ha11style, matching the brldol con be prOYlded. The cost Is 2!1 Eura • Accomponiment during the ceremony Inthe Town HOii or a V-iion Po6oce • -Harp Eu,.,:zoo • -Vlo#n/Cflllo/n.ite Eu,.,1110/lnstrument • Accomponl t Inthe colhollc Church • - Organ (CK Horp) 2110 Euro • Organ (or Harp) + soprano 450 Euro • Accomponi t Inthe Orthodoll Church • Cllrlsl duflng the clH'emony roo Euro • At the exit otter the ceremony String DuO/Trlo/Quortet (wearing classic or baroque costurnn) l1om 1150 Euro for • eoch element • Music in Gonck>IG. Accompaniment during gondola rides ond the Symbolic Ceremony in Gondola • -Gultor30mln £urol20 • Musicion (Guiforl$f OI Accordloo) + Skig«: be/Offl 19.00 35 min. Euro 180/ 60 min 210 Euro • Muslclon (Gultorlsf OIACCOf'dloo) + Skig«: Oft... 111;0035mln. Euro IN / 60 min 240Euro • - \liol;jnJOmin. ISO Euro / 60mh :ZOO Euro • - ToJl9nledmusJclon (gullorlst s/ngfK) Oondol,.,.folk 60 mln. 200Euro/ct_,ue tot theexllolthetownhallPoloce,oilntheGondolo Talented DUet,Tria,orquartet Oondolieri'olk150-200Euro!oreochotl9m«ll Moving ot1 Wedding Duy Venice 11 o llttl9 IOIM'\ tt.llll'oie ·con be rtoe by 1ao1: Injust o ,_minutes. Wtth this in mind. the meons al tronsportotlOI\ such 01 ttMI wot..- 1tnl CK gondola. will be required to enric:h your -a::ilng doy, but ttwy ore no1 necessary ICK )"CllK tronsler a. Water To:iirlon Wedding Day A water to:ri con co•fY o moximum ol 14 people. but to llK )"CllK guests be comfortable on the-a:llng day, - suggest no110 ga over o moidmum al 8-10 people per boot Water!axis available Oil the wedding doy T1onsl..-s prices on request (starting from to Euro} S!onclord woter toidl ore available IOI ipeclol services slotting from 1110 luro/perhour A luxury water taxi {o ,_taxi with elegant lnt..-lora and wooden coverings) starting fTom 200-250 Euro/hour 9. Gondok> Standard on Wedding oay. Maximum & people/ on the gonclolo. Starting from 30 min. 100-1150 Euro. Alter 19:00 30Euro more 80mln. 200-2!10Euro Alter19:00 l0Euromore ,pciclol1yS decCKO!ed Grand Luxury Wedding Gondola wilhtwa gondollen (max. 4 people { on gondola). Starting 1 hour I Eura 2houf's 1200luro 3hours 1!100[uro l'n>fesaional l'hotagtophet" on Wedding Duy delvered ttvough on lntemet llnlc 1l.Video Operator on Wedding Duy. Highly praleuionol. edited. ond personalized with music lim delvered vlo llnlc lntQff'IQlwfthlnl5doylallhltllY9fll Acton and /orcomedy-pkry..-s Wedding Offieiont lot Symbolic: Ceremony The moin charoctera at the commedlodell' Arte, such as ttortequin .Pontoi-,cotombino, ond l'ulcinello:i {the cost is 180-200 Eura tor eoch ........,t) welcome!he bride groom. ond rt,.;, guests. They wll assist on the photo lOU' through Venice. ond ot the IOfTlll llme, your gues11 wtl be ent111<1olned with their pontomlmll elhlbltlons. IS.The event can beodvertl1ed In o local newspoper Block and white or eolor photos and /Of l•xt• provided by the brlclegrooma. Adve<tis.ing space mm.88x90mm. 17!1furo mm.8Bx130mm. 210Euro mm.135xl30mm. 420Euro mm. 135 x 197 mm. 100 Eu,., (1/4 page) mm. 275 x 197 mm. 1200 Euro (1/2 page) mm. 275 x 402 mm. 19150 Euro {whole page) Serenissimo Wedding Servlc8' preun11 extenslvtt support ICK both cillil wedding and church wedding In Venice, rtoty. our basic services lnckxle phone ond emo onlstonc:e during )'OU' wedding planning. lnc:ludlng wedding venues inVenice.We wll handle oll n«MSOfY ctocufl'*ltl and book lh9 Town HCIH or Church. OUr wedding S4KVlcn In Venice atsoeov.,. the Town HOii tox CK Church donation. Voul me8t with our Wedding Coordioo!OI" the day before tor on Olientotlon lOU' to!lnolze detoill. On the doyol your wedding Inv ltoly, -provide o CMI wedding Rrlgisrror or Church Prlr.it on Interpret.,. IOI cMI wedding services Inv and twowtlnllllft l needed. o.. Wed<Y'lg C°""*10tar wll olsa be present 10 osslst you at the Town Hal CK Church. Theyoltenenfl.Se hlng fllNI unoottllylCKYQ!Jrdreomweddlng In Venice Italy. Serenissimo b8lleve1: your wedding should be!Miid with low ond uolCKgettoble moments. Danot s!NU with llwpoperwwftolwedd/ng !Ht!Uft In Veniceo:indJusl enjoy your Wedding Day I

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