Read-a-Thon: Project Playground has organized a read-a-thon to raise money for our playground. 100% of all funds raised will go directly to the playground. Classes competed to read the most books per grade. Winners will get an ice cream party and the top reader from each grade will receive a $15 gift card to Barnes and Noble. A flat rate donation can be made or sponsorship per book. All money pledged and donations are due by Friday March 22nd School Improvement Survey: A green survey form has been sent home and we strongly encourage you to respond as to what you would like to see at your child’s school. Please return to school by 3/26. Box Tops: The final submission deadline was March 1st. We will be receiving our next check in May. Even though the deadline is passed, you can start saving for next year! Raised to date $1157.08. PTA meeting: *We are looking for incoming 4th grade families to join us at our April and May meetings. Board position elections will be held in June for the following year. Please invite any incoming 4th grade families to our next meeting on Tuesday 4/9 at 7:00 in the library. *Past minutes are available on our website and the agenda will be sent out on the Friday before the meeting. PTA Q and A: Q: How does the PTA decide on a budget and allocate its funds? A: We operate on a budget determined by how much fundraising we take in and what our needs are. We then allocate funds towards programs such as field trips, in school assemblies, field day T-shirts, and teacher appreciation, just to name a few. As a PTA, we are allowed to and encouraged by the Massachusetts PTA to carry over a balance of 50-75% of our annual operating budget. Thus, we are unlike a PAC which has to spend down to $0 every year. Please join us at our meetings to learn more about how our PTA works, what our upcoming student initiatives are, and to vote on important issues such as new board officers and how we allocate our funds. Save the dates. Upcoming PTA meetings… April 9, May 14, June 11 Check out our PTA website at… www.barnstable.k12.ma.us/domain/123 BARNSTABLE UNITED MARCH NEWSLETTER A NEW PLAYGROUND HAS BEEN APPROVED! At last month's meeting, the School Committee voted to approve funding for a new playground at Barnstable United Elementary School! School Committee members met with contractors and estimate the project will cost $100,000. The BU PTA and Project Playground are proud to be contributing $20,000 towards this initiative and want to thank Project Playground, our students, parents, administration, and the School Committee for their help and support. The new playground wouldn't have been possible without it!! Yearbook: ORDER DEADLINE EXTENDED!!! Yearbook are now on sale for $12 per full color book, love lines are $5 for up to 15 words, covers can be personalized with name and photo on the cover for $5 and limited advertising is available. Please make checks payable to BUES PTA. We are in need of photos for the yearbook, if you have pictures you would like to contribute, please contact Anna Snow at snow_anna@barnstable.k12.ma.us. ALL orders due: March 22nd. Clorox Power a Bright Future: The contest is now over and unfortunately, BU didn't win the grant to help beautify our courtyard (We did finish in 4th!). Thank you everyone for your support. The school district remains committed to this project and is accepting donations to help offset the cost. Book Fair: We will be holding our Spring Book Fair the week of April 8th and we are looking for a chairperson for this fun, money making event. At this book fair, students are encouraged to kick off their summer reading by taking home a book of their choosing, purchased for them by the PTA. Please contact Anna Snow at 508.420.2272 x129 if you can help! MCAS: Testing in grades 4 and 5 will be Tuesday 3/19, Thursday 3/21 and Tuesday 3/26.