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This workshop report summarizes critical findings, challenges, achievements, and activities related to Intensified Diarrhoea Control Fortnight. It outlines strategies, responsibilities, supply chain mechanisms, and reporting structures for IDCF 2016 at the district level.
District level IDCF planning and Review workshopName of district: AAAAAAADate of workshop: XXXXXXXX
Key critical findings of IDCF 2015 Child deaths from diarrohea was reported in XXXXXXX blocks
Intensified Diarrhoea Control Fortnight (IDCF) 2016 Goal of IDCF is to attain ZERO child deaths due to childhood diarrhoea by ensuring high coverage of ORS and Zinc use • Three folds strategy of IDCF 2016 will be • Improved availability and use of ORS and Zinc at the community • Facility level strengthening to manage the cases of dehydration and diarrohea • Enhanced advocacy and communications on prevention and control of diarrohea through IEC activities
Activity framework for IDCF 2016 1. ORS distribution & counselling - home visits by ASHAs 2. VHSNC meeting focusing on sanitation 3. Intensive awareness generation 4. Establishment of ORS-Zinc Corners 5. Multi-sectorial convergence among AWCs, Schools and PRIs 6. Hand washing demonstration and practice in schools
District responsibility for IDCF 2016 Pre campaign activity • Organize district level steering committee meeting • Establish IDCF secretariat at district level for day wise progress of blocks • Pre campaign review 2 days before the campaign • Follow up with vendor and ensure adequate supply of Zinc and ORS • Ensure timely printing and distribution of IEC, reporting and monitoring formats During campaign activity • Organize IDCF launch at district level • Engage monitors for visiting fields for providing supportive supervision • Mid campaign review on 8th day of the campaign Post campaign activity • Collect complete and correct reports from all blocks and submit it to state office • Organize district level review once reports compiled
District requirement of ORS and Zinc for IDCF 2016 For a district of 20 lakhs population, the following will be required • 2 lakhs ORS sachets for distributing during IDCF (as estimated 2 lakhs children under five require 1 ORS sachet per family) • 20,000 ORS sachets and 2,80,000 Zinc tabs for ORS-Zinc Corners • 60,000 ORS sachets and 4,00,000 Zinc tabs for ASHA/ANM (for treatment of diarrohea cases whenever required, minimum of 20 ORS sachets and 140 Zinc tabs with each ASHA/ANM)
Supply chain mechanism for IDCF 2016 • Block/SC/AWC/Facility/ORS-Zinc corner wise distribution plan is to be ready 20 days before the IDCF campaign • Chief Pharmacist at district level will supply ORS and Zinc to MOIC/Pharmacist 15 days before the IDCF campaign • MOIC/Pharmacist at block level will supply ORS and Zinc to ANM 10 days before the IDCF campaign • ANM at sub center level will supply ORS and Zinc to ASHA 5 days before the IDCF campaign
Supportive supervision mechanism for IDCF 2016 • District IDCF committee will act as nodal committee for supportive supervision at sub-district level • Dedicated funds for mobility support provided per district • Community mobilization and IEC activities to be monitored • MOIC/MS, BPM, BCPM, AYUSH, MO and BHEO will visit at-least 10% of ORS-Zinc corners plus AWCs and 2% of households provided with ORS+Zincfor getting HHs response • Health partners TSU, UNICEF, MI, CHAI, Save the Children and other district level NGOs to be involved (state level matrix will be sent along with guidelines)
Reporting mechanism for IDCF 2016 • Each ASHA will provide filled reporting formats at the end of IDCF to the ANM by 24 July • ANM will submit the compiled report to the block by 25 July • The Block will share the signed compiled report to the district by 27 July • The district will submit the signed compiled report to the state by 29 July • BCPM/Block M&E will be held responsible at block level and DCPM/District M&E will be held responsible at district level
Review mechanism for IDCF 2016 Four folds review will be done at district and block level • 1st pre campaign review and planning workshop will be held at district level under chairmanship of DM/CDO 15 days before the IDFC launch • 2nd pre campaign review will be held at district level under chairmanship of CMO 2 days before the IDCF launch • 3rd mid campaign review will be held at district level under chairmanship of CMO on 8th day of IDCF campaign • 4th post campaign review will be held at district level under chairmanship of DM/CDO after a week of completion of IDCF campaign (after compilation of district report) • MOIC will also review in same manner at block level
District secretariat for IDCF 2016 District with the support of health department and DPMU has established district level secretariat in District headquarter for day to day follow up with blocks for progress and challenges. In case of any further information and query may contact to: • Name, mobile and email of District nodal officer • Name, mobile and email of DCPM • Name, mobile and email of representative of health partner (TSU, MI, UNICEF, CHAI, Save the Children and any other district level NGO