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VP Quarterly Report on Strategies Q3– February 2, 2016 Robbie Peters,

This report provides an update on the financial sustainability and facilities strategy initiatives of the organization, including progress made, challenges faced, and future plans.

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VP Quarterly Report on Strategies Q3– February 2, 2016 Robbie Peters,

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  1. Vision: Healthy people, families and communities. VP Quarterly Report on Strategies Q3– February 2, 2016 Robbie Peters, Vice President, Financial Services & Chief Financial Officer

  2. Portfolio Overview • Finance • Accounting & Financial Reporting • Payroll & Benefits • Decision Support • Facilities Management • Materials Management

  3. Multi-year Strategic Plans VP is Leading on: • Financial Sustainability Strategy Multi-year Plan • Facilities Strategy Multi-year Plan

  4. Financial SustainabilityProvincial Outcome 2015-2016 • By March 31, 2017, Ongoing, as part of a multi-year budget strategy, the health system will bend the cost curve by achieving a balanced or surplus budget.

  5. Financial SustainabilityProvincial Targets 2015-2016 • All health system partner organizations will be in a balanced or surplus year-end financial position in 2015-16. • Shared services activities will produce $10M net new savings in 2015-16

  6. Financial Sustainability – RQHR Results as of Dec. 31, 2015

  7. Financial Deficit Root Causes • Increasing population and demographic changes resulting in growing demand for services • Estimated cost of $70 million last 4 years • Reduced funding over last 5 years through efficiency targets in an effort to bend the provincial costs curve • In the range of $60 - $70 million • Planned investments to respond to growing complex and changing environment • Physician leadership structure and service expansion • Sask. Healthcare Management System (lean structure) • 3sHealth shared service opportunities • High levels of internal movement of staff causes increased overtime due to filling vacant lines at overtime rates and increased orientation time • Occupancy is consistently higher than the 95% target resulting in increased staffing costs, much at overtime rates

  8. Financial Sustainability Getting to Green • VP Accountability – monthly budget report outs • Communication Strategy – shared responsibility and accountability • Strategic priorities – Efficiency Target Initiatives (ETI) steering committee • Long-term sustainability – 11 budget reduction initiatives • Workforce Optimization Task Team (WOTT) • Improvement work throughout the organization

  9. Monthly Report OutsFinancial Visibility Wall – Coming Soon to an Intranet Site Near You

  10. 11 Initiatives Update

  11. Financial Sustainability Questions?

  12. Facilities Strategy Provincial Improvement Outcome • By March 31, 2017, all infrastructures (IT, equipment & facilities) will integrate with Provincial strategic priorities, be delivered with a Provincial plan and adhere to Provincial strategic work.

  13. Facilities Strategy Provincial Improvement Targets • By March 31, 2016, have delivered results on 3 high impact capital areas that address high risk for critical failure using alternative funding/delivery options. • By March 31, 2016, common criteria and options for investing are used to vet all capital investments.

  14. Facilities Strategy RQHR Challenges • Significant facility infrastructure deficiencies identified across the province requiring significant sustained investment • RQHR Facility condition assessment • Average FCI 31.5% on assessed asset value of $1.6 billion • FCI > 15% is considered deficient for health care • Minimal annual funding to address deficiencies and no multi-year funding commitments • Maintenance and Repair • Estimated Required funding $50.2/ year • Actual funding $5.2m/ year • Capital Renewal • Estimated required funding $23.8/year • Actual funding received $0 but ad hoc

  15. Facilities Management Updates • Infrastructure is our Board of Directors # 1 advocacy priority • Electrical renewal – RGH and PH • Energy projects – PH and WRC • Long term care planning (Pioneer Village / Grenfell risk and contingency planning) • Real estate initiatives • Space management – space advisory committee • Infrastructure committee expanding – capital planning

  16. Facilities Strategy Questions?

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