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The Northern Ontario Joint Automation Server Initiative. Northern Ontario. 131 libraries, 30 FN libraries, >14 Francophone libraries One person libraries, librarians learn on job Difficult for communities to get technical support
The Northern Ontario Joint Automation Server Initiative
Northern Ontario • 131 libraries, 30 FN libraries, >14 Francophone libraries • One person libraries, librarians learn on job • Difficult for communities to get technical support • Toronto to Sandy Lake (next to Manitoba border) is 2883 km , Toronto to Miami is 2398 km • Libraries up to four hours from next community (in the northwest)
Northern Ontario • Approximately 40 automated libraries out of 130 • Approximately 30 libraries contribute records to the provincial ILLO • No courier service – due to geographic distance • Restricted budgets
Library Environment • Technological changes that allow for shared access to hardware/software • Connectivity changes • Other initiatives • Info Ohio • LOUIS: Louisiana Library Network • OLC: Ontario Library Consortium
The OLC model • 20 county, regional and municipal libraries totalling almost 200 branches share a SirsiDynix Unicorn license • Instead of purchasing servers, OLC contracts 24x7 hosting services with Lanscapes Network Management, which purchased and maintains hardware used by OLC for its ILS • OLC provides HelpDesk and consulting for members
With group savings, additional modules were purchased: Hyperion digital management, Central Search federated searching, EPS/Rooms, Director’s Station • Members support each other to move forward and keep current with technology • Result is that small, rural libraries have access to “Cadillac” system at a fraction of the price • Costs are shared on a fair and equitable basis • “Individually we are great but collectively, we are brilliant!”
OLS-N Critical Events • Informal discussion of concept since 2003 • In 2004, we heard various concerns from clients • One group wanted it in place already • Another had concerns about process and implementation • AMS Study • Survey Report • Focus Group Report • Final Report • Budget Reductions • Preserved small contingency • Many discussions with Ministry regarding this project and ILLO
News • In late March 2006, the Ministry of Culture provided us with a one time grant of $1 million to implement the joint server project • Selection of a Project Manager for the Joint Server Project
Scenarios Considered • One server for Northern Ontario • Partner with OLC • 5 Cluster Model • 2 Servers each housed by a “hub” library – one for the Northwest and one for the Northeast • One server for Northern Ontario housed at an ASP
Why • Technical capabilities made multiple servers unnecessary. ILS software redesigned for consortia with multiple policies, profiles and gateways • Lower costs with one system • Staffing • Wider range of services available with a central site
How does the Joint Server Initiative benefit my library board? • Make all northern public library collections available through the Web. Provide a more enhanced automation system than one that could be purchased individually by public libraries. • Through a consortium provide discounted pricing for automated systems, support, replacement and maintenance of servers.
How does the Joint Server Initiative benefit my library board? • Enable First Nation Libraries in the north to share limited First Nation resources. • Enable Francophone Libraries to share limited French-language resources.
Benefits • Ensure that professional cataloguing standards are used by participating public libraries. • Enable small libraries to automate and to participate in the library network through a joint consortium approach.
Benefits • Provide centralized IT support for libraries with limited financial and technical resources. • Work to provide an appropriate bandwidth application for Northern Ontario communities and a starting point for further innovative collaboration (e.g., digitization of collections, videoconferencing).
Benefits • Create positive optics and perceptions re: effective and successful IT planning and implementation. Could lead to improved connectivity for Northern Libraries. • Increase networking and resource sharing among northern libraries • Position northern libraries to fully participate in the provincial inter-library loan system.
The advantages of the model • Builds on existing information technology strengths and developments • Recognizes that leadership and decision-making need to be shared at all levels; Authority is delegated through a committee structure • Provides for an organizational structure based on interdependence, cooperation and collaboration
The advantages of the model • Supports local participation, responsibility, accountability and commitment • Increases the ability to adapt JASI to a variety of local circumstances and to changing environments • Increases the opportunities for library growth, learning and development through active participation rather than passive reception.
What principles will govern the Joint Server Initiative? • Principle #1 • Overall coordination and control will be maintained through commitment to a clearly articulated and shared vision, an attitude of cooperation and collaboration, and mutually agreed upon outcomes.
Principle #2 • JASI will actively contribute to building library and information capacity in Northern Ontario. • Principle #3 • Open and constant two-way communication is recognized as critical to the project
Principle #4 • All participating libraries are partners in the project and will treat one another with mutual support, and encouragement • Principle #5 • Decision making will be distributed and will be based on clearly defined and accepted roles as outlined in the Terms of Reference for the Joint Steering Committee and the Cluster Committee.
Principle #6 • All participants will adopt an action orientation; everyone will help to “make it happen”. • Principle #7 • Decision-making will be based on consensus. When formal votes are taken, representation will be equal and each representative will have one vote.
Principle #8 • Decisions will be made at the appropriate level; Decision-making is delegated to the appropriate level through contractual arrangements and the terms of reference that define the responsibilities of committees. • Principle #9 • JASI will employ a phased-in approach that brings individual libraries and groups of libraries into the project as they are ready
Role of the library • Become automation-ready or prepare to change systems • Issues: • Barcodes • Library layout • Bandwidth • Electrical access • Equipment
Membership • Membership open to any public library in Northern Ontario that wishes to participate. • Members sign Letters of Agreement with OLS-North; agree to terms of reference
As participants in what is envisioned as a collaborative and cooperative project, the client libraries would have a responsibility to participate, to provide leadership, and to become actively engaged in the governance and ongoing management of the project. They would also have responsibility to assist with setting guidelines and deliverables for the project, and assist in the funding initiatives. • Participation criteria includes full participation in the Provincial Interlibrary loan system
Role of participating libraries… • Provide representatives, through the Cluster Management Committee, to serve on the JASI Steering Committee • To serve on the Cluster Management Committees • To actively support the funding campaign coordinated by OLS-N
Role of OLS-North • Provides a project manager at OLS-North • OLS-North assumes overall responsibility for JASI in partnership with the JASI Steering Committee. • OLS-North is also providing the majority of funding for the initial implementation of the project.
Provides overall coordination and administration for the JSI including coordinating the development of a shared vision (mission, vision and values), identity, and shared understanding. • Develops a standard Letter of Agreement between participating libraries and OLS-North. • Coordinates project communications and marketing : communication strategies, marketing and newsletters
Coordinates centralized purchasing • Establishes cataloguing standards for JASI participants • Coordinates training by designing and delivering learning and training
Identifies and facilitates synergy and interdependencies between clusters and libraries; creating awareness of these synergies and dependencies • Facilitates collaboration and commitment on system-wide (northern) and long-term objectives • Defines financial standards and overall project budgeting, including preparing budget estimates, managing project funds and tracking costs
What is OLS-North’s role? • Recognize and celebrate success • Track project progress • Take on a primary role in securing funding for the project
What is the role of libraries? • Joint Steering Committee • Cluster Management Committee
Joint Server Steering Committee • A representative Steering Committee for the JASI will be established to provide overall direction and leadership according to the terms of reference. Each member has one vote within the decision-making process. • The CEO of OLS-North is a de facto member of the steering committee and the project manager/coordinator or designate will also serve on the steering committee.
Desire committee members with: • In depth knowledge and understanding of the project • Natural leadership abilities • Enthusiasm for and commitment to JASI • High level of trust with other participants and the process • Time to commit for the required level of involvement • Well developed ability to work effectively in group settings
Joint Server Steering Committee • The JASI Steering Committee membership includes representatives from: • Each Hub Library • OLS-North • Cluster Representative(s)
The Role of the Joint Server Steering Committee • Establish project objectives, guidelines, including participation policies, and a policy framework that will define and guide the project, • Make recommendations regarding JASI • Maintain community engagement • Assist with the development of a work plan and schedule
Joint Server Steering Committee • Ensure that the accepted cataloguing standards are used by participating libraries • Maintain two-way communications and relations with project participants in order to ensure shared ownership of the project • Provide a strong coordinating centre • Monitor project status and progress
Cluster Management Committees • Representative Cluster Management Committees will be established from participating libraries • Each committee will include: • One member from each participating public library • One co-chair elected from the members • One co-chair from OLS-North (non-voting) • Each member will have one vote
Role of Cluster Committees • To make recommendations on developing global patron profiles and circulation policies for Library ILS configuration which will be sent to the JASI steering committee • To advise the JASI steering committee on any preferred changes or upgrades to the ILS for use by cluster members • To provide an opportunity to network with other participating libraries
To conduct long and short-term planning • To provide regular progress and monitoring reports to the JASI steering committee • To nominate representatives to the JASI steering committee
To receive information from OLS-N on progress issues and challenges of other clusters • To make recommendations to the JASI steering committee for planning implementation, adaptation and change
Costs • OLS-North providing funds for centralized hardware and software; transfer of bib records • Libraries responsible for in-house equipment, barcodes, staffing, transfer of additional databases (optional); • Libraries pay a membership fee to cover maintenance, training, help desk and sustainability fund
Status • JASI newsletter • First Contracts signed October – December 2006 • JASI Information package for CEO’s and Boards • Servers installed
Status • Developing profiles • Web training participation • Interim steering committee is in place • Additional funding in place to assist libraries with costs
Next Steps • Loading of test and training databases • Training and testing (February to May) • First group of libraries live in June • Additional libraries brought live - Target is 86 libraries over next two years
Challenges and Learning • Think about what you are told - and not told • Contracts 101 • Electricity 101 • Expect the unexpected • There will be unexpected costs • Members will have opposing views
Why Vendors like Consortia • One point of contact • Greater market share • $$$
Why Libraries Like Consortia • Savings, Savings, Savings • Direct and indirect • Centralized technical support, knowledge and training • Learn from and support each other • A system which a small library could not otherwise afford to buy • Increased capacity for other projects