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Community GIS in NYC

Community GIS in NYC. or “How to Present a Case Study from the Book (or elsewhere)”. Pedagogical Purpose. YOU get close-up familiarity with an application of GIS YOU get practice preparing and giving a short presentation YOUR CLASSMATES learn about an application of GIS

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Community GIS in NYC

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Community GIS in NYC or “How to Present a Case Study from the Book (or elsewhere)”

  2. Pedagogical Purpose • YOU get close-up familiarity with an application of GIS • YOU get practice preparing and giving a short presentation • YOUR CLASSMATES learn about an application of GIS • WE ALL have an opportunity to see connections, think of new questions, etc.

  3. What the Case Study is About • General: How GIS is used by big city NPOs as tool for outreach, community involvement and planning. • Specific. The Municipal Art Society (MAS) is a NYC NPO “whose mission is to promote a more livable city.” MAS uses GIS to support various community/neighborhood projects

  4. Four Projects • Post 9/11 “Imagine New York” • Lower Manhattan Preservation Fund • Community-based Planning • Olympic Planning

  5. “Imagine New York” Challenges/Goals • Rebuilding after 9/11 • Impulse to get lots of folks involved • Democratize tools – give participants maps • Recruitment (diversity and target areas) • Document breadth of participation

  6. Targeting Recruitment

  7. Documenting Participation

  8. Community-based Planning • At local level, provide GIS support for local discussions • Where is it already happening, where might it be encouraged • At macro level, allow plan information to be combined on one map • See city-wide distribution of plans and implications • Allow neighborhoods to identify others with similar concerns

  9. An Aside: What’s a Charrette?

  10. Provide GIS Tools to Community Groups

  11. Combine Local Plans in City-wide Context

  12. Overlaying Plans Shows Implicit Collective Vision

  13. Maps Show Latent Conflicts and Opportunities for Collaboration

  14. FYI: What They Produced… http://www.mas.org/planningcenter/atlas/

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