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Timeline of American History. 1492. 1607. 1800. 1865. 1900. 1 991. Age of Exploration. 1492. 1520. 1540. 1565. 1585. 1600. Why does this period start here?. Columbus Discovered America. Age of Exploration. 1492. 1520. 1540. 1565. 1585. 1600. Spanish founded St. Augustine.
Timeline of American History 1492 1607 1800 1865 1900 1991
Age of Exploration 1492 1520 1540 1565 1585 1600 Why does this period start here? Columbus Discovered America
Age of Exploration 1492 1520 1540 1565 1585 1600 Spanish founded St. Augustine Spanish founded St. Augustine
Colonial Period 1607 1620 1649 1682 1754 1763 Why does this period start here? Founding of Jamestown
Colonial Period 1607 1620 1649 1682 1754 1763 William Penn founded Pennsylvania William Penn founded Pennsylvania
Colonial Period 1607 1620 1649 1682 1754 1763 Start of the French & Indian War Start of the French & Indian War
Colonial Period 1607 1620 1649 1682 1754 1763 Mayflower Compact Mayflower Compact
Colonial Period 1607 1619 1630 1730 1754 1763 Puritans settle Massachusetts Bay Puritans settle Massachusetts Bay
Colonial Period 1607 1619 1630 1730 1754 1763 Why is this date important? House of Burgesses began; 1st African-Americans came to Virginia
Revolutionary Period 1763 1765 1770 1776 1781 1787 Why does the Revolution start here? After they defeated the French, the British ended salutary neglect of its 13 colonies.
Revolutionary Period 1763 1765 1770 1776 1781 1787 Stamp Act Stamp Act
Revolutionary Period 1763 1765 1770 1776 1781 1787 Declaration of Independence Declaration of Independence
Revolutionary Period 1763 1765 1770 1776 1781 1787 British surrendered at Yorktown British surrendered at Yorktown
Revolutionary Period 1763 1765 1770 1776 1781 1787 What began on this date? Constitutional Convention
Federalist Era 1789 1792 1794 1796 1798 1800 The new constitution included a strong federal (national) government. Why is this called the Federalist Era?
Federalist Era 1789 1792 1794 1796 1798 1800 Alien & Sedition Acts Alien & Sedition Acts
Federalist Era 1789 1792 1794 1796 1798 1800 John Adams is elected president. Adams is the only President whose VP belonged to a different party who was he? Thomas Jefferson John Adams is elected president.
Jeffersonian Democracy 1800 1803 1807 1812 1815 1820 What 3 Virginians were president in this era? Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe
Jeffersonian Democracy 1800 1803 1807 1812 1815 1820 Embargo Act Embargo Act
Jeffersonian Democracy 1800 1803 1807 1812 1815 1820 Louisiana Purchase Louisiana Purchase
Jeffersonian Democracy 1800 1803 1807 1812 1815 1820 End of the War of 1812 End of the War of 1812
Jeffersonian Democracy 1800 1803 1808 1812 1815 1820 Madison is Elected President Madison is elected President
Era of Good Feelings 1815 1816 1820 1823 1824 1825 Why is this called the Era of Good Feelings End of the War brought a growth of national pride and prosperity.
Era of Good Feelings 1815 1816 1820 1823 1824 1825 Monroe Doctrine Monroe Doctrine
Era of Good Feelings 1815 1816 1820 1823 1824 1825 Erie Canal Opens Erie Canal Opens
Era of Good Feelings 1815 1816 1820 1823 1824 1825 During this era Henry Clay pushed the American System. What was this program about? Building roads, bridges, canals, schools—internal improvements.
Era of Good Feelings 1815 1816 1820 1823 1824 1825 What happened in this election? Jackson cried “corrupt bargain” after failing to get a majority of electoral votes, and losing to John Quincy Adams in the House.
Jacksonian Democracy 1828 1830 1832 1837 1840 1848 Why was Jackson’s election symbolic of the Era of the Common Man? The first western president was elected due to universal white male suffrage.
Jacksonian Democracy 1828 1830 1832 1837 1840 1848 Indian Removal Act Indian Removal Act
Manifest Destiny/Westward Expansion 1840 1848 1869 1876 1887 1890 What did John L. Sullivan mean by Manifest Destiny? It was our God given right to expand to the Pacific & govern inferior races.
Manifest Destiny/Westward Expansion 1840 1848 1869 1876 1887 1890 Mexican War ended. Mexican War ended.
Manifest Destiny/Westward Expansion 1840 1848 1869 1876 1887 1890 Battle of Little Bighorn Who died in this battle? Custer Battle of Little Bighorn
Manifest Destiny/Westward Expansion 1840 1848 1869 1876 1887 1890 Completion of the Transcontinental RR Completion of the Transcontinental RR
Manifest Destiny/Westward Expansion 1840 1848 1869 1876 1887 1890 Dawes Act Dawes Act
Manifest Destiny/Westward Expansion 1840 1848 1869 1876 1887 1890 Why is this the end of the frontier? Wounded Knee & Statehood for remaining western states.
Antebellum Period 1793 1815 1825 1849 1854 1860 What does antebellum mean? Before the Civil War
Antebellum Period 1793 1815 1825 1849 1854 1860 Seneca Falls Convention Seneca Falls Convention
Antebellum Period 1793 1815 1825 1849 1854 1860 Kansas Nebraska Act Kansas Nebraska Act
Civil War 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 Why did the Civil War begin here? Election of Abraham Lincoln
Civil War 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 Emancipation Proclamation went into effect. Emancipation Proclamation went into effect.
Reconstruction 1865 1867 1868 1870 1873 1877 Why is this period called reconstruction? Rebuild the union after the Civil War
Reconstruction 1865 1867 1868 1870 1873 1877 Impeachment of Andrew Jackson Impeachment of Andrew Johnson
Reconstruction 1865 1867 1868 1870 1873 1877 Why did reconstruction end on this date? Compromise of 1877 traded the presidency to the republicans for the withdrawal of the army from the south.
Reconstruction 1865 1867 1868 1870 1873 1877 What amendments were passed during reconstruction & what did they do? 13th – end slavery, 14th – citizenship, 15th - right to vote
Gilded Age 1868 1872 1882 1892 1896 1901 Why did this era begin here? Ulysses S. Grant’s election to the presidency marked the beginning of a period of massive political corruption and extreme wealth.
Gilded Age 1868 1872 1882 1892 1896 1901 Plessy v. Ferguson Plessy v. Ferguson
Gilded Age 1868 1872 1882 1892 1896 1901 Knights of Labor Began Knights of Labor began.
Gilded Age 1868 1872 1882 1892 1896 1901 Homestead Strike Homestead Strike
Populist Movement 1892 1894 1896 1897 1898 1900 Cross of Gold Speech Cross of Gold Speech
Populist Movement 1892 1894 1896 1897 1898 1900 Omaha Platform Omaha Platform