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KESESUAIAN LAHAN UNTUK HUTAN TANAMAN. Kuliah STELA – Smno fpub mei 2013. KESESUAIAN LAHAN UNTUK HUTAN TANAMAN. Penilaian kesesuaian lahan berikut nini dilakukan untuk spesies-spesies yg telah ada di lokasi penelitian :

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  2. KESESUAIAN LAHAN UNTUK HUTAN TANAMAN Penilaiankesesuaianlahanberikutninidilakukanuntukspesies-spesiesygtelahadadilokasipenelitian : Quercussuber, Tetraclinisarticulata, Pinushalepensis, andEucaliptuscamaldulensis. Metodeygdigunakanberdasarkanpadapedomanevaluasilahan F.A.O "Land evaluation for forestry" (1984). The land suitability, whose target is to find better and more suitable places for the implementation of forestry species, analyses soil conditions and climatic factors. Sumber: http://www.iao.florence.it/training/geomatics/BenSlimane/Marocco21_4_2_3.htm

  3. KESESUAIAN LAHAN UNTUK HUTAN TANAMAN Data-data ygdiperlukanuntukevaluasilahanbagihutantanamanadalah: Karakteristiklahan, data sosial-ekonomi, analisis B/C ratio. Lokasipenelitianmempunyaiperansosial-ekonomi yang snagatpenting. Hutan “Ben Slimane” yang lokasinyadekatdnegankota-kota Moroccan, Rabat danCasablanca, dianggapsangatsesuaiuntukobyekwisata; jugaadalokasi yang dimanfatakansebagailokasi animal grazing dan “cork harvesting” bagipenduduksekitar. For these reasons the species considered for land suitability are those, among the natural and artificial forest species, that allow a sustainable economy for tourism, pasture, and the production of fuel and paper wood. Sumber: http://www.iao.florence.it/training/geomatics/BenSlimane/Marocco21_4_2_3.htm

  4. KESESUAIAN LAHAN UNTUK HUTAN TANAMAN Methodologi Tahapanmetodologi F.A.O adalahsbb: Pemilihanspesies; Determination of ecological parameters that enable to understand the species behaviour regarding edaphic and environmental conditions; Penentuankelasuntuksetiap parameter ekologis; Pengumpulan data geomorfologi (slope) dan data tanah (drainage, pH, depth, texture, organic carbon, calcium carbonate, and coarse fragment); Pengolahan Data. Sumber: http://www.iao.florence.it/training/geomatics/BenSlimane/Marocco21_4_2_3.htm

  5. KESESUAIAN LAHAN UNTUK HUTAN TANAMAN Climatic data such as elevation range, mean annual temperature, and mean annual rainfall were not considered because of the homogeneity of the study area from this point of view. Each class of every ecological parameter was classified with a determined value for each species. The value ranges from zero (worst conditions) to one (optimum conditions). This was done to show the behaviour of the species regarding the chosen parameters as shown in the Table 42 - Table 48. Sumber: http://www.iao.florence.it/training/geomatics/BenSlimane/Marocco21_4_2_3.htm

  6. HUTAN TANAMAN JABON Hutantanaman jati-jabon-saradan-madiun-febr2013

  7. HUTAN TANAMAN MAHONI (Swietenia mahagoni Jacq) Mahonitermasukpohonbesardengantinggipohonmencapai 35-40 m dan diameter mencapai 125 cm. Batanglurusberbentuksilindrisdantidakberbanir. Kulitluarberwarnacokelatkehitaman, beralurdangkalsepertisisik, sedangkankulitbatangberwarnaabu-abudanhalusketikamasihmuda, berubahmenjadicokelattua, beralurdanmengelupassetelahtua. Mahonibaruberbungasetelahberumur 7 tahun, mahkotabunganyasilindris, kuningkecoklatan, benang sari melekatpadamahkota, kepala sari putih, kuningkecoklatan. Buahnyabuahkotak, bulattelur, berlekuk lima, warnanyacokelat. Bijipipih, warnanyahitamataucokelat. Sumber: http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahoni

  8. HUTAN TANAMAN PohonmahoniBERKEMAMPUAN mengurangipolusiudarasekitar 47% - 69% sehinggadisebutsebagaipohonpelindungsekaligus filter udaradandaerahtangkapanair (KhosimdanLubis, 2006). Daun-daunnyadapatmenyerappolutan-polutandisekitarnya. Sebaliknya, dedaunanituakanmelepaskanoksigen (O2) yang membuatudaradisekitarnyamenjadisegar. Ketikahujanturun, tanahdanakar-akarpepohonanituakanmengikat air yang jatuh, sehinggamenjadicadanganair. Khosim, A. danK. M. Lubis.2006. Geografiuntuk SMA kelasXI.Jakarta: Grasindo. Sumber: http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahoni

  9. HUTAN TANAMAN Mahonidapattumbuhdengansuburdipasirpayaudekatdenganpantaidanmenyukaitempat yang cukupsinarmataharilangsung. Tanamaninitermasukjenistanaman yang mampubertahanhidupditanahgersangsekalipun. Walaupuntidakdisiramiselamaberbulan-bulan, mahonimasihmampuuntukbertahanhidup. Syaratlokasiuntukbudidayamahonidiantaranyaadalahketinggianlahanmaksimum 1.500 meter dpl, curahhujan 1.524-5.085 mm/tahun, dansuhuudara 11-36 C. Sumber: http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahoni

  10. HUTAN TANAMAN SyaratTumbuhMahoni (Swieteniamahagoni (L.) Jacq.)Tanamanmahoniinimerupakantanamantropisdanbanyakditemukantumbuh liar dihutanjatidantempat-tempat lain yang dekatdenganpantai. Tanamaninidapattumbuhdengansuburdipasirpayaudekatdenganpantai. Tanamaninimenyukaitempat yang cukupsinarmataharilangsung (tidakternaungi). Tanamaninitermasukjenistanaman yang tahanhidupditanahgersang. Walaupuntidakdisiramiselamaberbulan-bulan, mahonimasihmampuuntukbertahanhidup. Perbanyakantanamandapatdilakukandenganbiji, bisajugadengancangkokatauokulasi. Untuktanamanmahoni yang akandigunakansebagaitanamanobat, makatidakbolehdiberipupukkimia (anorganik) maupunpestisida (Nair, 2000). Sumber: http://darulimanblog.blogspot.com/2010/07/pohon-mahoni-payung-satu-benih.html …

  11. HUTAN TANAMAN The Swieteniamacrophylla King, according to Lamb (1966) and Barros et al (1992), given the large area of occurrence of mahogany, and only in the Brazilian Amazon covers about 1.5 million km². It occurs in various soil conditions, from deep soil, poorly drained, acidic clay soils to well-drained alkaline soils that come from limestone plateau. Sumber: … ECOLOGY AND SILVICULTURE OF MAHOGANY (Swieteniamacrophylla KING) IN THE WESTERN BRAZILIAN AMAZON . Paulo LuizContente de Barros, dkk. 2011.

  12. HUTAN TANAMAN Sombroek& Sampaio (1962): the predominant soil of occurrence of mahogany, is yellow podzolic soil with high base saturation and predominantly with imperfect drainage and rich in exchangeable bases. Similar to the soil, the climate in general terms given the extent of the species occurrence, some average data can be assumed: i) Average annual rainfall is approximately 2,000 mm; ii) average temperature varies from 23°C to 26°C, but depending on the region temperature may be lower, given the cold phenomenon, which occurs in the region between the states of Acre and Rondoniafor 3 to 80 days a year. SOMBROEK, W. G. & J. B. SAMPAI° 1962. Reconnaissance soil survey of the Araguaia mahogany area. FAO, Comissão de Solos, Belém, Pará, Brasil. Relatório, 61 pp. Sumber: … ECOLOGY AND SILVICULTURE OF MAHOGANY (Swieteniamacrophylla KING) IN THE WESTERN BRAZILIAN AMAZON . Paulo LuizContente de Barros, dkk. 2011.

  13. HUTAN TANAMAN Lamb (1966): Swieteniamacrophylla, King presents a high phenotypic plasticity, given its capacity to adapt to survive in different ecotypes, even under prolonged drought conditions, with less than 100 mm of rainfall per month in shallow, well-drained soils. Mahogany does not grow well in shaded forests and competition at the root system level. Thus, the species behaves as heliophile growing in an open forest. Since the early 1960s, Lamb (1966), noted that natural regeneration of Swieteniamacrophylla King takes place in places within the forest where sunlight reaches the ground, and where the litter layer is not thick, allowing the radicle to reach the mineral soil easily . LAMB, F.B. (1966). Mahogany in tropical America: Its ecology and management. University of Michigan Press. Ann Arbor. 220 p. Sumber: … ECOLOGY AND SILVICULTURE OF MAHOGANY (Swieteniamacrophylla KING) IN THE WESTERN BRAZILIAN AMAZON . Paulo LuizContente de Barros, dkk. 2011.

  14. HUTAN TANAMAN MAHONI TOLERAN NAUNGAN Barros, et al (1992) and Lamb (1966) cited that the seedlings of Swieteniamacrophylla King in the shade presents low development, given the limited availability of energy for photosynthesis under conditions of understory of dense tropical forests. Mahogany seedlings need light to germinate and develop; therefore, they are classified as heliophila, so that when it occurs in forest openings have excellent growth. BARROS, P.C. de, QUEIROZ, W.T. de, SILVA, J.N.M., ASSIS, F.A. de, COSTA FILHO, P.P., TEREZO, E.F. & BARROS, A.V. de (1992). Natural and artificail reserves of Swieteniamacropylha King in the Brazilian Amazon? Perspectives for conservation. Belém, Brazil. 35 pp. unpublished document. LAMB, F.B. (1966). Mahogany in tropical America: Its ecology and management. University of Michigan Press. Ann Arbor. 220 p. Sumber: … ECOLOGY AND SILVICULTURE OF MAHOGANY (Swieteniamacrophylla KING) IN THE WESTERN BRAZILIAN AMAZON . Paulo LuizContente de Barros, dkk. 2011.

  15. HUTAN TANAMAN EKOLOGI MAHONI In its original habitat, the climate is warm and equable, with temperatures ranging from 16 to 32 deg. C; rainfall varies from 1250 to 2500 mm, coming mostly in summer but spreading almost through the whole year. Best developments have been observed in areas receiving lower rainfall of 1000-1500 mm, in localities not far from the sea, and at elevations near sea level. BIOPHYSICAL LIMITS Altitude: 100-500 m, Mean annual temperature: 16-32 deg. C, Mean annual rainfall: 800-2500 mm Soil type: It thrives best on deep, rich soil and avoids stiff, heavy soils; well-drained sandy soils are best. It is a complete failure in dry localities and poor soils. Sumber: http://www.worldagroforestry.org/treedb2/AFTPDFS/Swietenia_mahagoni.pdf …

  16. HUTAN TANAMAN HABITAT MAHONI Natural distribution from 20°N to 18°S in tropical America. Widely distributed species occurring from the Atlantic regions of south-east Mexico, through Central America (Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama), northern South America (Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru) and across the southern Amazon Basin, in Bolivia and Brazil. Area natural habitat Introduced countries : widely grown across the tropics both on a research scale and as extensive plantations. Plant communities natural area: Semi evergreen and evergreen rain forests, dry forests, moist forests, rain forests, riparian forest, secondary forests . Soil type: water adapted to fine and medium textured soils, not coarse soils, low moisture. Found growing on alluvial soils of considerable fertility, and soils derived from limestone, granite, andesiteand other sedimentary, igneous or metamorphic rock formation. Sumber: … http://webdocs.dow.wur.nl/internet/fem/uk/trees/swimacf.pdf

  17. HUTAN TANAMAN HABITAT pH-KClmaximum 7.0 and minimum 4.0 Soil fertility : It tolerates soils ranging from deep , poorly drained, acid clays of the wooded swamps, to well drained alkaline soils of the limestone uplands. Maximum development is attained on deep, fertile, moist, well-drained, neutral to mildly alkaline soils. Light : shade intolerant, strongly light-demanding “Optimum natural development” ; Under tropical dry forest conditions: annual precipitation of 1000-2000 mm, mean annual temperature of 24°C and potential evapo-transpiration ratio of 1-2. Sumber: … http://webdocs.dow.wur.nl/internet/fem/uk/trees/swimacf.pdf

  18. SENGON : Paraserianthesfalcataria (L.) Nielsen Sengondijumpaisecaraalamidihutanluruhdauncampurandiwilayahlembabdanugahari, dengancurahhujanantara 1.000–5.000 mm pertahun. Pohoniniditemukanjugadihutan-hutansekunder, disepanjangtepiansungai, dandisabana, hinggaketinggian 1.800 m dpl. Sengonberadaptasidenganbaikpadatanah-tanahmiskin, ber-pH tinggi, atau yang mengandunggaram; jugatumbuhbaikditanahaluviallateritikdantanahberpasirbekastambang. Di Indonesia, sengonmenyebardiJawa, Bali, dan Nusa Tenggara; dibawadandibudidayakandi Sumatra danKalimantan. Sumber: ICRAF Agroforestry Tree Database: Albiziachinensis (Osbeck) Merril…

  19. SENGON : Paraserianthesfalcataria(L.) Nielsen PENYEBARAN DAN HABITAT SENGON Sebaranalamidi Maluku, Papua Nugini, kep. Solomon danBismark. Banyakditanamdidaerahtropis. Species pionir, terutamaterdapatdihutanhujandataranrendahsekunderatauhutanpegununganrendah. Tumbuhmulaipantaisampai1600 mdpl, optimum 0-800 mdpl. Dapatberadaptasidenganiklim monsoon danlembabdengancurahhujan200-2700 mm/thdenganbulankeringsampai 4 bulan. Dapatditanampadatapakyang tidaksuburtanpadipupuk. Tidaktumbuhsuburpadalahanberdrainasejelek; sengon species yang memerlukancahaya, species ygcepatpertumbuhannya, mamputumbuh 8 m/tahundalamtahunpertamapenanaman. Sumber: http://www.dephut.go.id/INFORMASI/RRL/IFSP/Paraserianthes_falcataria.pdf…

  20. SENGON : Paraserianthesfalcataria (L.) Nielsen Falcatariaoccurs naturally in Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and the Solomon Islands from 10o S to 30o N.  In its natural habitat it grows from sea level to 1200 m above sea level with an annual rainfall from 2000-4000 mm, a dry season of less than 2 months, and a temperature range of 22o to 34o C. Although it is likely to perform better on alkaline soils (NAS 1983), there are many examples of it growing well on acid soils. Correlation and multiple regression analysis show that topsoil depth is the most important indicator of site quality for falcataria (Dalmacio 1987). The most productive sites had at least 19-26 cm of well drained topsoil with at least 3-8% organic matter and an exchangeable potassium of 0.36 meq/100 g of soil. Sumber: http://www.winrock.org/fnrm/factnet/factpub/FACTSH/P_falcataria_bckup.html…

  21. SENGON : Paraserianthesfalcataria (L.) Nielsen Akarsengontumbuh-berkembangdilapisanTANAH atas, lebihdari 50 % total akarutamatumbuhsecarahorisontal. Tingginyakonsentrasi Al-dddilapisantanah-bawahbukanmerupakanfaktorpembatasutamapertumbuhanakarsengon. Faktortanah yang membatasipertumbuhanakarsengonadalahrendahnyaketersediaanP dantingginya BI tanahdilapisanbawah(40-70 cm dan 70-100 cm). Aluminiumberpengaruhtidaklangsungterhadappertumbuhanakar, yaitumelaluipengikatanterhadap P tersediadilapisanbawahsehinggaketersediaan P menjadirendah. Analisispedotransferdenganmempertimbangkanteksturtanah, dapatdipakaisebagialat bantu untukmempertajamdiagnosapembataspertumbuhanakartanaman. Sumber: DIAGNOSIS FAKTOR PENGHAMBAT PERTUMBUHAN AKAR SENGON (Paraserianthesfalcataria L. Nielsen) PADA ULTISOL DI LAMPUNG UTARA. KurniatunHairiah, CiptoSugiarto, Sri RahayuUtami, PratiknyoPurnomosidhidanJames M Roshetko. http://worldagroforestry.org/Sea/Publications/files/journal/JA0024-04.PDF.

  22. SENGON : Paraserianthesfalcataria(L.) Nielsen KesesuaianlahanuntuktanamansengondidaerahKabupatenBoyolalidigolongkandalam 3 kelasdandibedakandalan 4 Sub-kelas. Kelaslahancukupsesuai (S2) seluas 3.415 ha (12.2 persen), denganfaktorpenghambat media perakaran (r) danretensiunsurhara (f). Lahansesuai marginal (S3) seluas 19.668 ha (70.6 persen), faktorpenghambatberupa media perakaran (r), retensiunsurhara (f) dankeadaanlapang (s). Sumber: PemberitaanPenelitian Tanah danPupuk (1992) . Land evaluation for sengon in upland of Jratunseluna watershed, regency Boyolali (Central Java, Indonesia). Kosasih, S.E.; Harijogjo; Marsoedi, D.S.…

  23. SENGON : Paraserianthesfalcataria (L.) Nielsen The preferred site characteristics for Sengoninclude : (i) elevation of 0 - 500 m, (ii) rainfall of 2000-4000 mm per year, (iii) air temperature of 20-34oC, (iv) soil pH from acid to neutral, (v) good drainage and humidity (Ginting, et al., 1996). The tree tolerates a range of soil textures, from light to heavy, but it is intolerant of shade (requires high light input). Sengon flowers throughout the year and produces fruit in June- December; it can be propagated by seed or stump (Pratiwi, 2000). The rotation cycle is generally less than 15 years in order to prevent rotten root. Ginting, A. Ng, Ch. A. Siregar, Masano, Hendromono, M.Y. Mile, danHidayatAS. 1996. PedomanPemilihanJenisPohonUntukHutanTanamandanKesesuaianLahan. BadanPenelitiandanPengembanganKehutanan. DepartemenKehutanan, Jakarta. Pratiwi. 2000. Jenis-jenisPohonandalanSetempat Di PulauJawadan Sumatera BagianSelatan: SebarandanBeberapaData Dasar. Info Hutan. Nomor: 123/2000. PusatPenelitiandanPengembanganHutandanKonservasiHutan, Bogor. Sumber: …http://www.une.edu.au/carbon/CC08.PDF

  24. SENGON : Paraserianthesfalcataria(L.) Nielsen KesesuaianlahanaktualuntuktanamansengondiKecamatanSumbangadalah: Tidaksesuai (N2) seluas 629,51 ha (59,94%) yang terdiridari 585,24 ha (56,19%) denganfaktorpenghambatcurahhujandan 44,27 ha (3,75%) denganfaktorpenghambatcurahhujandanmekanisasilereng. Sesuaimarginal (S3) seluas 93,25 ha (7,91%) denganfaktorpenghambatlerengdan 285,66 ha (24,22%) denganfaktorpenghambatretensihara. Cukupsesuai (S2) seluas 93,58 ha (7,93%) denganfaktorpenghambatreterensiharadan 285,66 ha (24,22%) denganfaktorpenghambattemperatur, curahhujan, mediaperakaran, lereng, retensihara, danbahayaerosi. Sumber: EVALUASI KESESUAIAN LAHAN. UNTUK TANAMAN SENGON (ParaserianthesfalcatariaL.Nielson) DI KECAMATAN SUMBANG KABUPATEN BANYUMAS. 2012 . Adiwibowo M, Sisno, Susilo BS . BudidayaPertanian (Ilmu Tanah). UniversitasJenderalSoedirman.

  25. SENGON : Paraserianthesfalcataria (L.) Nielsen TanamanSengondapattumbuhbaikpadatanahregosol, aluvial, danlatosol yang berteksturlempungberpasirataulempungberdebudengankemasamantanahsekitar pH 6-7. Ketinggiantempat yang optimal untuktanamansengonantara 0 – 800 m dpl. Walapun demikian tanaman sengon ini masih dapat tumbuh sampai ketinggian 1500 m di atas permukaan laut. Sengon termasuk jenis tanaman tropis, sehingga untuk tumbuhnya memerlukan suhu sekitar 18 ° – 27 °C. Curah hujan mempunyai beberapa fungsi untuk tanaman, diantaranya sebagai pelarut zat nutrisi, pembentuk gula dan pati, sarana transpor hara dalam tanaman, pertumbuhan sel dan pembentukan enzim, dan menjaga stabilitas suhu. Tanaman sengon membutuhkan batas curah hujan minimum yang sesuai, yaitu 15 hari hujan dalam 4 bulan terkering, namun juga tidak terlalu basah, dan memiliki curah hujan tahunan yang berkisar antara 2000 – 4000 mm. Kelembabanjugamempengaruhisetiaptanaman. Reaksi setiap tanaman terhadap kelembaban tergantung pada jenis tanaman itu sendiri. Tanaman sengon membutuhkan kelembaban sekitar 50%-75%. Sumber: …

  26. JATI : Tectonagrandis Jatidapattumbuhdidaerahdengancurahhujan1500 – 2000 mm/tahundansuhu 27 – 36°C , baikdidataranrendahmaupundatarantinggi.[1] Tempatyang paling baikuntukpertumbuhanjatiadalahtanahdengan pH 4.5 – 7 dantidakdigenangi air.[2] Jatimemilikidaunberbentukelips yang lebardandapatmencapai 30 – 60 cm saatdewasa.[1]. AkramM, Aftab F. 2007. In vitro micropropagation and rhizogenesis of teak (Tectonagrandis L.). Pak J Biochem Mol Biol 40(3): 125-128. BIOTROP. 2010. Services laboratory – SEAMEO BIOTROP. [terhubungberkala]. http://sl.biotrop.org [5 Feb 2010]. Sumber: … http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jati

  27. JATI : Tectonagrandis Iklimyang cocokadalahiklimdenganmusimkering yang nyata, namuntidakterlalupanjang, dengancurahhujanantara1200-3000 mm pertahundandenganintensitascahaya yang cukuptinggisepanjangtahun. Ketinggiantempat yang optimal adalahantara 0 – 700 m dpl; namundemikianjatimasihdapattumbuhhingga 1300 m dpl. Tanah yang sesuaiadalah yang agakbasa, dengan pH antara 6-8, sarang (memilikiaerasi yang baik), mengandungcukupbanyakkapur (Ca, calcium) danfosfor (P). Jatitidaktahankondisitanah yang tergenangair. Sumber: http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jati …

  28. JATI : Tectonagrandis SyaratTumbuhBudidayaPohonJatidi Indonesia adalahditempat yang beriklimtropis, kalaudi Indonesia sepertiseluruhpulaujawa, sebagianpulausumatra, sulawesiselatan, sulawesitenggara, NTB danmaluku. SyaratTumbuhBudidayaPohonJatisebagaiberikut: 1. Curahhujan 1500-2500mm/tahun.2. Bulankering 2-4 bulan.3. Tinggilokasipenanaman 10-1000 m daripermukaanlaut.4. Intensitascahaya 75-100%.5. pH tanah 4-8.6. Jenistanahlempungberpasir, hindaritanahbecek/rawadancadas. Sumber: … http://satriamadangkara.com/syarat-tumbuh-budidaya-pohon-jati/

  29. JATI : Tectonagrandis Syaratlokasiuntukbudidayajatidiantaranyaketinggianlahanmaksimum 700 meter dpl, suhuudara 13--43° C, pH tanah 6, dankelembapanlingkungan 60--80%, Tanah yang cocokuntukpertumbuhanjatiadalahtanahlempung, lempungberpasir, danliatberpasir. Unsurhara yang banyakdiperlukanuntukpertumbuhanjatiyaknikalsium, fosfor, kalium, dan nitrogen. Sementaraitu, curahhujan optimum yang diperlukanuntukpertumbuhanjatisekitar 1.000-1.500 mm/tahun. Curahhujanberpengaruhterhadapsifatgugurnyadaundankualitasfisikkayu. Secaraalamiah, jatiakanmenggugurkandaunnyasaatmusimkemarau, lalutumbuhkembalipadamusimhujan. Di daerah yang memilikikemarau yang panjang, jatiakanmenggugurkandaunnyadanmenghasilkanlingkarantahun yang artistik. Karenaitu, kayujati yang berasaldaridaerahinimemilikistrukturkayu yang lebihkuatdandikelompokkankedalamjeniskayumewah (fancy wood) ataukayukelas I. Di daerah yang curahhujannyatinggi, tanamanjatitidakmenggugurkandaundanlingkarantahunnyakurangmenarik, sehinggakualitaskayunyalebihrendahdibandingkandengandaerah yang memilikikemaraupanjang. Sumber: … http://agromedia.net/Artikel/syarat-tumbuh-dan-pembibitan-pohon-jati.html

  30. JATI : Tectonagrandis Site effects - growth of plantations The main objective of teak plantation establishment is to produce high quality timber in trees with good or acceptable growth rates. Teak plantations have been established throughout the tropics, within and outside its natural distribution range. This covers a wide range of climatic conditions, i.e. from the equatorial type to the sub-tropical type with a range of rainfall and temperature of 500-3,500 mm and 2°-48°C (minimum and maximum range) respectively (Kaosa-ard, 1981). Soil conditions also vary from infertile acidic to fertile alluvial. A large variation in growth and other tree characters such as stem form, mode of branching, flowering habit and wood quality of the plantation commonly results. The mean annual volume increment (MAI) of teak plantations over a wide range of plantation conditions varies from 2 m3/ha/year to >15 m3/ha/year at the half rotation age of 30-40 years (FAO, 1956; White, 1991; Keogh, 1994). Keogh (1994) recommended that the MAI of teak plantation should be not less than 8m3/ha/year in commercial planting operations. . Sumber: http://www.fao.org/docrep/005/AC773E/ac773e08.htm …

  31. JATI : Tectonagrandis Rainfall and moisture Teak grows naturally over a wide range of climatic condition, from the very dry (500 mm/year) to the very moist (up to 5,000 mm/year) (Seth and Khan, 1958; Kaosa-ard, 1981). Under very dry conditions, the tree is usually stunted and shrubby. Under very moist conditions, the tree is large and fluted and usually behaves like a semi-evergreen species; the wood quality is poor in terms of colour, texture and density. For the production of high quality wood with optimum growth, moisture conditions (as expressed by annual rainfall) should be between 1,200 and 2,500 mm with a marked dry season of 3-5 months (Kaosa-ard, 1981; Keogh, 1987). The dry season refers to a period in which the cumulative rainfall is less than 50 mm per month (Keogh, 1987). Keogh, R. M. 1980. Teak volume growth and thinning practice in the Caribbean, Central America, Venezuela and Colombia. In Proc. IUFRO Working Group S 1 07 09 Symp. on wood production in the neotropics. Inst. Trop. For. Rio Piedras, Puerto Rica. Sumber: http://www.fao.org/docrep/005/AC773E/ac773e08.htm …

  32. JATI : Tectonagrandis KUALITAS TANAH Teak grows best on deep, well-drained alluvial soils derived from limestone, schist, gneiss, shale (and some volcanic rocks, such as basalt. Conversely, the species performs very poorly, in terms of growth and stem form, on dry sandy soil, shallow soil (hard pan soil or lower water table soil), acidic soil (pH < 6.0) derived from laterite or peatbog, and on compacted or waterlogged soil (Kiatpraneet, 1974; Kaosa-ard, 1981; Bunyavejchewin, 1987; Srisuksai, 1991). Sumber: http://www.fao.org/docrep/005/AC773E/ac773e08.htm …

  33. JATI : Tectonagrandis KUALITAS TANAH Teak soil is relatively fertile with high calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), nitrogen (N) and organic matter (OM) contents (Bhatia, 1954; Seth and Yadav, 1958; Samapuddhi, 1963; Kiatpraneet, 1974; Sahunalu, 1970; Kaosa-ard, 1981; Bunyavejchewin, 1987; Srisuksai, 1991). Several studies indicate that teak requires relatively large amounts of calcium for its growth and development, and teak has been named as a calcareous species (Seth and Yadav, 1958; Kaosa-ard, 1981; Tewari, 1992). The amount of calcium content in the soil is also used as an indicator of teak site quality. That is, the greater the proportion of teak to other associate species, the higher the calcium content in the forest soil (Bunyavejchewin, 1983, 1987). Soil pH is another factor limiting the distribution and stand development of the species. Although the range of soil pH in teak forests is wide (5.0-8.0) (Kulkarni, 1951; Samapuddhi, 1963; Bunyavejchewin, 1983, 1987), the optimum pH range for better growth and quality is between 6.5-7.5 (Seth and Yadav, 1959; Kaosa-ard, 1981; Tewari 1992). Kaosa-ard, A. 1993: Teak in Thailand. In: Teak in Asia (edited by H. Wood). FORSPA publication 4, GCP/RAS/I34/ASB. Bangkok. Thailand. Kaosa-ard, A. 1996: Teak (Tectonagrandis Linn. f.). Domestication and Breeding. UNDP/FAO, Los Baños, Phillipines. RAS/91/004 Tewari, D.N. 1992. A monograph on teak (Tectonagrandis) Linn.f. International Book Distributors, Dehra Dun, India. Sumber: http://www.fao.org/docrep/005/AC773E/ac773e08.htm …

  34. JATI : Tectonagrandis CAHAYA - Light Teak has been classified as a pioneer species. Hence, it requires a high light intensity for its growth and development (Kadambi, 1972; Kitinanda, 1969; Kwoboshi, 1974). A study conducted by Kwoboshi (1974) clearly demonstrated the effect of light intensity on the growth and development of teak seedlings; dry matter production of teak seedlings decreases sharply with a decrease in light intensity. In his study, the dry matter production of seedlings grown under low light intensity of 25% (for 8 months) was 0.6 gm as compared with 14.6 gm of seedlings grown under high light intensity of 75% of full daylight. The optimum light intensity for seedling growth and development is between 75-90% (Kwoboshi, 1974). Sumber: http://www.fao.org/docrep/005/AC773E/ac773e08.htm …

  35. JATI : Tectonagrandis Temperature and elevation Temperature and elevation also play important roles in limiting the distribution and growth pattern of the species. It is known that teak grows well under warm and humid conditions. A series of studies in controlled environments indicated that the optimum temperature for growth and development of the species is 27-36°C (Gyi, 1972; Kanchanaburangura, 1976; Kaosa-ard, 1977). This range of temperature is quite normal within teak tropical range. Teak poorly tolerates cold and frost conditions during the winter period. Under frost conditions, seedlings and saplings are severely damaged and die (Kaosa-ard, 1981), one reason why the species cannot grow at elevations over 700 metres. Gyi, K. K. 1972. An Investigation of Factors relevant to Development of Teak Plantation in South East Asia with Particular Reference to Burma. M.Sc. Thesis, Australian National University, Canberra Australia. Kaosa-ard, A. 1981. Teak Its natural distribution and related factors. Nat. His. Bull. Siam. Soc. 29: 55-74. Kanchanaburangura, C. 1976. Teak (Tectonagrandis Linn. f.) Seedlings and Provenance Variation. M.Sc. Thesis, Australian National University, Australia. 216 p. Sumber: http://www.fao.org/docrep/005/AC773E/ac773e08.htm …

  36. JATI : Tectonagrandis Site quality has direct effect on the growth and development of the plantation. The rotation age can be greatly reduced through site selection. Teak grows well on moist sites. To produce high quality timber trees, the site should be subjected to a dry period of 3-5 months duration. Teak soil is deep, well- drained, and alluvial with high calcium, organic matter and other element content. The soil pH is 6.5-7.5. Teak is a light-demanding species. As a result, intensive weeding in 1-5 year-old plantations is very important. Sumber: http://www.fao.org/docrep/005/AC773E/ac773e08.htm …

  37. JATI : Tectonagrandis Hutanjati-Saradan-Madiun-des 2012

  38. JATI : Tectonagrandis Hutan jati-Saradan-Madiun-sept2012

  39. HUTAN TANAMAN SENGON Hutan Rakyat Sengon -Pirwoasri-Kediri-Sept2012

  40. KESESUAIAN LAHAN UNTUK HUTAN TANAMAN Table 42 - Rating danPembobotanuntuk Drainage Tanah Sumber: http://www.iao.florence.it/training/geomatics/BenSlimane/Marocco21_4_2_3.htm

  41. KESESUAIAN LAHAN UNTUK HUTAN TANAMAN Table 43 - Rating untuk slope Sumber: http://www.iao.florence.it/training/geomatics/BenSlimane/Marocco21_4_2_3.htm

  42. KESESUAIAN LAHAN UNTUK HUTAN TANAMAN Table 44 - Rating danPembobotanuntukKedalaman Tanah Sumber: http://www.iao.florence.it/training/geomatics/BenSlimane/Marocco21_4_2_3.htm

  43. KESESUAIAN LAHAN UNTUK HUTAN TANAMAN Table 45 - Rating and weights for soil pH Sumber: http://www.iao.florence.it/training/geomatics/BenSlimane/Marocco21_4_2_3.htm

  44. KESESUAIAN LAHAN UNTUK HUTAN TANAMAN Table 46 - Rating and weights for soil CaCO3 Sumber: http://www.iao.florence.it/training/geomatics/BenSlimane/Marocco21_4_2_3.htm

  45. KESESUAIAN LAHAN UNTUK HUTAN TANAMAN Table 47 - Rating and weights for soil organic carbon Sumber: http://www.iao.florence.it/training/geomatics/BenSlimane/Marocco21_4_2_3.htm

  46. KESESUAIAN LAHAN UNTUK HUTAN TANAMAN Table 48 - Rating and weights for soil texture (USDA classification) Sumber: http://www.iao.florence.it/training/geomatics/BenSlimane/Marocco21_4_2_3.htm

  47. KESESUAIAN LAHAN UNTUK HUTAN TANAMAN Table 49 - Rating and weights for coarse fragments Sumber: http://www.iao.florence.it/training/geomatics/BenSlimane/Marocco21_4_2_3.htm

  48. KESESUAIAN LAHAN UNTUK HUTAN TANAMAN Masing-masingnilaiinikemudiandikalikandnegansuatu “bobot” (nilainyabulat 1-5), untukmendapatkansuatunilai yang mencerminkankepentingansetiap parameter ekologisuntuksetiapspesies. Misalnya “bobot” untukfaktor-faktorpembatas , seperti drainage untukjenistegakanTetraclinisarticulata,ditetapkannilai 1 sedangkan parameter yang perannyasamabagisemuaspesiesdiberibobot t 5. To enhance the limiting factors, the values of each relevé, whose weight was different from one, have been summarised (å 1nx) and divided by the sum of the their weights (å 1nw), and then multiplied by the product of the values whose the weight was equal to 1 (Y). Sumber: http://www.iao.florence.it/training/geomatics/BenSlimane/Marocco21_4_2_3.htm

  49. KESESUAIAN LAHAN UNTUK HUTAN TANAMAN In this way we obtained a number from 0 to 1 for each relevé, that reflects the importance of the limiting factor, giving it more weight because it is multiplied to the final value. Angkainidipakaiuntukmemberikansuatu INDEKS untuksetiapsatuanlahansesuaidengan “facet” yg paling representatifdalam “the relevé”. IndeksinikemudiandikonversimenjadiKelasKesesuaianLahansepertipadaTabel 50. Sumber: http://www.iao.florence.it/training/geomatics/BenSlimane/Marocco21_4_2_3.htm

  50. KESESUAIAN LAHAN UNTUK HUTAN TANAMAN Table 50 – Kelas-kelasKesesuaian. Sumber: http://www.iao.florence.it/training/geomatics/BenSlimane/Marocco21_4_2_3.htm

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