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YMCA (Young Men ’s Christian Association )

YMCA (Young Men ’s Christian Association ). The YMCA (Young Men ’s Christian Association ) is one of the oldest and largest Movements for youth in the world.

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YMCA (Young Men ’s Christian Association )

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  1. YMCA (Young Men’s Christian Association)

  2. The YMCA (Young Men’s Christian Association)isoneof the oldest and largestMovementsforyouth in the world.

  3. Itoperates in 125 countries, and hasover 45 millionmembersworldwide, workstobring social justice and peacetoyoung people and theircommunities, regardlessofreligion, race or culture.

  4. HistoryIn 1844 twelveyoungmen led by George Williams founded the first YMCA in London, England. • History • In 1844 twelveyoungmen led by George Williams founded the first YMCA in London, England. Theirobjectivewas the “improvementof the spiritual conditionof the youngmenengaged in housesof business, by the formationofBibleclasses, family and social prayermeetings, mutualimprovementsocieties, or anyother spiritual agency. Nowit’s based in Geneva, Switzerland.

  5. GOALS: promotes • Education & Training • ClimateChange • Health & HIV/AIDS Prevention • Inter-faithdialogue • Global citizenshipforalltoimprove life in community bydeveloping body, mind and spirit • Food Security • Migration • HumanRightsEducation • EmergencyResponsetoseveralemergencysituationsincluding: Japan (2011), Haiti (2010) • Peace-building Young people in ordertobuild a “human community ofjusticewith love, peace and reconciliationfor the fullnessof life forallcreation”

  6. Principles:- sharing the good news ofJesus Christ - empoweringyoung people and workingtowardsanequitable society- promoting the rightsof women and upholding the rightsofchildren- fostering ( favorire ) dialogue and partnership between people ofdifferentfaiths and ideologies- committingto work in solidaritywithethnicminorities- protecting the earth’s resourcesforcominggenerations - providing immediate assistancetoaffectedcommunitiessuchasfood, medicine, education

  7. The Global YMCA Movementadvocates on YouthEmpowermentfor: • Decision-Making: Youthparticipation and leadership in alllevelsof society • Employment: Training opportunities and Entrepreneurship • Peace and Reconciliation: Promotion ofrespectfordifferences and dialogue.

  8. YMCAis also a song by the village people

  9. Achiropita Acri III C

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