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SSCI #1301 DARPA OASIS PI MEETING – Santa Fe, NM - Jul 24-27, 2001 Intelligent Active Profiling for Detection and Intent Inference of Insider Threat in Information Systems.
SSCI #1301DARPA OASIS PI MEETING – Santa Fe, NM - Jul 24-27, 2001Intelligent Active Profiling for Detection and Intent Inference of Insider Threat in Information Systems Joao B. D. Cabrera and Raman K. Mehra Scientific Systems Company, Inc. Lundy Lewis Wenke Lee Aprisma Inc. North Carolina State Univ. SBIR Phase I Topic No. SB002-039 Contract No. DAAH01-01-C-R027
ObjectiveClassifying and Responding to Insider Threats • Objectives: Design and evaluate IDSs capable of classifying and responding to Insider Threats; investigate the use of Network Management Systems as a vehicle. • * Misuse/Intrusion Tolerance is achieved by having an adequate and timely response. • * Technology: Statistical Pattern Recognition and AI for the design of detectors and classifiers; NMSs for data collection and response coordination. • * Approach: Utilize the Benchmark Problem for proof-of-concept studies; examine the applicability of NMSs and peripherals for monitoring and response.
Towards Adequate and Timely Response • Adequate: • High Accuracy – Few False Alarms, Lots of Detections. • Distinguish among attacks – Different attacks elicit different types of response. • Distinguish faults from attacks. • Timely: • Detect the Attack before it is too late to respond.
Question 1: What threats/attacks are your project considering ? * Insider Attacks: Password stealing, unauthorized database access, email snooping, etc. * For proof-of-concept purposes, we investigated the Benchmark Problem of System Calls made by Unix’s sendmail. * However, the technologies and tools we are developing are applicable to any situation in which the observables are sequences of possibly correlated categorical variables – Audit Records by BSM in Unix or Object Access Auditing in Windows NT.
Question 2: What assumptions do your project make ? 1. Data sets corresponding to normal, malicious and faulty behavior are available for the construction and testing of detection schemes – Training Stage and Testing Stage. 2. The observables for normal, malicious and faulty behavior are sequences of categorical variables. 3. Patterns capable of differentiating between different types of malicious activity and faults exist, and are learnable by special purpose algorithms – verified in the effort. 4. If 3. is possible, there is time to take preventive action when malicious activity is detected.
Question 3: What policies can your project enforce ? * If the detection system accuses the presence of malicious activity, a response will be triggered. * For the specific case of the Benchmark Problem, typical responses would be to kill the process, or delay its execution till time out. * Intent Inference gives the capability of specializing the response. The project aims to develop a capability – Intent Inference- which can be used as a component of Intrusion Tolerant Architectures.
Benchmark ProblemDetect malicious activity by monitoring System Calls made by Privileged Processesin Unix * Originally suggested by C. Ko, G. Fink, and K. Levitt – 1994. * Extensively studied by the UNM Group (S. Forrest and others), starting with “A Sense of Self for Unix Processes” – 1996. * Programs: sendmail, lpr, ls, ftp, finger … * Well Investigated Problem – Our results could be compared with previous efforts. * We concentrated on sendmail – Data sets for six types of anomalies (five attacks and one fault) are available.
Benchmark Problem(cont.) *UNM Finding: A relatively small dictionary of short sequences (901 sequences of length 6 for sendmail) provides a very good characterization of normality for several Unix processes. * The dictionary is constructed using a Training Set of Normal behavior. * Sequences not belonging to this dictionary are called abnormal sequences. * Intrusions are detected if a process contains “too many” abnormal sequences. * Processes are labeled as normal or intrusions – All intrusions receive the same label.
Anomaly Count Detector (UNM) • Determining the Threshold: • Anomalous Traces not available – Anomaly Detection Problem. • Anomalous Traces available – Classification Problem.
Anomaly Count Detector - Statistics • Typical Results: • A2, A3, A4, A5 detectable (anomaly counts well above normal). • A1 – decode intrusion – Not Detectable.
This Project: Specific Objectives and Accomplishments • 1. Intent Inference: • Demonstrated the feasibility of performing Intent Inference based on sequences of OS calls for sendmail. • The classification results were quantified and compared with the detection results by UNM. • Fusion of Detection Systems: • Demonstrated the improvement of detection rates gained by combining the proposed scheme for Intent Inference with the UNM scheme for detection based on Anomaly Counts.
Intent Inference * We pose the problem of Intent Inference as distinguishing between types of attacks and faults using the sequences of OS calls. * From the statistical point of view, this is a classification problem. The main issue is to find features that cluster the different types of attacks and faults.
Looking for Features Returning to the space of OS Calls * Balance between small within-class-scatter (elements in each class as clustered as possible) and large between-class-scatter (classes as separated as possible). * The Abnormal Sequences corresponding to each Anomaly can also be viewed as Features. Do they have any Discriminating Power ?
Discriminating Power of Anomalous Sequences(Anomalies for which Multiple Traces are available) * It was observed that the Anomalous Sequences are distinct for each Anomaly Type (large between-class-scatter), and appear consistently in all traces of a given Anomaly (small within-class-scatter). The Anomalous Sequences are good discriminators.
Why this is so ? • * Anomalous Processes are the superposition of large sections of Normal Actions reflecting the Normal Behavior of the Program (typically 90%) and a small, concentrated sequence of very specific actions associated with the Anomaly. • * Different anomalies are related to different actions, and it is reasonable to expect that these distinctions would be apparent. • * It is remarkable however that this separation could be observed at the level of OS Calls. • The Anomalous Sequences serve as signatures for the Anomalies – These are statistical signatures, extracted by an automatic procedure, not by domain knowledge.
Constructing a Classifier based on Anomalous Sequences • Extract the Normal Dictionary. • For each Anomaly Type, record the corresponding Anomalous Sequences – Call the set of these sequences as the Anomaly Dictionary for the Anomaly. After Training, there will be N Anomaly Dictionaries. • Incoming Processes are labeled according to matches with the Anomaly Dictionaries – the Anomaly with most matches is selected. • Processes for which no match is found are labeled as Normal.
String Matching Classifier * The operation is as simple as the Anomaly Count Detector, but the Memory Storage Requirements are typically 70% less.
Performance Evaluation(Testing Set – average of 4,000 combinations) • 100% performance for A1 and A2 for k > 5. A1 is detected, which is not possible using Anomaly Counts. • No False Alarms for k < 8.
Performance Evaluation (cont.) • Poor Performance for Unknown Anomalies – Mislabeled as one of the Known Anomalies. • 20% of the Fault Anomalies are missed.
Improving the Performance of the String Matching Classifier • The Performance of the Classifier can be improved by combining it with the Anomaly Count Detector: • Processes with Anomaly Counts above the Detection Threshold, are labeled as Anomalous, regardless of matches with the Anomaly Dictionaries – following this procedure, the 20% of Faults are labeled as Unknown Anomalies. • Anomalies with matches with more than one Anomaly Dictionary are labeled as Unknown Anomalies – following this procedure, the Unknown Anomalies A4 and A5 are corrected labeled.
Summary (Phase I) * Demonstrated the feasibility of using sequences of OS calls for the classification of Anomalies effected by Privileged Programs in Unix – String Matching Classifier. * Correct classification of Anomalies allows a more specific response – an important capability for Intrusion Tolerance. * Sequences of systems calls were shown to be Statistical Signatures for the Anomalies. * Combining the String Matching Classifier with the Anomaly Count Detector – The Anomaly Count Detector detects Unknown Attacks, while the String Matching Classifier allows accurate characterization of Known Attacks.
Further Work (Phase II) Towards a Host-Based System for Classification of Intrusions • * Verify if the Paradigm of Statistical Signatures holds for other scenarios – Audit Trails in Unix and Windows NT. • * Combination of data-based schemes with Domain Knowledge – using Automated Rules to construct more complete Normal Dictionaries at the level of OS Calls. • * Integration with NMS modules: • At the System and Application Management Level: Using available COTS peripherals to construct a Host-Based IDS and the attending response infrastructure. • At the Network Management Level: Using the COTS systems to integrate the outputs of the IDS with other elements of the Infrastructure.