Odry graveyard There are the most well-known and well-preserved burial stone circles which are one of the most valuable cultural landscapes of this type in Europe. The sanctuary with Stone Circles in Odry is a permanent exhibition of archeology and nature, and is also popular among tourists.
1874 – thearcheologistfrom Gdańsk, Abraham Lissauerstatedthe period whenthisobject was created as theNeolithicbasing his research on fragments of flint toolsthathefound. • 1940 – Germany securedthecemetery as a „Germanicsanctuary” • At the turn of 80s and 90s of twentiethcenturyastronomers from the University of Poznań stateddefinitivelythat the linemarkingsunrise was chosen in random. Thisfactoverthrowprevioushypothesis, according to which the circlesweresomekind of „astronomiccalendar”
Thecemeteryconsists of: • stonecircles • flatgraves • graves of earliercultures • It was found out thatthecemetery was thesite of convening Odry rhodium-tribalgatheringsbetweenthecircles.
Odry Stone Circles is the place considered as magic. A special place called ‘ellipse’ which focuses the energy of the Earth and Cosmos was designated there. Many people staying there claim that they feel relaxed and can get rid of headache. Radiation studies have been carried out within ‘ellipse’ and showed the value of 120000 units of Bovis scale, while the radiation above 50000 units is considered to be supernatural. There is also red water in this place. This phenomenon cannot be explained. It is very extraordinary.