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South Florida Workforce. OBJECTIVE. Educate South Florida Workforce (SFW) System staff and service providers on the Employed Worker Training Program (EWTP) Policy and Procedures.. South Florida Workforce. GOALS. Performance Impact.Understand what EWTP is.Identify who may participate.Know how much can be allocated.When EWTP can occur.How to process an EWTP.Time limits or length of EWTP. .
2. South Florida Workforce OBJECTIVE Educate South Florida Workforce (SFW) System staff and service providers on the Employed Worker Training Program (EWTP) Policy and Procedures.
3. South Florida Workforce GOALS Performance Impact.
Understand what EWTP is.
Identify who may participate.
Know how much can be allocated.
When EWTP can occur.
How to process an EWTP.
Time limits or length of EWTP.
4. South Florida Workforce PERFORMANCE IMPACT Adult Employment and Credential Rate;
Adult Employment Retention Rate at Six Months;
Adult Average Earnings Change in Six Months;
WIA Overall Employment Rate Inclusive of Employed Workers.
5. South Florida Workforce POLICY PRESENTION WHAT?
6. South Florida Workforce WHAT IS EWTP? EWTP assists employed workers climb the career ladder towards or to maintain economic self-sufficiency as their employers evolves as a result of change.
EWTP could be a hybrid of OJT and Customized Training and or OJT and Customized Training for employed workers individually.
7. South Florida Workforce WHAT DOES EWTP PROVIDE?
EWTP provides training options to both the employer and the employed worker.
Hybrid of OJT and Customized Training and or individual OJT and Customized Training.
8. South Florida Workforce WHO (Participant) Employed Workers
Employed adults (18 years and older) who are deemed in need of training in order to obtain a new position within their current employer’s operation or for those employed adults who are at risk of losing their employment unless additional training or services are received. In both instances the training provided, to eligible employed adults, must lead the participant to self–sufficiency as defined by the SFW.
9. South Florida Workforce WHO (Employer) The employer must have been operating in Miami-Dade or Monroe county for a minimum of one year prior to the date of application;
Must be fully licensed to conduct business in Miami-Dade or Monroe county;
Must have at least one full-time employee;
Must demonstrate financial viability (a favorable report from Dun and Bradstreet or SEC 10K schedule or submission of any of the following: current financial audit (no more than two years old) or financial compilation prepared by a certified public accountant, Federal Income Tax Return (no more than two years old);
10. South Florida Workforce WHO (Employer) Must be current on all federal, state and/or local tax obligations;
Must be able to provide a written “Need for Training” statement for each employed worker as follows:
With application:
Employee(s) current job title(s) and projected post-training job title(s)
Employee(s) current wage(s) and projected post-training wage(s)
11. South Florida Workforce WHEN EWTP should be used when an employer is shifting production and marketing strategies resulting in an adjustment to business plan that would demote or remove existing positions and create new ones requiring a different skill set.
12. South Florida Workforce HOW MUCH Employers may be reimbursed up to $50,000, inclusive of Customized Training and OJT based on selection process but that does not require SFW Board approval.
Employers may be reimbursed above $50,000, inclusive of Customized Training and OJT by SFW Board approval.
13. South Florida Workforce LENGTH OJT AND Customized Training guidelines
14. South Florida Workforce GUIDING PRINCIPLES Funding availability (from established training pool);
The request for training is received as outlined in the “Application Review” section;
Employer submitting application meets the application criteria. (Internal Monitoring Office review);
The training relates to the introduction of new technologies, introduction of new production or service procedures and/or upgrading to new jobs that require additional skills or workplace literacy;
Employee(s) meet the WIA EWTP eligibility criteria.
15. South Florida Workforce GUIDING PRINCIPLES
EWTP eligible Participants must be assessed for aptitude and interest in training;
16. South Florida Workforce GUIDING PRINCIPLES Employers must provide documentation of the reason that the employee(s) need the training:
Adults who do not meet the definition of Self-Sufficiency:
“The employee must be in need of training in order to obtain employment within the employer organization that will lead to self-sufficiency” Include employees’ name, social security number, current wage information and projected wage after training.
Adults who do meet the definition of Self-Sufficiency:
“Employee will not be retained by the employer unless additional training or services are received”
17. South Florida Workforce GUIDING PRINCIPLES Request funding in occupations and industries that have been prioritized through the High Skills/High Wage Committee and approved by the full Board.
Request to upgrade skills of employees in the region’s targeted occupations (refer to Targeted Occupation List), and/or in an occupation that is vital to the economic viability of the community.
18. South Florida Workforce GUIDING PRINCIPLES In their application demonstrate a significant upgrade in employee skills that will therefore lead to their employees retaining self-sufficient employment or obtaining self-sufficiency as applicable.
19. South Florida Workforce GUIDING PRINCIPLES
General standards that apply to OJT and Customized Training.